Monday, August 12, 2013

It is the Chazon Ish

See Here


  1. Was it against the law to have kisui rosh by a passport picture?

  2. They have a big package of Chazon Ish items,
    Looks like someone in the Mishpacha needs to raise funds

  3. Maybe Latvia had such a law

  4. It is actually very interesting what you are saying Yankel, I noticed in many pictures, including the Rebbe's father's picture, and my grandfather's picture (who was one of the remaining frum Jews in his area of the USSR), are without yarmulkes, either they may not be wearing them for the photograph, or they are just in the back of the heads...

  5. maybe he was a tzioni mit a kipa sruga

  6. I think it is an embarrassment for the Chazon Ish to print such a picture. Did the auction house ask a Rav if they is allowed to print this? Just for a few dollars you do such a think?!
    The Chazon Ish from the seforim gives you a different picture, kisuy rosh, beard, medakdek and machmir etc., and now here we get a different picture.
    Shame on you auction house!

  7. Efraim
    Reb Leviks picture, is a different story,
    its not a passport photo, its all prep a gulag tribunal,these henchman took a mugshot after the arrest its a total different scenario.

  8. What is the point of the picuture?

  9. the Rebbe's father's picture was in jail.. no comparison to these pictures..

  10. just like i said... it has to be the chazon ish!

  11. I know poland had no such law. I have pictures of passport photos from Lodz and has a big samet koppl.

    I think it was advisable not to have a koppl in a photo for a passport in case you needed to hide your yiddishkeit in pressing time.

    when i got my first passport my mother made us take off our koppels for the pictures incase we emergency land in lybia or something.

  12. maybe, but the pic of the Rebbe in Paris is not in jail.

  13. DJ
    Did someone argue about that?
    Whats your problem exactly?

  14. what's the guy before me's problem exactly?

  15. Even in our time, the law requires you to remove your headcovering for an American or British passport, with an exception made for one who wears a headcoveing daily for religous reasons.I am sure that this "liberal" exception was only added in recent years.

  16. the rebbes passport pic is also without a kappel, it was drawn on later
    apparently in some places you were not allowed to have a head covering for a passport pic

  17. Tzig,
    Am I paranoid for suspecting you of an ulterior motive for publicising an unflattering photo of the Chazon-Ish, in light of what Lubavitch holds of the Chazon Ish???

  18. not paranoid, Kovner. It's a brand new pic of a tekufah never-before-seen, that's up for bid now. It's not some rehashed pic out of the blue.

  19. Hirshel Tzig
    there is a new sefer out on the biggest Ilu in the post war Lita, Reb Mordechai Pogremansky, by some Bitan(Sefardi) of Paris, and edited by the anti chasidic writer, Eliach. He passed away shortly after the war, and the whole yeshiva establishment from the Chazon Ish down cried after him that the life of the upcoming Godal Hadoir was cut short.
    On the front of the cover there is a big photo of him with a nice hair style and very hard to figure if he dons a Yarmulke or not, but inside there is photo of him with no Yarmulke.
    Why the heck this people decided to publicize
    this photo is beyond me? the little that I read he comes across as not only a big goan, also was a big tzadik and very frum Navardoker style, not some cool dude....

  20. rav mottel was a telzer, not a novardhoker.

  21. Fact checker,
    That's the only decent photo of R' Mottel so that's what they used.

  22. Did you see the photo in the sefer too?

  23. The purpose of posting this was zilzul. It is not merely a lack of tzniyus. I would bet - in your brain - you are incapable of articulating what distinguished the Chazon Ish from the rest of the dohr (or from "thousands").

    It is a big rachmunus

  24. Anonymous 7:08 and Kovner,
    Though I"ve had many run ins with Tzig, I can assure you as a long time reader that the pic of the Chazon Ish was posted here NOT as any "zilzul", rather as a an item of interest.I found it very interesting for example.
    True that Tzig does sometimes suffer from the "chabad paranoia" that everybody is out to get them , but he has gotten a bit better, especially as he sees very clearly that this is mostly a "dimyon"

  25. "They have a big package of Chazon Ish items,
    Looks like someone in the Mishpacha needs to raise funds"

    Actually, the family cleaned out the Chazon Ishes apartment really well for the first time, and threw out all sorts of junk. Which an enterprising great nephew took to sell, raising all kinds of issues etc. When I was in EY a few months ago, I heard that there was going to be a Din Torah over the picture. You will note that most CI stuff is TO the CI not from him. Because it was the CI's apartment that they were found in.


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