Sunday, February 9, 2014

!נישט מאכען קיין פיקטשערס

54-61_ami155_feature2_Zaks Link


  1. You know R' Berel's sharfeh zog about these sort photographers? They are in cahoots mit Agudah to unilaterally decide who the gedolim are.

  2. brisker
    If Reb Berl said it, then he suffered from paranoid

  3. R' Berel alein was in the pictures but he had a good point that political motivations drive the Agudah picks instead of who the gedolim truly are.

    Why do you think Beis Hatalmud & anderra yeshivos are not goress the Agudah? Why do you think R' Shmuel Berenbaum started calling the Moetzes the "College boys"?

  4. Hirshel
    thanks for the article..
    What you see that the Satmar Ruv was not really against pictures.
    He did not take the Yaras devash literally

  5. The Bies Hatalmud people are anti establishment they are anti everything that breathes.They can learn a Blatt Gemorah quite well. but its only a blatt a year.
    The Aguda can take credit for giving a pulpit for such a goan as Reb Moshe, Reb Yakov, maybe today they are not that great, but neither is Bies Hatalmud that great.
    they did not find a replacement for Reb A L Mallin

  6. Should we decide who "gedolim" are according to who they are mechabed at the Chabad shluchim convention?

    So much for the groysa "kiruv" on the Avi Avos Hatumah Rick Jacobs a few months ago.

    In a January 14 telephone interview with Forward Editor-in-Chief Jane Eisner, Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, said that he had never performed an interfaith wedding during his many years as a pulpit rabbi. Asked if he would now agree to do so, Jacobs responded, “I probably would.”

  7. Shtrka Heora
    What does your writing have to do with the price of rice in china?

  8. Who exactly is the Reb Berel referred to in the comments above? Forgive my ignorance in context here

  9. R' Berel is father of R' Avrohom Yehoshua Soloveitchik current rosh yeshiva of Brisk.

    Nice guzma but Beis haTalmud does not learn only one blatt a year. And they are the real Mirrers from Shangchai whose hasmodo is legendary. And they did not have major issues mit Agudah when R' Moishe & R' Yaakov were there.

    1. Thanks. Figured something along those lines, just wasn't totally sure.

  10. Interesting article, thanks.

    There is more on the topic in the book The Visual Culture of Chabad -

  11. is this a chabadsker who wrote this article? is he not being thrown out of the community for such an article ?

  12. I didn't read the article, but looked at the pictures. Did you ever see any picture of the Rebbe wearing a watch? That is certainly not him in the picture. So Lav Davka that it is him in the other picture as well. Besides, would he use a Sefer to block his face from a picture? And, for anyone who knows 770, why would he be standing in that spot?

    1. You're one to talk..
      Yes the Rebbe wore watches before nesius (see photos of FR's citizenship, watch is quite visible). By farbrengens and the leil haseder, his watch would lie alongside on the table, and he would glance here and then.

      The Rebbe in that photo was returning from Berel Alenick's chasuna (Kislev 5714) - not explicitly mentioned in article, but I heard such from insiders - back to his heichal kodsho. So the photographer snapped en route..

  13. the Bais Hatalmiders (Rav Malin, Charkover, Tzeilberger, Visoker, Bruss, Perkowski, Gottleib vechulu) did not have anything to do with Agudah even when Rav Moshe and Rav Yaakov were there. Neither did almost any choshuve alte Mirrers in the US (Rav Berenbaum, Bakst, Pesach Stein, Chazzan, Sheps, Jurkanski vechulu). In fact, back in Europe the Mirrers didn't associate with the Agudah either afaik.

    the zug from Rav Berel, as far as I heard it, went: "In America, the gedolim are created by Moshe Sherer and Harry Trainer."

  14. Are there any other picture after Nesius where the Rebbe is wearing a watch? Besides, the Rebbe was returning from the Chasuna? Where was the Chasuna, in the hallway?

  15. Silly... if you do not know basic history why do you make a full out of yourself in public...

    The picture is at Binyomin Levitin's wedding in 1946, way before the Nesius. It is published in Mekadesh Yisroel..

    The Rebbe is coming from a Chupah outside in the חצר. Yes at one point there was a courtyard where the stairs go to downstairs. This where the Rebbe always came up from after being Mesader Kidushin. The story with Shusterman happened there and so did this picture.

  16. גאלדשטיין מיינט אז דער רבי האט עם קיינמאל נישט געזען

  17. I said Beis Hatalmud did not have major issues when R' Moishe & R' Yaakov were there, not that Agudah was ever their cup of tea.

    Today they are major misnagdim of Agudah for kamma sibos. And so are other yeshivishe ever since Agudah baal habatim plus their college educated Moetzes started feifing on the gedolei Eretz Yisroel.

  18. Funny that in the "Gedolim" album they won't put a picture of the Rebbe ח"ו. It would take away the innocence of all these young litvish brains.

  19. Brisker
    "And so are other yeshivishe "
    who is this group? Rav Vachtfogel?
    Does he listen to Rav Shtienman, who I think lives in Eretz Yisroel
    You really think that the Novominsker Rebbe has to listen to the Zied Yuir Leitz Shemoi, Reb AJ...
    Why does he have to listen to AJ, because the Novominsker does not have under his belt so much Rechilas, Politic, Loshen Hora

  20. Thank you to the Chevre who clarified. If you want to buy me a copy of Mekadesh Yisroel, I'd gladly accept it as a gift. I can't afford it. (I spend too much time reading and commenting on blogs to earn more).

  21. oyboyboy,
    all of gedolim albums are 90% chasidish. guess your lubab brains have a hard time understanding that.

  22. Oyboyboy, I understand your frustration, because Lubavitch is so respectful of Litvishe "gedolim", you would think the Litvishe would be mentchlich enough to reciprocate

  23. "Fallsburger" mistam wants a medal for being up to date on yeshivishe raid. Vaisst men doch that R' Elya Ber & Rav Swerdloff are supporters of R' Shmuel Auerbach. That whole current situation in Eretz Yisroel is very sad & unfortunate I was referring to Agudah feifing on Rav Elyashev & before him Rav Schach.


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