Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It's a long way from Cluj to Brest-Litowsk

Reb Osher Weisz meeting Reb Aron Lichtenstein in Gush Etzion....


  1. its maybe far from Cluj to Breslitwosk, but its not too far from Williamsburg to Upper west side,or Yerushaliem to Gush Etzion you can be there in a 30 minutes

  2. You were scared of writing any honorific? R' Osher Weiss is in Godol Academy, chap arain - get to know him now.

    RAL, was declined to apply.

  3. RAL has a son who became yeshivish and i think learned by Rav Berel and became an eidim by Rav Chaim Grozovsky. He lives in Monsey and has a shteller somewhere.

  4. Rav Asher Weiss was my rosh Yeshiva

  5. Halevai we should have more leaders like Rav Weiss Shlita who respect Rabbanim (and in Rav Lichtenstein Shlita's case, Gedolim) who have differing Hashkafos!


  6. Tayere Reb Tzig

    Are you in the photo op business?

    Please give us the context and content of this get-together.

  7. father was from Kowal

    mother was from Telz

    Kowal to Lodz : 106km
    Kowal to Brest-Litovk : 398km
    Kowal to Peoria,IL :7,593km


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