Monday, February 2, 2015

אוצר החסידות - a treasure of a website

The management of Circus Tent highly recommends that you visit the site that lets you spend you countless hours online listening to the greatest מגידי שיעור אין חסידות that this world has! The site has been put together by a group of yungeleit that wishes to share this great treasure שלא ע"מ לקבל פרס. A link has been placed on the sidebar as well, for your convenience.


  1. This is your new favorite habit?

  2. אתר דביה יחדון רוחין ונפשין
    Great libk

  3. Waste the time and effort you can use to learn properly, on listening to a shiur . if you learn enough you can give a shiur just like these guys, so why not try?

  4. Who is R'Nossen Gurarie that gives shiurim onthe site?
    He speaks yiddish with a Polish inflection, not a Chabadsker yiddish.Is it the Kapishnitzers eynikel?

  5. מעולם לא ראיתי דבר יפה כזה אלפי שיעורים בכל נושא וספר בחסידות מימות הבעש"ט לא היתה הפצת המעיינות כזה
    טעמו וראו כי טוב השם

  6. The nosson gourary (lived a big time in montreal, so thats how he spelled gurary) is not a kopichnitzer einikel. He's nosson ben moshe, his father moshe lived in tel aviv, famous as a big maskil in chasidus. His fathers brother is zalman who was the eidim of the kopichnitzer. R nossons job was a life insurance agent. He was a classmate of r yoel, came to NY around the same time, and the Rebbe told him he should 'Zich nemen tzu chasidus'.the rebbe spoke to him in yechidus a few times in chasidus, even taking a sefer off the shelf. Considered a maskil in chasidus, in a different way than other mashpiyim. His son is yossi gurary the mashpia in Detroit (also featured on אוצר החסידות)

    1. A nice long pshetel, but Nossin on the site is ben Zalman חתן הקאפישניטצער

    2. Nosson Gurary Ben Moshe of Montreal is cousin with Nosson Gurary Ben Schneur Zalman of New York.

  7. my advice: don't bite more than you can chew.

  8. Thx, for the info on r'nossen gurarie.
    I understood that it had to be the Kapishnitzers eynikel because he speaks chasidshe yiddish.Additionally you can see the Kopishnitzers eidelkait on him

  9. This is Nossson Gourarie shliach in Buffalo, NY currently residing in Monsey. He is a brother of Itche Mayer Gourarie of Montrealand Ester Sterberg and they are children of Zalman Gourarie OBM of NY,

  10. Why would the son of RZG speak Yiddish with his grandfathers accent, not his father's?

  11. because the shiur was in heichal menachem,
    he probably speaks yiddish with a russian accent otherwise.


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