Saturday, August 2, 2014


To continue like this is pointless.

I think what happened over the last year or two is that other blogs, Facebook pages, and the like have, kind of, taken away my edge. My niche, if you will. To just post links and Daf HaShavua makes no sense. Do I go and just work on Facebook? Twitter? Do I follow and critique guys like Eli Fink and DovBear? Attack Satmar? What's the point? It gets tiring after a while. You can't put fingers to keyboard and type, as ridiculous at that seems. Not to complain about my readers, but without your participation there is no point in writing. So maybe I have overstayed my welcome in the blogosphere.


  1. i think what you have to do is post more interesting things , not just like every two weeks

  2. i never go on sites like fink or dovbear because those guys are one-dimensional haters (whereas even when you hate on people it's more nuanced and balanced.) and are not very knowledgable abut the things they deem themswelves worthy to critique. i like this site because i learn some chasidic history here (oftentimes things i didn't know before)and for the cool pics. there is still no other site like this in the blogosphere.

  3. I feel like its erev tisha Bav now

  4. We"ll miss you
    ליטווישער יונגערמאן

  5. Grainom, moshe moshel etcMonday, August 04, 2014 3:25:00 PM

    There is no other blogs, not ivelt and not otzar certainly not Facebook that do what you do. Dredge up interesting history and chew on current events.

  6. No Herschel please don't go! You bring a certain ernstkeit and neemus to your discussion that the others don't ....the ramah is different here

  7. Nonsense
    A Twitter friend

  8. Facebook can compliment your blog, you need to adapt like Fink and bear have perhaps. Their blogs still exist, just with less comments, but it's read and discussed elsewhere.

  9. Don't trust a Government (ISRAEL) who betrayed, betrays & ignores the right of its civilians living safely! Our government lost credibility and morals .. they are more concerned about the residents of GAZA and not to harm the Terrorist Enemy State than they are for our citizens...

    IDF, MOSAD were silence for the past 5 years & they knew all about the Tunnels but Netanyahu & his Cabinet bunch of Lefty Self Hating Jews did nothing to avoid the Tunnel & Rockets Issue! Our Anti G-d Anti Torah Zionist Government is the Cause of our Miseries in Israel .. they Allow and sponsor GAY PARADE's in the Holy Land in JERUSALEM!!..

    They sacrifice the Lives of our Young Heores for Pointless War without destroying the Enemy... in this WAR "WE" LOST!

    We have to Admit that we lost since 63 Soldiers lost their lives for Politics... we could have finished the WAR with the Terrorist GAZA state in a day but they chose to endanger the life our Soldiers our young heroes by insane policy of don't shoot unless you are shot at! watch for Terrorist Civilians in GAZA and that caused 63 innocent lives.. SHAME ON OUR GOVERNMENT for FAILING TO PROTECT ITS CITIZENS FROM THE DAILY TERROR ACTIVITY IN ISRAEL! WE NEED A RELIGIOUS GOVERNMENT...

    Now all the leftist in Tel Aviv can go back parading their low life secular lifestyle of being pork eaters, homos, and Shabbos violates, while the border towns and cities will continue to be shelled. The government can go back to what they enjoy, harassing observant Jews while Arabs who sit in the Kenneseth and Israeli Supreme Court laugh at these secular foolish Jinos Jewish in name only stooges. In 12 years, Chareidim will soon take over as we will become the majority.

    The Chareidim would not have lost even one soldier. If they would just cut the water electric fuel and food supply to the Gaza and watched them all die in a week. The stupid secular government worships democracy.

    All the Israeli government cares about is that the filthy gay SHAME parade in Israel in Jerusalem the Holy city, should take place august 18th. The poor idiots postponed it from august 7th due to the war. For this we need peace? To rebel against the sacred Torah???????

  10. i love your blog!

    continue helping the jews who try to rebuild eretz yirewel bais hamikdush and sanhedrin in natural and unnatural ways.

    it is becoming more and more difficult, dont give up

  11. I am not a member of Facebook. I rely on you Hirshel to get my "fix" of history and hock. Please don't stop.
    Rebbi Nachman said assur lihisyaesh!

