Tuesday, September 2, 2014

האדמו"ר ברוכי

The question is: can he - young ברוכי - lay claim to the throne, since his zeide's claim to the throne of Munkacs was only since he was married to the daughter of the Munkatcher. Once he married his second wife do the descendants of wife 2 still have some sort of claim? Or do they need to suffice with the Pshischa/Biala/Partziva dynasty? Maybe Dayan Rosenberg of recent Bobover din Torah fame can answer that... But in any case it's nice to see a young ד"לי kid being educated about his ancestors, and not just about RAYHK etc. And it seems like he enjoys playing ball and washing dishes more than being a Rebbe, as any kid would. Nice pics and videos of Reb Burech'l here. May we hear good news about ברוך יהושע ירחמיאל ראבינאוויטש the second.


  1. שוין לאנג נישט אזוי געלאכט !

  2. Wish him lotsa luck, that's one sick video. Sacrilege.

  3. Lekhaireh, by the Radziner was the same situation.

    The Eidim was crowned Rebbe after the war, and his children / einiklakh m'zivug sheini assumed the rebisteve.

  4. The radziner rebbi ( in exile in beit vagan) is rav moshe leiner , ben ahar ben from the מי שלוח ובית יעקב

  5. און גאנצ'ען פאר'צוקערט
    אוי וו זיס

    almost as zis as Tzig's obsession with Reb Burech'l.

    From my experience, העכערע נשמות often have unexplained obsessions.

  6. this clip is further proof that you can take the Rebbe out of Munkatch, but you can't take the Munkatch out of the Rebbe. You get my point. Dati LeUmi, altz gut un fein, but don't forget that I'm REBBISH!

  7. Also look at the matzaivos of saba and savta. Those obviously were written by this side of the family, and they're quie rebbish, considering.


  8. I am not so sure that the Kids of his 2nd wife, are worse then the Kids of BP,
    I felt very good seeing the movie, the bletel that Munkach BP tries to hide is that bad.

  9. The video is cheesy and tasteless but I love it.
    Some thoughts
    Nice to see R' Boruchel found some happiness, he had a beautiful smile.
    Rebbetzin Yehudis was much more heimish than I expected so was Yair.
    The kid doesn't want to be a Rebbe neither did his grandfather.
    The juxtaposition between this kid's childhood and his grandfather's childhood is jarring.
    Brochi plays with toys, plays basketball and makes a video for his bar mitzvah.
    His grandfather was a chosson at this age.
    The gap is not a hundred years but a millennium.
    The contrast with our kids is also jarring. Our kids are not allowed to even mention the word internet or be involved with technology.

  10. It's a nice flick. B"H he looks happy and is frim, unlike countless descendents of countless gedolim.

  11. In a similar vein, I wonder if the first-born son of the Stoliner Rebbe has a right to the throne, or since his mother is an ex that disqualifies him.

  12. Can someone explain why Munkatch never rebuilt after the War, despite having a brilliant Rebbe leading it? If the Belzer succeeded, why couldn't he?

  13. His sister writes that when his wife was nifteres he suffered from debilitating depression, so much so that she adopted his children and took them to America. He didnt move in early enough to build.
    Additionally I am not sure munkatch inderheim had a chassidus as much as yeshiva alumni. I dont know if they had what it takes to build up a chassidus infrastructure like the Lefkowitzs etc.

  14. In divrei nivonim he writes about the chances he blew by having chilukei deyos with his chasidim and his wifes passing.

  15. My question was why wasn't RML successfull, not R' Boruch.

  16. KOvner,

    He became a tziyonist. That's the short and long answer to your question.

    The Satmar Ruv told today's rebbe he will be matzliach if he carries on his grandfather's mesorah.

  17. due to the fact that r' Burech became munkatch rav 9n 1937, that means all his children regardless of who their mother was, at the end of the day their father was munkatch rav.

  18. " Anonymous Detroiter said...

    In a similar vein, I wonder if the first-born son of the Stoliner Rebbe has a right to the throne, or since his mother is an ex that disqualifies him."

    Don't get the question. HIS father is Rebbe and HE is a direct descendent of the Karlina Rebbes. Not so this kid!

  19. I was just reading The Forgotten Memoirs published by Shaar Press (Artscroll). It is a collection of accounts of the war by Rabonim, mostly as hakdamos to their seforim.
    Included is Reb Burech's hakdama to Binas Nevoinim. The biographical note mentions that he was son-in-law of the Rebbe of Muncasz "one of the foremost opponents of the Zionist movement", and then continues "When his father-in-law died in 1937, Rabbi Rabinowitz was appointed as rabbi and av beis din of Munkacs."
    I can't imagine why they don't say "Rebbe". After all, it goes without saying that there is no mention of his views on zionism.
    I guess Artscroll can't help themseleves when it comes to historic revision.

  20. Catching up on your Rav Baruch coverage, I should tell you this one anecdote.

    So I went to the house of the family who made this video for shabbos, because they're my cousins and all.
    I come back from Kabbalas Shabbas with Yair, and everyone in the family is talking in rapid fire Israeli Hebrew, with an Israeli accent. The kids are all just returned from davening kabbalas shabbos with Bnei Akiva, and they're decked out in their Bnei Akiva uniforms. They look like your typical Israeli Religious Zionist family. Then they start Sholomo Aleichem, and all of a sudden, they all switch to a very pronouced Chassidishe pronounciation, and they sound exactly like a family in Meah Shearim, despite the outfits. And it dawns on me that hey, that's actually how they were raised. So yeah, they're Israeli, but they daven and sing Zemiros in chassidish. They're cool people.


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