Saturday, August 24, 2013

אזוי האבען אמאליגע רבנים זיך אנגענומען פאר אידישע טעכטער


  1. this Pesak of Rav Verner is taken out of context, by the Apikorsim writers of Der Tog
    We need to know the background of this episode.

  2. I don't think you can believe what you read in this anti-frum paper.

  3. Tzig,
    Did you check the facts, or since yidishisten you have to don l'kav zchus more then a frime yid and trust every word they are saying(like you usually do)you are taking it for a truth???
    You are really weird dude.
    Bedsides the fact it is a motsi shem ra on Rav Verner zAL


  4. א באנדע נעגאטיווע מענטשן באזוכען דא, אנשטאט זעהן די יופי שבדבר זעהען זיין נאר שלעכטס


  5. yeah, im sure everyone was scratching their heads at this.

  6. but seriously people it is a very nice thing that he did to help save that girl even (though she wasn't overly frum...)

  7. yOFI SHEBADOVOR???A Rov is going along with a freier court?
    Same hateirim were used by the litvakes in comunist times and that's how people became frei. Chabad people laughed at those , by the way.

  8. ya but he wasn't actually matir it he just got the court off her back

  9. This is on an older piece- but would see more views on this post.

    In a letter published this week - in back of the kuntres below - another piece in the Rebbe's correspondence with Rav Hutner, and a few haoros on his sefer.


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