Monday, December 30, 2013

You had to wonder where all that money was coming from...

Rabbi Deutsch may need to focus on his day job a bit more from hereon in...

Not to meddle in his personal life, but how many private museums are there out there? How does a guy with a desk job and a hobby for history buy all that expensive stuff in the first place? I guess the chickens did come home to roost ---- and they found nothing to roost on when they got there. So with the help of every single news outlet willing to listen and write about it he's trying to sell off. $995k should be within reach, I suppose. NYT story and photo


  1. בנפול אויביך על תשמח

  2. He is brilliant for keeping all his different projects financially separate. He is going to have his other museums swallow it if he can't get it bailed out. Think of how many families in Kan Tziva would be hungry on Shabbos if not for him and his leadership.

  3. על תשמח
    As in dancing on his blood.

  4. He chose to rum away and he was never happy since his friend Piekarski ran away and now comes to crow heights very often he knows with all his money he ain't happy. Larger than life the book was a failure nobody bought it and he would print it again. All the rabbonim in bp told the main stores not to sell it so that's that

  5. Hundreds of anash families are helped by him on a regular basis. Ask CHJCC what they've done lately for anyone.

  6. Liozna fan
    "Hundreds of anash families"
    are this numbers as accurate, as the date of his coins?

  7. Liozna Fan
    "He is brilliant for keeping all his different projects financially separate. He is going to have his other museums swallow it if he can't get it bailed out. Think of how many families in Kan Tziva would be hungry on Shabbos if not for him and his leadership. "
    Are you a PR house, paid by the Rebbe, or we have the honor to chat with the true Chabad Rebbe?

  8. Reb shimi needs to go to the Ohel with a Minyan, and be Mekabel Nezifa..
    I don"t know if this Halacha is valid on your Rebbe too..
    There is a lot of Cheshbon Hanefesh for him to do.
    As a outed forger, the world knows now that some always knew, that his claim that the Rebbe told him to print only historical proofs is a farce. In addition there are many facts that are build on lies. When he was on a high, with a new circle of friends all arch enemies of the Rebbe, as Fogel-Cohen,the infamous Weberman, and Shneur, he fantasized to be the next Pope, got himself a Kolpik,with Bullet proof windows, Police escorts in NY even on his travels to Miami, things looked very uppity for this swindler. His newfound partners in crime raised funds for him in the enemy camp, and the swindler produced for them a book. By now his family deserted him for other reasons, and his house of cards is folding.
    Shimmi, get a mini bus to the Ohel with a minyan, put it on Utube, V'ielai Yislach Loi

  9. Don't you have to do time to qualify as a 'nosi'?

    Otherwise, he's a nice man. I met him in the country a few times by davening on Shabbos.

  10. 4korners
    "Otherwise, he's a nice man. "
    it was Shabos, he could not pickpocket you, your pockets were empty

  11. While hundreds of Lubavitcher bochurim and yungaleit from the best families are attending "Esalen-encounter" sessions on shabbes including two prominent mashpiim and one menahel ,it is quite convenient to bring back the old straw-man :Reb Shimi.How about something on the disintegration of Lubavitch before our eyes?

  12. Serencher, that is outright lushen haro. Heshy how could you not screen such loshon haro? what are you screening for if not issurim?

  13. שמערל

    Profanity, mostly. And attacks against me...

  14. Your question about money can be asked about more than a few shlichim and Chabad rabbonim as well. Men lebt a tog and men lacht zich oys...
    Private museums, New York and the US is chock full of them. Ronnie Lauder(Neue Gallerie on 5th Ave and 86th Street)) has his own private museum of his art collection so do many other people. But culture was a field only 2 people in Chabad knew anything about .
    By the way the Charedi community Chassidim and Roshe yeshiva have been very supportive of his museums.Chedorim yeshivoth, kollelim have all visited the Torah museum There are some very interesting materials there. The rosh kollel of YU visited the place and was very supportive too.
    LARGER THAN LIFE. If a book is evaluated only on its money making properties some very important seforim have never made a penny including most sold by KEHOS.
    Rather larger than Life started the trend to attempt to produce an accurate and objective biography of the Lubavitcher rebbe. Heilman and other books used this book in their own productions. It remains an important source of information about the Rebbe although Heilman has supplanted it in many ways.
    The book is still used at many libraries by those Jews interested in reading an attempt at an accurate depiction of the Rebbe's life lets say something more than produced by JEM. See what it sells for on the ebay site.
    You can knock RSSD charity activities all you want , just go there Thursday night and see the activity - Chassidim , MO, , yshivish etc all helping pack and deliver packages. Its not important if it goes to Flatbush , CH or WH. days before Yontev I asked him to deliver packages to needy in Upper Manhattan and yes these families with large # of children got their food and anonymously by a taxi service.
    You seem angry at his contacting newspapers and media, well what does Lubavitch do all day if not PR work ? which Chassidic movement had a full time PR man and then promoted the pR man to the administrator of their movement ? All RSSD did is learn from his mentor how to use PR and the Nasi of Chabad was an expert in that.Instead of knocking RSSD this site should write about the important events going on in CH these days. the olam wants to know why ?

