Monday, October 21, 2013

The tale of the goodie-two-shoes 12 year-old bochur at Maariv מוצש"ק......

..... and why do I have an issue with him?

Maybe it's me? but a 4ft. 4inch 12-year old davening like he has the world on his shoulders ---- is kinda weird to me. Did I mention that he had it all going on? You Yeshivishers will know what I mean: A black velvet yarmulke, no rim, peyos behind the ears - not overdone but very noticeable -  and the hair: a small tshoop, just the edge combed to the side. Being that this was after mincha Shabbos he was already sans the tie. (why wearing a tie to mincha is such a burden I'll never know...) I walked in to shul with a few minutes to spare until maariv, and he was preparing parshas eykev, obviously his bar-mitzvah parsha. At maariv there was at Krias Shma doing the whole thing with trop.... Then at shmone esrei there he was again, when I was at modim he was at Hashiveynu; he spent two minutes on the first brochoh aloneThis kid had it all figured out. He may be the next gadol haDor. Did I mention that he looked like he was 7 years old? So there you have the facts. What I wanna know is why his childish antics - albeit trying to act all grown up Yeshivish holy - get to me! Why was I so, so repulsed (!) by this? Is he the first kid that seems to be serious beyond his 12 years? no. Is it the fact that he was of the Yeshivish extraction/persuasion? Maybe. I can be truthful with you. But I'm not quite sure that this was my issue with his behavior. I'd be probably just as amused if it was a Chassidishe kid. But this kid.... what can I say.... It just was weird. It's good that kids take Yiddishkeit seriously, and I don't think they should wait until they're 17 to get serious. L-rd knows they "grow up" so quickly, let the ruchnius come early too. But this behavior just seemed way too much for this blogger.

Thanks for listening.


  1. there is a Machloke between the Chazon Ish and the Mishne Berura, if to be Marich on Friday night tefilas amida., I guess the Kid holds like the Chazon Ish
    Personally I don't get it, what is there more to do by tefilas amida then Perush Hamilas...
    Let the chachmie Yeshiva explain it...

  2. In the Making of a Godol R' Nosson writes that Der Alter attributed this tuype of behavior to "youthful frumkeit". In Slabodka if a bochur davened too long the other bochurim would place a shtender in back of him so he'd trip while stepping back. I know this kid might have been annoying, I've seen the same thing many times. In this day and age however, just be happy he's davening.

  3. וואלסט די ליב גיהאט דעם אויבערשטין וואלסט די ליב גיהאט זיינע קינדער וואס ווילן מיט אן אמת אים צופרידען שטעלן

  4. כ'גלייב נישט דאס האט מיט'ן אייבערשטען צו טוהן, כ'מיין דאס קינד

  5. velvaleh velvaleh der masmid fun valuzhinWednesday, October 23, 2013 6:40:00 PM

    sinas am haaretz... this kind of kid is harder than most to be mikarev. but if your as ambitious as r yankele galinskys grandchildren, you never give up.

    1. txig
      what do u want from this kid?
      u make fun of his short stature too?
      u need to check urself out
      maybe u overdosed on the kool aid?


    2. Vi kimt a yovon in sikke?

  6. He's just experimenting. I live in Lakewood and I see this all the time. Usually it's a stage and it passes like other narishkeiten at that age (ever since my kids were that age, I've thought that the hardest gmora to understand is the one that says that a 13 year is a bar daas.)

  7. העשי,
    פון היינטיגע פאסט זעהט מען אז די האסט א סאך א סאך "געלערנט"
    לעצטענס, " `קיטעי סיכעס", תאַניאַ, ראמבאַם,און כאסידעס גיט געפעפערט מיט טאויראס באבקעס און לאקשען

    פאר מיר איז געווען אינטערעסאנט ווי אזוי די ביסט געווארען געעקלט רעפּאלסד
    פן א וואוילע און ערענסטער יידיש קינד
    אפשר איז דאס פראסטע קנאה, א בחינה פון ראו מה בין בני לבין חמי,

  8. Ah but when you daven back home you do not see this at all. Oy.

  9. "I see more realistic behavior,"

    You see what you want to seeהאסט א שלעכטען קוק א

  10. איטערעסאנט ווי די בויסט אוף א גאנצע תורת לאקשען פון זען איין בחור'ל אין שול
    ,אין דער זעלבע צייט בא ענק עס דרייען זיך ארום פיל ערוואקסענע וואס זענען ערנסט גייסט קראנקע לכל הדעות
    און דיינע פיצעלאך בחורים נעמסט דו אין בית הקברות מקיים צו זיין מאמרם ז"ל לן בבית הקברות איז א שוטה

  11. אינטרעסאנט איז אז דו ביסט משוגע לדבר אחד

  12. Im just curious how you knew he was up to hashiveinu when you were by modim... Im sure you were just up in olam atzilus in dveikus by davening that like the holy Choizeh you just knew where this yingele was holding in davening... and not watching other people while yourself pretending to daven...

    1. חכם איינער
      I was so taken by this tzaddikel that I poshut had a difficult time concentrating on my davening, which usually is b'dveykus gedolah till atzilus. By the time I got to modim I couldn't help myself but look out of the siddur and see how he's davening!

  13. Where you holding on to your peyos to keep your neshoma mechubar to your guf?

  14. Volvy
    ",אין דער זעלבע צייט בא ענק עס דרייען זיך ארום פיל ערוואקסענע וואס זענען ערנסט גייסט קראנקע לכל הדעות"
    where does your community dump your mental cases, you have a gas chamber for them, like they did in 39-45 Europe


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