Tuesday, August 19, 2014

בד"ה - הגאון ר' גרשון יאנקעלעוויץ זצ"ל


 Last of the אלטע מיררער. Rosh Yeshiva in YU for countless years.


  1. There are still a couple more left. Reb Shimon Gitellis in Lakewood and I think there are a couple in EY.

  2. How did he manage there for so long?

    Is the dude from yct his progeny?

  3. I'm pretty sure not...
    spelled differently - Yanklowitz/Yankelewitz

  4. May he have a lichtige gan Eden
    But the posts in some of the Jewish blogs are nauseating - they call yu a yeshiva and refer to him as a rosh yeshiva - they all seem to have this agenda of making shalom between mizrachi modern orthodox zionists etc etc - at the risk of making machlokes bet hidden and their creator

  5. he is not the last of the Alteh Mirrer.Someone in a comment on yeshivaworld listed quite a few others.
    He may have the oldest mirrer and he also may have been from the very last talmidim in theChofetz Chaims yeshiva while the Chofetz Chaim was still alive

  6. Not a Harry:

    To implicitly answer your question, here is a gem of sorts posted on the Facebook wall of a certain "Rav Shmuly Yanklowitz:"

    "After a long evening of learning in the YU beit midrash, I saw a very short (maybe 5 foot tall) pious rabbi with a long beard who was almost 100 years old at the time. I asked who he was. "Rabbi Yanklowitz" I was told. "What? Maybe a distant cousin or uncle or....." I ran over to him and said "Rabbi Rabbi, my name is also Yanklowitz, we must be family!" He paused, looked up front under his hat at me (6'3, blond, clean shaven) and stared into my eyes for a few seconds and said "nope" and kept going. May his memory be a blessing!"


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