Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Reb Mendel Vechter at the Rambam's Tziyun in Tverya yesterday



  1. still has such a Satmar face,
    thinking, if not Chabad, would he be a Zali, Aroni, or Bnie Yoel? probably the latter,protesting against the neo zionists, Duschinsky.Toldos Aron, Avrohom Slonim and Sternbuch, who are digging bones and eating it in their Chulent

  2. please publish
    Worried about the inroads "The Call of the Shofar" has made in Chabad circles, leading rabbis are organizing a gathering.

  3. Is that why he's Davening by the rambam? He can probably help some shofar guys...

  4. don't get religious with it!Tuesday, December 24, 2013 6:09:00 PM

    most of you have never been to Shofar and have no idea what it's about. So shush! If it's assur I'll be the first one to drop it, but this has nothing to do with "filling voids" etc.


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