Friday, January 24, 2014

מאמר ד"ה "ויקח משה" מספר "מגן אבות" מכ"ק אדמו"ר הר' שלמה זלמן זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע שניאורסאהן מקאפוסט - שביעי בסדרה

If you would like to have the undoubtable זכות of helping Rabbi Shavrick's holy work of spreading Chassidus, please contact him via e-mail.

Magen Avos 7 Vayikach Moshe


  1. If he wants his kuntreisim to get anywhere he should get someone to make a normal layout.
    (even though we still don't like the מגן אבות)

  2. Why don't you like him? It's not פנימיות התורה?

  3. @Y I second you're opinion (the first and not the second) the format is starting to bother me a little.

    what is his email reb hirsch?

  4. didnt say i dont like his torah. he was a bit of a controversial fellow. וד"ל

  5. oh wow its right on the cover haha

  6. EVeryones a tzadik. Kulom tzadikim.

  7. Not a Harry
    "Why don't you like him? It's not פנימיות התורה? "
    you ever heard that certain Talmidai ariza"l would never touch any torah of that was not written by Reb chaim vital, were the others not פנימיות התורה?
    Please don't sit and accuse chabad as the only chasidus that cling to their Rebbes torah

  8. As long as you are up front about it and don't complain when others try to do the same.

  9. Not a Harry
    There were sharfe chasidim in Zidichov that threw down certain Kabola seforim that the rebbe did not like, In chabad it was never at that level, but they disagreed with him,
    I dont see your conclusion from my words

  10. Not a Harry, please explain:
    Why shouldn't a lubavitcher stick to only Chabad seforim?
    In sharfe verter: what did he loose in לקוטי מוהר"ן or שפת אמת? Yes, they are הייליקע ספרים of פנימיות התורה, but we have our own. Do you look up every סברא on a shtickel gemara you learn?
    However, a polisher chossid who doesn't learn חסידות חב"ד is missing the מעלה that it has over חסידות הכללית; similar to one who only learns זוהר will be missing out on the מעלה of חסידות

  11. and stam check this out


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