Tuesday, June 17, 2014

....פלוגתא דר' דוד ור' אברהם בהגרי"ז

בהמשך להמדובר לעיל about Reb Moshe's psak to be מצרף any Jew to any דבר שבקדושה; here's what the Brisker Rov is to have said about this: Not so clear to you? well, it's a pretty murky situation. That's the problem here. Each one has his story with the BR and each one has a nice lomdus to go with it! I guess it depends on who was asking, what was going on a the time, and בכלל - the general מצב רוח. You can only wait so long for a צענטער... I'm just glad we're not meant to pasken halochoh leMa'aseh from Meller's books. Were there any comments about Reb Moshe from the Brisker Rov, or did that start post the המ"ר?


  1. ישר כחך הירשל לייבען. נקודת החקירה, אם יש לו דין עכו"ם מה אכפת לן אם אפיקורס הוא או לא. ע"כ נלענ"ד

  2. יש לחקור וצריך עיון איך חל הצווי דינים

  3. Hey tzig, I thought you were a maskil not a Lamdan?

  4. יבוא ר' אברהם יהושע ויכריע ביניהם
    Who wants to volunteer to ask למען הכולל


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