Tuesday, May 12, 2015

POTD - Williamsburg, יע"א

There are at least two ways to look at this: One, that the system there is באנקראט and this is the last cry of a wounded animal who knows his time is up. Two, the beginning of a flareup of hostilities. Yes, times are different, and Williamsburg of today is not that of 1983. But at the same time, all it takes is a few rabblerousers to cause a divide and ruin a good thing. Lubavitch has been active around Williamsburg for a while now, just as Breslov is. So what caused the sudden rearing of the ugly head now? נאר איין ג-ט ווייסט. They have attacked Reb Yoel Kahan verbally, all the while spewing hatred and vitriol. Most people see these fools for what they are, and distance themselves from them. They're the same ones who demonstrate against anything else that moves in Willi. Yet, some people will say that the organizers of shiurim and farbrengens there should keep a lower profile, not because we need to give in to terror, but because of the hatred against Chabad and the Rebbe that they preach on bullhorns.

Time will tell.


  1. If they do this for chabad imagine if you daven nusach ashkenaz what the reaction will be.

  2. Looks like someone ripped this pashkevil & gave it to Scott with no attribution

  3. would chabad be willing to open up and listen to the writings of the mharsh"b... or the v'yoel moshe. . ?! your shlicham 200 strong where chased out like rats once, get ready morons !

  4. What Lubavitcher is afraid of learning V'yoel Moshe???!!!
    We may not agree with everything he says but unwilling to open up and listen???

    1. thanks for listening for wherever it's worth, but here in satmar world, we are thought from kindergarten to yeshivah That chabad of today is apikorsas, their leader/rebbe schooled in marx/engel tactics how to manipulate the mases who revolted against his own forebearers was not qualified to lead a chasidus went astray.. the wall post accompanying this volgar article is mother milk to that community and does not raise an eybrow! .

    2. יודעים את רבונו ומתכון למרוד בו, כמו פה? זה לא טוב חביבי

  5. Hirshel,

    Check out Scott's post yesterday with a photo of the Rebbe being burned in effigy by Satmar in 1970s Williamsburg.

    Was there really THAT much hate back then and Scott is taking someone's picture again without credit or do you think the photo is bogus?

  6. yes, I've seen it. Real picture. Of course he lifted it from another site w/o crediting

  7. zurich
    who printed the letters of the Reshab Artscroll? Yoseel Ashkenazi? or the Rebbe of the 7th generation...with the Kehot emblem
    Know your stuff before you bark....

  8. Zurich
    "or the v'yoel moshe. . "
    let me tell you my friend, the less you open that sefer, the better it is for the Shitah.....
    Know your stuff before you bark

  9. Fogel
    "thanks for listening for wherever it's worth, but here in satmar world, we are thought from kindergarten to yeshivah"
    Did you also learn in the Zali cheder that the Aroni Rebbe and his father the Bierech Moshe was not qualified to lead a Chasidus, and are apikorsim. Or in the Aroni Cheder that Zali and Zriel gleeeek are apikorsom ganovim and liars? Or in the Bnie Yoel mosdois where both brothers and their father are apikorsim ganovim.

  10. Fogel
    " their leader/rebbe schooled in marx/engel tactics how to manipulate the mases"
    as far as I know, the only place where the Marxist agenda was ruthlessly enforced. Was by Reb Yoelish Titlebaum and his magnum opus the VM.

    1. there is not one yid in the universe that does not know that he was is and will be forever against zionisim with all its trimmings, thats his magnum opus. mission accomlished. אידך זול גמור

  11. Fogel
    " who revolted against his own forebearers "
    did he ever quote his Father in law? did he ever meet his father in law?
    Did he ever visit his father in laws grave?
    Did he edit and print his father in laws seforim?
    how did the revolution work?

  12. reb aron tb. or his brother also doesn't quote or print their FIL books, looks like that's nusech siget.

  13. They claim to also be against the Arteestin, the collective catchphrase to describe Hipsters-Artists-Yuppies. But when it suits $$ them they turn a blind eye ...


    No one pays rent like they do.

  14. provocation has no place in civil society.

