Sunday, August 17, 2014

אפילו 'עסט זיך שמד'ן א וויזשניצער וועסט דו בלייבען

קבוצת פורקי עול מבצעים את שירי בית ויז'ניץ בגעגועים ונזכרים בערגה בעבר שלהם בויז'ניץ הם מדברים על כך שאינם יכולים לשכוח ולהתנתק מויז'ניץ בכלל ומשירי ויז'ניץ בפרט.

It seems like 3 of these dudes are brothers. They obviously had a difficult time growing up, or maybe just one of them shlepped the 2 brothers. Whatever the case is, they seem to have deep sadness in their eyes. They also don't seem to be the typical modern-day Vizhnitzer family, with the biber hit and dark glasses. So that also needs to be part of your decision whether or not to "like" this video...


  1. reminds me of another Viznitzer Chosid, Liezer Wiezel Who was a Borsher chosid(stem from visnitzer family) from his childhood. When you ask him about a Viznitzer he stops everything and loses himself and gets in to the Viznitzer trance.

  2. Hershele,

    I am shtark suprised at your choice of words. It behooves the Rebbes chosid to talk like one.

    We both know that such lshoinois and terminology is nisht fun unzer hoif.

    You could have posted it as is, or with something uplifting, perhaps even Reb Levi m'Barditchev style.

  3. which words, Reb Hersh?

    I really didn't say much other than an observation. do tell!

  4. zalmen schechter said theese words about lubavitch

  5. 'Shmad' and 'Poirkei Ol'.

    How about....'Zisse Bashefer, after 1900 years of choishech koful umechupol......your children still sing,cry out and yearn for you to return to us...and nothing will or can ever stop us from doing so ?'

    Reb Levi Yitzchak ben Sara Sasha would approve

  6. Tayere Tzig

    I have to agree with the Berdichever sentiments above.

    To me , these kinds of stories are more of a commentary on Hayntiger Vizhnitz (and Ortho Chasidish Yiddishkeit in general), than on these particular individuals.

    We're not talking 1 or 2 Yechidim here, we're talking Makas Medina.

    מה יעשה הבן ולא יחטא

    נוז פלעש, אצלכם לא חסר חברה כאלו

  7. rabbosai

    the first few lines in Hebrew are from the youtube clip description. Not my words.

  8. looks totally Frankenstein to me.

  9. this utube has a message that there are many ways how klal yisroel is glued together..
    Ki Loi Yidach.......

  10. I met a conservative Rabbi from the Midwest many years ago. He lived for his trips to vishnitz in Israel.

  11. When Eli Wiesel visited the Belzer Rebbe he showed off with singing Vishnitzer niginim.

  12. ביי אונז אין שטוב וואו איך בין אויפגעצויגן געווארן איז די ווארט געגאנגען אזוי,
    אויס איד קען מען ווערן, אויס וויזשניצער קען מען נישט.

  13. זעהט אויס אז וויזשניץ האט נישט דוקא מיט אידישקייט.... חחחחח


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