Thursday, July 3, 2014

נפטר געווארען משולם זלמן הכהן ע"ה שעכטער


  1. Group photo at Yeshivat HaBaD, Lod, Israel, ca. 1958,-Lod,?sort=Type%2CDateCreated%2CTitle&qvq=q:Type%3Dstillimage%2B;sort:Type%2CDateCreated%2CTitle;lc:UCBOULDERCB1~68~68&mi=75&trs=500

  2. Did he do teshuva?

  3. ער איז געקומען פון א משפחה פון בעלזער חסידים. שפעטער איז ער אוועק צו ליובאוויטש

  4. ר' הירשל, אני מעריך אותך באופן אישי, אבל פארוואס בכלל דערמאנסט דו דא דער נאמען פון אט די דאזיקע באוווסטע מסית ומדיח, אפיקורס ומשוגע?!

  5. from the obituaries about him I learnt that he was married 4 times and had 11 children. And he really liked LSD.

  6. Kein yovdi oivecho hashem.Every apikoires and meshimed recives publicity here...I wonder would Lubavicher Rebbe said a"h on a person who wanted to "enhance" yidishkeit.

  7. sometimes I lament about the posters here; they are a Chevra narcissists, everybody is mekayem "Esuh Day'eh Mei"ruchoik", but no one answers a tzveiter bochur's Shailos.

    That said, I have often wondered about the personal yachas tzvishen di tzvei, how to say delicately, they both needed a lot of attention.
    Kinah Sinah inevitable?

  8. There are reports that the frierdik Rebbe put him in cherem in 1962 after he included LSD distribution as part of college campus kiruv for Chabad.

  9. There are reports that the frierdik Rebbe put him in cherem in 1962 after he included LSD distribution as part of college campus kiruv for Chabad

    quite an acheivment !!!

  10. Actually, it was the frierdik Rebbe who gave him semicha but it must have been the next Rebbe who put him in cherem based on 1962.

  11. the Rebbe out him in Cherem???
    the Rebbe put no one in Cherem.
    his problem was not LSD, his hashkofa was twisted.

  12. Ah..I got I can go zich kuttenen on his grave. ( if it is not in a bhuddist cemetery of course.)


  14. One place listed his name as Zalman hiya?

  15. His archives at colorado university:;sort:Identifier%2CTitle;lc:UCBOULDERCB1~68~68&mi=9&trs=24

    Getting a second ollar from the Rebbe in 1991


  17. Zalman shechter related:
    איך דערמאָן זיך: עס איז געווען י"ב תמוז תשכ"ד. אינמיטן דעם פאַרברענגען אין "770" האָט דער רבי געפרעגט וואו איך בין. דערנאָך האָט ער אַ זאָג געטאָן: "ער שלאָפט? ער איז אינמיטן אַ מעדיטאַציע"?! דער עולם האָט זיך שטאַרק צולאַכט און מען האָט מיר גלייך גערופן. דער רבי האָט מיר געהייסן זאָגן אַ סך לחיים. איך האָב געטרונקען "לחיים" און פאַרגעסן וואָס טוט זיך מיט מיר.

    דאָס איז געווען איין וואָך פאַר מיין ערשטן "על-עס-די" טריפּ...

  18. Maybe Badatz Crown Heights put him in cherem with the Rebbe's haskomo.

  19. Why the nastiness after he dies?

  20. If it's true that there was a cherem, the din in Shulchan Aruch is that there is a chiyuv to be mefarsem a cherem.

  21. his will stated that he should be cremated, in the end he changed his mind and had a local shliach control his k'vurah (not like what he wrote in his will) and the shliach did so and brought him to k'vuras yisroel

  22. to Russian Chosid,

    Why kuten, when you can Godol far der zelber gelt?

  23. zalman schechter is a complicated parsha and not for one-liners "apickoiris, maisis mediach" etc.

    The Rebbe was never totally doicheh him, he left on his own. in his book renewal he says "i graduated lubavitch"

    his first divorce destroyed him, and that's when he found that ridiculous amulet that he wore around his neck. at that time he also started expirementing with lsd. he kept a connection to the Rebbe over the years, and by the dollars in 5751 the Rebbe asked him to "hob mich in zin bei birchas coihanim" which is a major statement of kiruv.

  24. Where did you get your info from that he had a connection with the rebbe?
    As far as I know He had nothing to do with chabad, from some time during the chofs, until he came by dollars randomly in 5751

  25. Who were his four wives and lengths of his marriages and what is the time line correlation to his abandonment of halacha?

  26. Not a Harry
    it is cheap rechilas on a Shochen Ofer


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