Friday, February 6, 2015

לכבוד שבת - א וויזשניצער קה רבון

Never underestimate the power of the niggun...

You can see they've been away for a while. The Vizhnitzer fire may still burn within them, but it can use a tuneup. That's what happens when you travel the Far East and smoke too much קטורת. It messes you up. But there's hope for these young fellows. 


  1. do you preffer a shot of 96er between each mamor?

  2. "smoke too much קטורת. "

    dr.T. from pittsburgh told me once he nay need to open a yeshiva/rehab by the name ישיבה קטורת הסמים

  3. very nice. a lot of different kneitches than how i'm used to hearing it.

    1. "different kneitches"

      well the different kneitches you reffering to they call it תנועות and dovy they call דוד some write it דויד with a יוד in it.

  4. very nice. a lot of different kneitches than how i'm used to hearing it.

  5. א סקולענער חסידWednesday, February 11, 2015 9:32:00 AM

    דבר בעתו מה טוב, דעס האט א פנים אוויא עסן טשאלענט דינסטאג אין פיצא סטאר וד"ל

  6. Its not all vishnitz. I heard some Lubavitch in there.

  7. This is something that can be improved immeasurably by my friend R' Dovid Honig of Yerusholayim who specialises in proper orchestration of classic old(er) Nigunim.


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