Thursday, December 18, 2014

Thursday Morning Links

Maliner Rebbe's Business Card
American Judaism May Change
R' Avigdor Miller: What to do about a meddling shvigger
1923: Gerrer Rebbe lifts railway ban

I guess the Gerrer Rebbe didn't hear about the terrible sin of התגרות באומות - Telling Jews to boycott the Polish Railway?! What was he thinking?! Did Moshiach come yet? no. So we're supposed to "turn the other cheek" and say thank you, sir! I am your humble servant until the Messiah arrives. Also, the Rabbi Schneerson of Homel is probably Prof. Fishel Scheerson's father, Reb Schneur Zalman Schneerson, (son of the Retchitcher Rebbe, Reb Sholom Ber, son of MaHaRiL of Kopust) great-grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek and Rov of Homel. I'm not sure what it means when it says that Rabbi Barashansky, who was the Misnagdishe Rov, was a witness that the Rabbis had performed these functions...

The oylem is scratching their heads about the ad that appeared in an Israeli leaflet that gets distributed in Bnei Beraq and Beit Shemesh. Tanya, Maamorei HaRaSHaB and V'Yoel Moshe.... who is giving these shiurim and what does he want?


  1. Ger doesn't have an isuue with raising the ire of the goyim.

    They are signers to the Israeli Declaration of Independence, participate in elections and send one of their own to the Knesset

  2. Do you view the Jewish Journal article as positive?

  3. that depends. I imagine you're referring to the premise that unaffiliated Jews are comfortable with Chabad, which you see as proof that they don't try to make them Jewish?

  4. Hirsheleh leyben,
    Why are you always so defensive of lubav?
    Yankel can explain himself quite well , why are you "deciding" for him what he asked?


    I've been doing this for along time

    I know exactly why such questions are posed

  6. This ad makes no sense. Tanya and all the other chassidishe seforim mentioned in the ad, are in total contrast to vayoel moshe. The vayoel moshe was of the opinion that nishtakach toras habaal shem tov rachmono litzlan and preaces values that are in direct contradiction to chassidus, and to quote the loshon of the baal hatanya , hashem yechaper baadom.

  7. If you want the full force, I will give it. But you must promise not to edit anything out, in exchange for which I will promise not to make any personal remarks about your Rebbe.

  8. Ok, Heshy,
    So let's discuss:Are you happy with the article or not?
    Additionally, what do you think of Manis as Shmuley Boteachs competition on "intimacy"?

  9. In case you weren't being sarcastic, Hershel, Hisgares BeImess is a thing, but his chevre were being abused and harassed (and probably worse) by the station master and his chevre, so what should the rebbe do? Noting? He said don't use the trains!

    It's something the rebbezcheesoiyugainulaini would have condoned.

  10. The Gerer rebbe stems from the school where the posek hadoir the Avnie Nezer came from
    The holy Avnie Nezer wrote in his famous teshuva that all the oaths are a 2 sided street and it should not be kept by jews if the gentiles did not hold it.
    Not the Avnie Nezer and not the Imrie Emes need approval by some ungarisher ruv who wrote a real hyped up ungarischer sefer...

  11. Yankel
    I think the journal is positive,
    to you chagrin, they admit that Chabad is anti zionist but pro israel and it is old fashion yidishkiet....
    no start barking on the cars of shabos....

  12. q about R Twersky

    Wasn't he Hornsteipler Rebbe?

  13. Reb Charles

    the Hornosteipler was Reb Leibele. This was a relative.

  14. Reb Leibele also lived on Millard Ave, #1617

    Anyone have any idea of how exactly they were related? Why and how were they both in Chicago at the same time?

    תודה מראש


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