Tuesday, May 27, 2014

....ציור פניו של הרה"ק מרוז'ין זצ"ל ׁ

צויר בשנת ת"ר 

 Word on the street is that it was bought now from a Ukrainian non-Jew by a rich Yid names Halpern. It says Rabbi Yisroel Friedman on the original.


  1. david assaf's book says R Israel didnt have a beard.

  2. not that we need Assaf for that... Maybe it's poetic license

  3. Compare the צורה to his direct descendants...

  4. painting a beard on a clean shaven man is more than a poetic license, no? its a false representation.

  5. What is assaf's claim based on? He wasn't clean shaven, that's a certainty.

  6. based on several contemporary sources, diaries, etc..

  7. Not a Harry

    there are some ideas about short beards in the sefer Urin Kadoishin, that long hair resembles less daas...
    saw it long ago...

  8. please explain that short beard short on daas source

  9. what is the source of this, was i discovered etc?

  10. i found it in an auction book from 2013

  11. its in Urin Kadishin
    look it up for yourself and explain it to me

  12. come on!
    don't be so naive. it could be a third generation einekel

  13. Irin kadishin only mentions not having a chup. Nothing else about hair/beard.

  14. not a harry
    I think you are mistaking,
    its not in Hebrewbooks so I can not proof it for sure
    I think the Kedusaht Levie talks about a bloiris

  15. @chortkover fraud
    עירין קדישין is spelled and pronounced Irin not Urin. Secondly I have the new edition of the sefer. After perusing the indexes for all references to שער, זקן ודעת. I came up empty. אדרבה if you have a מראה מקום I'd love to see it. I've gone through very significant amount of the seforim.

  16. NAH

    look in שארית ישראל page 147 ותמצא נחת

  17. אינו תחת ידי כעת
    Please post..

  18. Not a harry
    If you did not see it there, then I have to recheck the source.
    I definitely saw it and I checked my brain with a friend that has vast knowledge in Chasidic Seforim and Chasidic Sipurim, he verified it too.
    I will check it in a day or 2 in Oirois Yisroel of Mosad Harim Levin, which has no index...and other places

  19. It's as reliable as the picture of the alter rebbe (r. Shmarya schn. must have been an impressive looking fellows).

  20. der heiliger Rizhiner did not have a beard but only 26 hairs.
    Broght down in a lot of maise sforim and it is mekibel by all his einiklech.

    1. That's true. And I heard that the Boyan rabbe and other einiklach wore not me label the pic


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