Thursday, August 14, 2014

We do this to ourselves... We are our own worst enemies

"I'm was walking today afternoon in Jerusalem (in the religious neighborhood) and a guy came to me asking if I heard how they read the תורה today so I say no. So he told me its afternoon and they need 6 people who didn't hear today so they should be able to read again so I told him I have a few minutes I walk in the shul site down in the corner (I had my phone in my hand) after a minute a guy start screaming on me GO OUT FROM HERE we don't want people like you here. a other guy start throwing on me a box of cake (קיפעלך) and a bottle of coke then a chair in between the guy who called me in start fighting back... so they let me alone here is a video after the stopped fighting physical the guy who was throwing the stuff want out of the room when I started making the video. (He was like a 45 year old Israeli)
Chaim Meisels"

 See Here

This happened in נחלי אמונה שטיבל today.

L-rd, protect us from ourselves. People like that Toldot zealot  have no other way  - or know no other way - to defend their WOL. They're throwbacks to a different era. At least the older fellow is. All they know is yelling and screaming. The tide is turning, but tides takes a while to complete the turn. We know that yelling and screaming isn't the way, but that piece of news hasn't reached the back roads of Meah Shearim. And may Hashem bless that very brave young man who stood up to them.


  1. oi vey!

    The screamer with the blue Arab style kaftan is not Toldos Aaron, his name is Duvid Vider and he is my cousin.

    He is a Viznitzer Moired (rebel) and considers himself a chusid of Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey (if anything). He happens to be a very learned person, just that he is mushuga le'oso dovor - kanoes.

    He is a familiar with all modern judaica sefarim even of the most modern kind. A person who would have fit perfectly, in the company of Tzig's people.

    He led a fight against the sefer "Hagaon". So he is a person of contradictions, as many of these zealots are. One of his sons, Motl Vider is a contractor builder in Monsey.

    Every time he sees interesting historical things in any newspaper journal, or periodical, he gives me a call all they way from Israel.

    What can I say, you can't choose family.

    Yosef 718


  2. "He happens to be a very learned person, just that he is mushuga le'oso dovor - kanoes. "

    Mamesh like Kalmenovitz, wientraub,Hirsh

  3. this scenes brings you to the conclusion that Lapid is correct and all haradiem would need the army...
    they are going of their minds from Liedig Gien...

  4. what is the screaming about?
    What is there problem with chaim Mizels?

  5. either he wasn't dressed like a Haredi, or maybe he had a smartphone. shtikkel makhlokes

  6. what language is this written in? can't you translate it to English or Yiddish?

  7. I am sorry, but after seeing the video it seems that both the kanoi and the yungerman are cut from the same cloth. Instead of explaining בדברי חכמים בנחת נשמעים why the first guy is wrong, he yells and curses back.
    Kind of like the self-declared aputropsim on Ahavas Yisroel and their lewd anatomic references to anybody who does not accept their leader as tzadik hador/moshiach.

  8. as well you should be sorry, Yankel. Not a very accurate comparison.

  9. The main sin here is that you and the other laidegeiers hadn't heard krias hatora by the afternoon.


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