  15. Kudos to whoever made this sign. They are so right about protecting Williamsburg against Americanized Lubavitch Inc., with their dangerous messianism, and other spiritual diseases.

    Once again, Williamsburg Yidden are standing up against dangerous, phony narishkeit, masquerading as Yiddishkeit, even when not politically correct.

    May their hands be strengthened.

  16. Fogel
    ". mission accomlished."
    how diid accomplish,
    is the medina dissolved ?
    does not klal yisroel vote in the general elections, learn chumash with the girls and take funding from the medina (when they give)
    Accomplished what.....
    If this means accomplished,then how would you call a loser

  17. chazal say kol hoiver aviera besisiser, nifroin mimanoi begooli.
    too many times we saw it happening in that town.
    one of the descendants of the Angel movement who attacked a tzadik that gave a shiur in tanya kadisha, got burned badly. His name was tarnished as a molester on world scale,and is in the slammer for life.
    There are more.. that got burned badly.
    Yesh din Vyesh dayan...

    1. ניסן שולעכטץFriday, May 15, 2015 12:52:00 PM

      meir kahana's and aj weberman garbalogy, you rebbe, their dreck don't belong on this site, peddle their wares elsewhere, by the way i venture to say that you Berush are an imposter and not even a shomer shabos!

    2. אוודערום דער פארגרעבטער בער, מיט זיינעם רוח זמורה, פעי

    3. berishel, when did your russko mama dip in the mikvah 'leshem geurus' before you was born or after? now that the state confiscated my 'records' .

    4. the fallen angel was the personal butler for the powerful pitch rebbe & co. , he fell for the 'insiders' he knew it 'all'. they financed his first trial on the condition not to drag them in, now that they are safe. . they ran out of money for his appeals

  18. according to the teachings of the ראשית חכמה we will all go to hell ח"ו and, according to the teachings of the תניא we are not even בינונים according to the teaching of the דרך פקודיך - הקדמה we are even forbidden to ... so what? where they wrong? of course not! Well according to the ויואל משה most are today מינים ואפיקורסים

    these צדיקים וקדושים had one common denominator which is to spread the truth and that is their accomplishnent! יפוצו מעינותיך חוצה on that note the ויואל משה mission was accomplished 100% all know his opinion, what you choose his your בחירה and proably depends on your rebbe, or which news feed you read. . ושוטים שקלקלו עתידים ליתן את הדין

  19. snag
    is it realy a problem to add in willi a shul, to the carelbach shul, KW shull to the new zionists group?a chabad shul?
    you are a hate filled imbecil with no idea what happening in our town

    1. כן כתוב ויבוא גם השטן בתוכם

    2. you see pumpkin the chabad people are a fusion of all others mentioned and they are the ones who don't want chabab, it's like mom and pop stores vs. box stores. u can bring all 4000 and counting chabad houses to wmsbg and it won't do a thing.

      must wmsbg people who read the tanya and likitu tora, thing naively that thats what chabad of today may or may not look like, but once they will know how chabad of today live (vs them) the gig is over.

  20. finkelstein, gordon, mondrowitz et alSunday, May 17, 2015 9:11:00 AM

    berush, your comments here sounds like of an abused or an abandoned un-wanted child, we at finkelstein, gordon, mondrowitz are experienced in such manners feel free to contact us in person and will guide you through these difficult times.

  21. empire-kingston-crownSunday, May 17, 2015 7:32:00 PM

    looks like this goat lives in the wilderness, he has no clue what satmar is even Today, but has no clue what's lubab is either ?

  22. our patient berush must of fainted omg! he was so gong ho in giving all he got, but a little shy in taking. . thats a virtue wouldn't you think? he loves to give but not to take, a true mentch!

  23. Hirshel
    where did u meet this pervert clan
    did Nuchem R send them ?

    1. where did your dad meet your mom, on the B line ?

  24. Berish the 3rd

    the chabad houses are needed today for the Birech moshes family,and other kids that need it
    so we will keep it out of willi because this kids are not going back in the box.
    for Likutie Torah its good Reb Yoel zol zien gezind


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