Wednesday, October 29, 2014

בענין לצרף יהודי שאינו ש"ש ר"ל למנין

No, this isn't a tshuveh in Igros Moshe or Minchas Yitzchok, and not even Tzitz Eliezer, and maybe we don't pasken shayles in halochoh from stories of tzaddikim. (maybe we do?) But it's still nice. It's from Reb Itzikel Amshinover's memoirs. Reb Yaakov Duvid was the first Rebbe of Amshinov. And those who'd like to can use this as additional proof. Additional to other proofs we've brought here in the past. Like Shlomo said: "In Vorke loving people was the most important thing in the world."


  1. The holy Klauzenburger Rebbe repeats thhe follow story many times,in his Shmussen that he remembers that the Nasoider ruv (biggest sanzer Chosid) was in his town for a Shabos. Shalash Seudas came to a end very late. The Nasader needed a tenth for Minyan, across the street from the shul was a bar. They went and begged one of them who was a Jew to be a 10th for minyan and the Nasader was glad they did it.
    By jews they never checked who you are for a minyan.
    Its the new selfish Gen, that their ego carries their day.

  2. please G-d such sensitivity should gather steam.

  3. R' Shlomo Zalmen is quoted in Ishei Yisroel as permitting a minyan of ten mechal'lei shabbos. I've been out of heimishland for a while, but do shuls now have inquisitors to investigate peoples' minyan-worthiness?

  4. הרמב"ם כתב בתשובה שאין מצרפים קראי לעשרה שכיון שכופר בדברי חז"ל איך אפשר לצרפו לדבר שתקנו חז"ל. לכאורה ה"ה חילוני.

  5. קראי או מי שמציג את עצמו כקראי או לגב"ט וכדומה אסור לצרף. אבל מי שבא סתם ולא פסק פיו וכו' הוא סתם עם הארץ ויכולים לצרף. מי שבועט בתוה"ק באופן פעיל הוא דבר נפרד לגמרי


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