Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday Morning Links

רבינו הזקן ואדמו"רי קרלין
חדש בעולם הספרים: עיונים והערות במנחת חינוך מכ"ק רבינו מליובאוויטש זי"ע The Alter Rebbe's notes in the Maggid's Siddur
These kids raised 2.4 mil with out going from shul to shul 
Monsey celebrates 19k early
Haredi MKs show they're back and support Bibi
Naphtali Lavie, 88


  1. What are your thoughts about the attack in 770?
    I think it's time they got 24 hr security.This was just a meshigener, there are much more dangerous people out there veda"l

  2. it used to be that 770 was locked for a few hours each night

  3. That Har nof fund is one of a few. Does anybody have a number of how many? Also, I understand that family Twersky has been banned from one of the funds because they were on the 'wrong' side of the politics in Israel. Has that been confirmed?

  4. I don't think Rabbi Twersky himself was. I think her (sister and) BIL Orenstein are major Mechablim. Maybe the kids too. It didn't seem like Reb Shmuel Auerbach knew R Moshe Twersky at all.

  5. In mrs twersky's חספד she ממש blamed the sonim for the attack... But let's not judge her at this time of tradgedy... ה׳ ינחם אותה וכל אבלי ציון

  6. To be fair, she didn't single out any particular group, just mentioned the "machlokes"

    I would be shocked if Rav Twersky himself was involved at all. However, I think Rav Meiselman is on the side of the mechablim.

  7. she spoke at the end of the shiva. It was all over the frum sites.

  8. In an apParent conspiracy of silence it was not revealed in the press that 2 of the victims הי״ד had there heads cut off, except for a small mention on arutz 7.

  9. So I see that the slant to the right of Moshe Twersky was his wife overpowering him......
    Its a shame.....


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