  12. Tzaddik, we all have our doubts. If there is one lesson that I learned from Telushkin's book, it's that the Rebbe never let people quit!

  13. Hirshel
    Nobody can force you to quit or not to,
    I am no facebook twitter member, so you can go and I will get back to the old fashion seforim
    Blieb Gezunt

  14. Don't you view blogging as your shlichus?

  15. Please don't stop doing your holy work for klal yisroel! All the Gedolim are behind you! The Chofetz Chaim himself would have wrote a special chapter in his sefer about how important and vital this is for fighting Lashon Horah, Bizayon talmidei chachamim, and bitul zman. There is no question, ask any talmid Chacham, Daas Torah or Admor, they would tell you that you MUST keep up your work.
    But if you must stop, at least you have chosen Rabbi Fink as a good role model. You can follow in his holy path. In a way it 'michayul el Chuyul'! from Blogging to Facebooking!
    Honestly Tzig, forget the leshem Shamayim in doing this. Can life go on without blogging?? Aren't you afraid what might happen to you if you stop? Could you imagine, you might end up like all the plain old simple rest of us Jews?
    Is that called life???

  16. Would be pity to miss. Even though the majority of the posts lately are in yiddish that I don't understand. But still I don't go to any other sites you mentioned and I don't plan to.

  17. מעשה שהיה עם המשגיח שלמה וולבה זצ”ל במלחמת ששת הימים.
    כאשר הבחורים ישבו במקלט, שאלו המשגיח האם לומר תהילים להצלחת חיילי צה”ל? תשובתו, צריך להתפלל שהמדינה הציונית תתפוצץ להם בפנים, ואם כתוצאה מזה אנחנו נמות, יהיה זה מוות על קידוש ד’.

    לאחר כמה ימים כאשר בישרו לו על שחרור הר הבית והכותל, האם להודות לה’ באמירת תהילים? ענה לומר הפרק “אלוקים באו גויים בנחלתך, טימאו היכל קודשך”. ואכן המשגיח העמיד תלמידים הרבה שהם היום משגיחים, ראשי ישיבות גאונים ותלמידי חכמים גדולים מופלגים.
    “צריך להבין ולזכור” “שהציוני הרצל” פנה לאפפיור, ובקש לנצר את היהודים,
    בתהלוכה גדולה כדי לנצר את כל היהודים
    “צריך לזכור” את בן גוריון וההנהגה הציונית בדבריהם לנתק את היהדות מתורתנו הקדושה,
    “צריך לזכור” את חוסר הנאמנות של ציונות זו כדי לעזור להציל, דתיים שהושמדו בשואה.
    “צריך לזכור” את רצונם והחלטותיהם להעלות ארצה את עדות המזרח
    רק במטרה לנצל אותם בעבודות כפיים במקום הערבים.
    “צריך לזכור” את הרדיפות וההלשנות שלהם לבריטים , נגד בגין האצל והלחי, ואת ימי הסזון.
    “צריך לזכור” את האלטלנה ואוניות פליטים שלא הורשו עלידם להגיע לארץ
    כמו אוניות היהודים של היטלר שלא קיבלה אישור מהסוכנות.
    “צריך לזכור” את כל העוולות בהמשך אחרי ההכרזה על מדינת ישראל
    כמו חטיפת 5000 תינוקות וילדים יהודים מהוריהם.
    ועכשיו ומכאן אפשר כל אחד ללמוד ולהבין, את האמת, על מדינת ישראל ומנהיגה, רוצחים,
    שנאת השומרים תורה ומצות מדברת מתוך גרונם, מחללי שבת, שכל כחמורים,
    אוכלים נבלות וטרפות ביום הכפורים, כופרים גמורים בד’ ובתורתו, ערב-רב,
    אפיקורסים ומחללי שבת בפרהסיה, עמלקים גמורים, לצערנו אנו סובלים מהם,
    משום שהם מעקבים הגאלה, צה”ל-פרוץ לגמרי, מלא אינטרנט,
    מלא מלא מלא “זנות”, (ללא בושה) מלא תועבות, אייפונים, חיילות שלובשות מדים צמודים,
    משקיות ת”ש. יכולים להעיד על הרבה מקרים, בין מפקדים נשואים, לחיילות צעירות…
    מחללי שם שמים, מתגרים מאומות, בושה וחרפה, בושה וחרפה.

