Monday, June 30, 2014

A young Max Gifter had dreams of becoming the Chief Rabbi of the Hitler Government...

I kid you not. See for yourselves!

It's not clear if this was some kind of inside joke. As far as I remember he was not of German extraction, so it wasn't some kind of retracing his roots ambition. And AH ימ"ש was only in power for like 4 months at that time. Source

תודה להשולח


  1. צע"ג על ר' הירש"ל שאינו מביןThursday, July 03, 2014 7:25:00 PM

    "It's not clear if this was some kind of inside joke."

    מי שיש מוח בקדקדו מבין זה. און איינער וואס, כלומר, לערנט דא"ח פארשטייט עס ניט????

  2. Have kovod for a Lubavitcher talmid!Thursday, July 03, 2014 11:03:00 PM

    What do you expect? He had a Lubavitcher melamed in Baltimore, no?

  3. i don't know if this explains the ambition but see page 15 ("Who's Who" of the class)

    derech agav, this past week I was thinking of R'Gifter when remembering where I was gimmel tamuz תשנ״ד - telshe wickliffe.

  4. צע"ג

    what can I say? I never had a yearbook, so I don't know how these things work.


  5. VERY interesting."Muttel" was his nickname as you see.Interesting that already at the time his hobby was Talmud.Love these fascinating historical tidbits

  6. Seems Mordechai Gabriel (first picture) really was serious about his ambition :)

  7. What was the Rebbe's first name, when he went to college all those years? Was it really Mendel that he signed on his papers?


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