Wednesday, October 30, 2013

מאמר ד"ה ויכל אלקים ביום השביעי מכ"ק אדמו"ר הרה"ק ר' שלמה זלמן זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע שניאורסאהן מקאפוסט - שני בסדרה


  1. Many of the Maamorim of the 2 main rebbes of Kopust (RAv Shlomo S. Zalman and Rav Shmaryahu Noach of Bobroisk )a re available in print. The rebbe also agreed to publish SHEMEN LAMAOR of Bobroisk in return for various bikhlech the grandchildren of the Bobroisker gave to 770.
    The Likute Drashoth also published countless maamorim of the Bobroisker in the samechs etc.
    Maybe we are on the verge of a rebirth of Kopust that way Chabad can have a Rebbe without violating the concept of no successor to the last Rebbe.

  2. פערד
    און אויך נישט דעם רבינ'ס א פערד. נאר סתם א פערד

  3. The ferd comment was to radloh, כמובן וגם פשוט

  4. Shneur,

    Do we know who these eineklach of Bobruisk are? Do any of them have a netiyah to Chassidus Bichlal or Chabad bifrat?

  5. Shneur
    they are not chasidim at all

  6. The Babruisker's grandson by marriage was Eliyahu Dobkin, a Zionist leader, one of the signers on the deceleration of Independance.

    He has many einiklach in Israel today, some go by the surname Dekel and are prominent contributes to the Israeli society.

    I heard that along with the "Lousiana purchase" engineered by native Babruisker, Reb Binyamin Horodetzky (see the Shaar Blaat of Shemen La'meor, was also included a nursing home.

  7. Babrouisker
    is there not a Barber family that stem from him?

  8. Had 3 grandchildren in Israel One Rav Barbash a lelev chasid was a chashuver Yid who could have been a rebbe the other 2 knew dach. I do not know their children but a Barbash was in 770 on Simchas Tore years ago when I was also there.
    I met a women who was an eynikel of the Bobroisker , a ganz frume..

  9. In the biography ("Sefer Zikaron"?) of RaBaG (=Rabbi Binyomin Gorodetzki), he details how he got the "Shemen LaMaor" printed with the eiyniklach's permission & with the Rebbe's help.

    The journals "Pardes Chabad" & "Heichal HaBeshet" also printed Kapuster-Babroisker etc. maamorim - even from the Rebbe's zeide RaBaSh (=Rabbi Baruch Shalom).

    -- ZIY

  10. Who is the Lekutei Droshes> Liozna? And what does it mean in the Sameches?

  11. Every time I try to download your stuff from Box I get this "user is out of bandwidth" message. Please use a more sensible service like Scribd? Or do they charge more for uploads?


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