Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Chaim Dalfin's latest work

Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach

To Purchase email: info@rabbidalfin.com


  1. I heard its selling well and I am no fan of Dalfin

  2. I hope dalfin is giving you a cut..

  3. what does this have more than portraits II?

  4. Bimechila, Rabbi Dalfin thinks that the Lubavitcher Rebbe called Shlomo up to Shomayim because he wanted him to be near him????

  5. Yosef said

    Chabad Portraits II has a little abt Shlomo compared to the 244 pages in The Real Shlomo. Also, the new book deals with issues not dealt with at all in Chabad Portraits Ii. For example, Shlomo's re:Relationship with his mother; the Women's issues; the Hippie involvement, etc. The Portraits is Cghabad focused as part of the overall book objective. In this new book it is solely abt Shlomno both inside and outside of Chabad.

  6. http://somehowfrum.blogspot.com/2014/11/chaim-dalfin-chronicles-carlebach.html



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