Saturday, October 26, 2013

אני שבת" - אמר הרבי מקאצק זיע"א"


  1. ביי וועם אידאס א חידוש?

  2. זעהט אויס נישט יעדער איז אזא חכם און ידען ווי אייך

  3. Kol Shvi'in Chavivin. Nice.

  4. Hirshel
    the punch line is that he was the Doir Hashevie

  5. Ponder this. When you translate from the Yiddish, seemingly the loshon kodesh should read ' Ani Hashabbos'.

    ( Notwithstanding the original Yiddish )

  6. Ani shabos are the first words of the
    Even Ezra shabos letter

  7. There's no problem saying that as long as you don't intimate to your chasidim that you are moshiach...

  8. ס'איז געשריבן אין די זהר הק' אז "תלמיד חכם נקרא שבת."

  9. Kovner
    "There's no problem saying that as long as you don't intimate to your chasidim that you are moshiach..."
    who decides when its a problem? Kovner?

  10. The lubobs missed that in the leading talmidei umamshichei Habeshtno mention of Lubavitch?

  11. Elul
    I dont know what the Lubobs missed or not missed,, but the Kotzkers Brother in law the Ilu of Warsaw, was planing to go to the Tzemach Tzedek of Lubob, after Rebbe Reb Bunim, it was just for the sake of the chabura he stayed by the Kotzker...
    its no lubob story, its printed in all pielish biographies....

  12. He made it to Rizhin...

  13. In Ruzhin, he did not plan to stay,the holy Ruzhiner was a sight that nobody wanted to miss... almost every Rebbe of Poland and galicia (excluded the Belzer ruv)visted the holy ruzhiner

  14. Atvotzker-lubav chosid,
    Did you see me say anything about the Kotzkers brother in law the ilui, (or the kotzkers babbeh..)??

    All I said that the KOTZKER did not appear to think the Lubavitcher dynasty was part of the 6 DAYS OF "shabbos"

    I capitalized it to make it easier for you to understand

  15. I find it ironic that lubavitchers are always preaching hows deep their toras hachassidus is when basic comprehension skills is something many of these "defenders" lack.

    Otvozker, do me a favor....

  16. elul
    but of course not, otherwise he wouldn't be the 7th

  17. Hirshel, i"m not sure i"m understanding you.Please explain what you mean.

  18. 1) what's his connection to Chabad, in any generation! He wasn't a talmid or chossid of any Chabad Rebbe or Talmid/Chossid, so can he claim them to be part of the chain leading up to him?!

    2) if he put in, let's say, the Alter Rebbe he'd be number 8 and Sunday, not Shabbos

  19. elul
    " find it ironic that lubavitchers are always preaching hows deep their toras hachassidus is"
    you think that Nadvorne or krechnif is the real deep stuff? Tanya and Likutie torah is Chabad Pr?
    What a Ferd, Kotzker Rebbe would chase you out of Tomashov, for your ferdishkiet

  20. Elul
    "All I said that the KOTZKER did not appear to think the Lubavitcher dynasty was part of the 6 DAYS OF "shabbos""
    All I said that his Memalie Mokam, thought that Lubavich not only is one day of the six, he thought that its the whole week,its only to put your foolish argument in place , that how far chabad is from Kotzk... I just said that his memalie mokam thought different then the Kotzker and different then Elul..

  21. Hirshel,
    The way I understood it was that the Kotzker saw these six rabbunim as mamshichei derech Habesh"t.Therefore the omission of Baal Hatanya was interesting

  22. Atvotzker-lubav chosid,
    You show a real nasty streak, attacking Nadvorneh and Kretchnif, all because I told you that when we discuss the Kotzker don't bring inthe Chidushei Harim?

    You needto learn some basic logic and not be like the katz and the zauer milech

  23. I beg to differ, elul. It has to lead up to him, which is why he goes the Lublin-Pshischa route. LeDa'ati.

  24. Elul
    who attacked Krechnif and Nadvorna? if I say Peleh Yoetz is not as deep as Moreh Nevochim, then I insulted Peleh Yoetz, there are Peleh Yotz Jews and there are Moreh Necvochim Jews , every shoe size fits for a different foot....
    There are very good Jews in Krechnif too, I loved Reb Hersheles Krechnifers was very zaftig...
    go get your self a life.. bug off from the Kotzker...he despises idiots like you on his team Nadvorne is the right place for you..

  25. atvotzker_lubav.
    instead of being modeh that u jumped and said marines u continúe
    al zeh mermar al taan ksil
    chuchem beeinei atzmoi

  26. Elul
    "instead of being modeh that u jumped and said marines"
    What about the Marines?


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