Monday, January 19, 2015

A mother is מספיד her son - ה"י

Mrs Chaya Subar eulogizes her son R. Dovid Winiarz at the YI of SI

I assume that VIN posted this story with that headline to grab attention - which it did. The story is a heartbreaking one. What can one say? Somewhere out there feminists are smiling. I also guess that after the dust settles, so to speak, somebody out there will criticize the shul, and maybe some the black-hat Rabbonim who attended and did not speak up. I did not know the niftar, but they say that he had a tremendous amount of Ahavas Yisroel and did much to bring Jews closer to Hashem and his Torah.



  1. I am certain that rrf would not have attended had he known that a woman would be maspid but his sensitivity to the mourners prevented him from walking out in protest.

  2. He was the brother of the controversial r' marc gafni

  3. How common is it for women to be maspid in your circles? 5towns / eish kodesh allow?

  4. איתא בזוה"ק (ויקהל צו.) הנהיגו מזמן קדמון בירושת"ו, ששום אשה לא תצא אחרי המטה, ואף נשיו וקרוביו אינם יוצאים מפתח החצר, ומנהג ותיקין הוא. עכ"ל. הגר"ש וואזנר (בשבה"ל ח"ב סי' ריב) כתב שבזמננו יש להחמיר בכל הנ"ל יותר ממה שהחמירו בזה בדורות הקודמים, מכמה סיבות, עי"ש.

    ויאמר הי אל השטן יגער ה' בך השטן ויגער ה" בך הבוחר בירושלים!

  5. The ad in the yated from fidelity, his employer quotes his mother's hesped! How is that for modern progression!?

  6. as long as shes not ordained and the mohel does metzitza bipheh.

  7. well the Satmar Rebbe writes in a Teshuva in Divrei Yoel that it is strictly forbiden. As the gemore cites in Sucah cites how the hesped on Moshiach ben Yosef will look like.

    But surprise!
    Which woman was maspid the Satmar Rebbe himself in the Beis Medrash?

    I was there!

    non other than his own rebetzin Alte Feiga!

    Yosef 718

  8. whoever would object to this heartbreaking hesped of a mother eulogizing her beloved son,is nothing but a criminally insane ignorant savage monster,don't care whether he is a Rebbe,rosh hayeshiva,or a tzadik

  9. Thank you Chaim S.
    Thank you CHAIM. S!!

  10. yosef: "non other than his own rebetzin Alte Feiga!" ע"ה

    can you recite her hesped? did you hear her recite the bracha after she tore her dress as required.

  11. yosef: ------

    can you recite what she said? did she tore her dress with a bracha ..

    btw, where you present when they buried a mechalal shabos befrasya next to the viznitzer rebbe reb chaim mayer בעד בצע כסף ?

    1. משה ג. פאן מאנסיTuesday, January 27, 2015 4:15:00 PM

      avi: " they buried a mechalal shabos befrasya next to the viznitzer rebbe "

      אויב אזעי פארווזשע הערט מען ניט קיין שום מחאה פאן הרה"צ ר'מאטעלע שליט"א אזון פונם נפטר? איבערהויט ער איז דאך אונם וועד למשמרת שבת! נו אוויא לאזט מען דאס צו היתכן

  12. Wow, hormones are raging over here. Where does Vizhnitz come in? Are they always the other side of the fight?

  13. ווילחאוויצערTuesday, January 27, 2015 3:45:00 PM

    מאי ויועץ אמר רב יהודה אמר רב שהושיב רשע אצל צדיק

  14. what happened in Benai Berak? who buried whom? when?


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