Tuesday, September 9, 2014

הגאון הרב שמואל יעקב וויינבערג ר"י נר ישראל באלטימאר שרייבט א בריוו צום ליובאוויטשער "אלגעמיינער זשורנאל" און לאזט וויסען ווי ער איז שטאלץ מיט זיין חסידישער אפשטאם

Well, actually that's not the entire point of the letter. I have yet to discover the reason for him writing this letter, but it seems that the AJ "accused" RSYW of saying something in an article and in an interview with an AJ correspondent like "the Holocaust being G-d's punishment on the irreligious," that "G-d has no connection to the irreligious and unaffiliated," or something to that effect... It would also seem that the late Gershon Jacobson probably dubbed Rabbi Weinberg a "Misnaged," as they were wont to do. So RSYW, scion of a proud Slonimer Rebbishe family, responded in kind. A very kind and gentle letter, yet one that makes strong points. I have yet to find out whether or not the AJ actually printed this letter. Read for yourselves and see what you can come up with.

We thank the Agudath Israel of America archives for the letter.

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  1. Has the aguda actually entered the Internet age?!

  2. This launched recently? I notice it's in Yiddish which confirms the suspicion that 75 percent of their membership is comprised of gerer chasidim who consider the aguda a part of ger.


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