  18. Israel has now, for the first time, a President that is the Alter Rebbe's einikel, azoy iz geshtanen in Mishpacha magazine a few weeks ago. Mr. Rivlin spoke for the melava malka of צאצאי אדמו"ר הזקן in Eretz Yisrael more than once.

  19. "Do I go and just work on Facebook?"

    וואס פאר א פנים האט פייסבוק????

  20. Why the need to stop Blogging and follow Fink to Facebook?? There are very successful bloggers who can be excellent role models. Rabbi Shoulson shlita for example is getting many hits. why not follow his path?
    Go ahead, reach for the stars!!!

  21. Hershel You know I was never your greatest Chasid. But to put yourself on the level of guys like Fink?! That's like below the depth of all belowness. The guy has a one track mind regarding frum people, and that track is so twisted it makes a pretzel look straight.
    So heres the question: if you stop, when you get over withdrawal, will you finally crack a book??

  22. Hyman

    I was saying critiquing him, not to go in his ways.

  23. dont go, faysebook is trayfe! I dont have facebook.

  24. I think that a lot of people who read blogs found it novel at first to post many comments but eventually tired of writing so much & now just mostly read.

  25. Tzig,
    Let’s not pretend that the dip in readership and commenting has anything to do with Facebook, Twitter, etc…
    Over the past few years you have changed the entire style and essence of your blog.
    Several readers who I know went from eagerly awaiting your next post and checking the blog several times daily to dropping by one every other week and sifting through 2 weeks of posts for something interesting.
    1- What happened to those awesome posts loaded with tochein regarding der alter heim, Telz, Ponovizh, Chaim Berlin, Brisk, the Agudah and everybody else?
    2- (Don’t take this personally, but) Nobody here comes here to learn. If they are learning they are not here and if they are here they are not interested in learning at that moment. Where did you get the Daf Ha’Shavua nonsense from?
    3- The vast majority of your readers cannot read Yiddish. Even if they speak it well and can read a sentence or two, they are not going to read a full Yiddish post.
    4- Where have all the great commentators gone? Schneur, CBT, etc…
    You had a great thing going, and as they say “if it aint broke, don’t fix it”

  26. I really like your blog. I wish you would lecture a bit more, some of the material you think is obvious is not understood in the provinces. But even on that a point I appreciate having to reach in order to understand.

    Don't even think of comparing yourself to Dov Bear or Fink. You are head and shoulders above them.

  27. I read, never post. Don't take it personally. Aren't there ways to see how much traffic the site gets? That will give you a sense of how many people are still reading. Are those numbers really down?

  28. stats don't tell the real story anymore. People have all different ways of seeing what I write without coming to the actual page.


  29. You might draw a lesson in format from R Fink. He still writes long pieces on his blog, but posts a teaser and a link on FB and lets the comment thread develop there.

  30. yes, thanbo. I post an automatic link on FB and Twitter. No teaser, however. But apparently our audiences differ.

  31. In the old days you covered current events which automatically generates interest
    I think since citi field you changed that

    I think with a change of style you can get things rocking
    Know your target audience - you don't want the guys who read the apikorus you mentioned - turn it into interactive format and you'll see sparks ignite

  32. So time to update format
    I think if you link to other sites and allow comments to their articles (the closed minded sites only allow comments that fit their agenda - certain sites send to Aaron Kotler of bmg for approval of any comments related to lakewood)

  33. Beforr you sign off permanently post whatever you have of the brisker schoira. אל תמנע טוב...


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ביטע נוצן עפעס א צונאמען כדי דער שמועס זאל קענען אנגיין אויף א נארמאלן שטייגער

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