  15. Dear Sheneur
    you really think that the book from Jem is not based in real sources, vs. your Rebbe Shimmys kiss and tell?

  16. Schneur
    "You seem angry at his contacting newspapers and media, well what does Lubavitch do all day if not PR work ?"
    who is angry on Shimmi using PR?

  17. Schneur
    "which Chassidic movement had a full time PR man"
    Chabad since 1940 in the USA had multiple agendas,Mekas Leinyonie chinuch,national educational system, printing outlet, preserving yiddishkiet in USSR and a shluchim network, with a plan to cover the USA with a new education network. The Rebiem were Rebbes of a Chasidus, plus leaders of a movement, no different then OU,Aguda,Satmar, Rav tov, Yad Leachim Torah Umesorah Umesorah. The Pr persom was not on board to promote the Rebbes wedding of his grandchild or Mamad sriefes Hapesilos.

  18. Schneur
    " which Chassidic movement had a full time PR man and then promoted the pR man to the administrator of their movement"
    The Gerer Rebbe the Pnie menachem was the frontman of the Aguda and he became a Rebbe, and a great Rebbe. RYK is no Rebbe claiming to replace no one,he did not put on no fur hat claiming to be the FR or your rebbe BG mamalie makom. He is a simple administrator,original a boy from Boston that learned very good in Yeshiva Nigleh and chasidus. So was Rabbi Sender Deutsch in Satmar, the PR person in the Der Yid and in his printing shop then he was the administrator with Mr Lefkowits then he went solo.
    He never farbrengs or gives shiurim claiming to be authority on subjects that dont pertain to him. He will only tell you what he saw and heard on the Job.

  19. schneur
    "Private museums, New York and the US is chock full of them. Ronnie Lauder(Neue Gallerie on 5th Ave and 86th Street)) has his own private museum of his art collection so do many other people. But culture was a field only 2 people in Chabad knew anything about"
    Please explain this paragraph better

  20. schneur
    "By the way the Charedi community Chassidim and Roshe yeshiva have been very supportive of his museums.Chedorim yeshivoth, kollelim have all visited the Torah museum There are some very interesting materials there. The rosh kollel of YU visited the place and was very supportive too."
    since you are not updated, the last 2 years, the forgery of the coins, vessels and the dates, started to backfire, by every group there was a person asking him some question, and he got very mad, thretening to throw out the pesrson that confronted him. So the word got out, this his a house of lies. I dont believe Rav Belsky believed him 1 word, he is not gullible. He smiled when he was there and maybe would even give his a chizuk letter.

  21. schneur
    "All RSSD did is learn from his mentor how to use PR and the Nasi of Chabad was an expert "
    its obvious that shimmy is not a good talmid, since he is broke

  22. LL
    I am glad you know he is broke did you get access to his various bank accounts ?
    He has a shul, a Museum of artifacts that is not out of business, Oneg Shabbes that helps many Jews etc .
    The glee with which you speak of another Jew's problems is remarkable especially coming from Chassidim who pride themselves on Ahavas Yisroel.
    Really do you think your rebbe would approve of your attitudes towards a fellow Jew ?

  23. schneur
    There is a Halocha on this world, even after all the ahavas Yisroel,
    Did Shimmi the rich man,Mekabel Nezifa by his rebbe Muvhak?
    You are correct, chasidim are hypocrites, they will have Ahavas Yisroel for everyone, apikores or sheiegetz, but not for a person that was out to embarrass their Rebbe.
    Its a Chasidic disease,
    I guess the Chasidim of amoul were much better.


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