Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Munkacs profiles אד"ל

See pages 8-11. It looks like they bought into it, hook, line and sinker. All it takes is buying the Satmar Newspapers over the years and you're sold on what they sell you. I would expect the publishers of this journal to know better. But I guess since Minchas Elozor writes a nice letter to him... and since he was a zealot like the ME, it's all good. Whatever.


  1. Is it really so hurtful to you that they have a write-up on the Malach? No offense but grow up.

    1. the jewish world use to be divided between chasidus and hisnagdus, now it's in essence divided between satmar & affiliates ( inc. all kind of chssidus and musnagdus) vs. the rest .

  2. so they wrote about someone u don't like ......
    common grow up

  3. Replies
    1. עבר ושנה נעשה לו כהיתר, אתה כתבת פאשקוויל בנוסח רשת על הרב בדומה למלאך ד"צ פעמיים ושלוש וגם על התלמידים החשובים שלו, הלא דבר הוא! ומה פשעו כי דלגת אחריו, אני חושב שצריכים לעשות מחאה גדולה בעשי"ת הבאים עלנו נגד המשרדים שלך בעיר רבתי בגויים, ואף רעזעלוציע איך לטפל עם הפראמינאנטע שמות שמופיע כאן, אולי ישובו מדרכך וחי

  4. I thoroughly enjoyed the read though, thanks for posting it.

    (See, even if we have different opinions, we can still be cordial. Just like Munkatch and Belz and Lubavitch and Sat...oh wait...)

  5. המלאך הגואל אותנו מכל רע יברך את הנער הירשעלע שישובו מדרכיו שהוא לכאורה נגד שיטת הממ"ש לקרב הרחוקים ובל ידח ממנו נדח, אף המלאכים בכלל היתה

  6. we will wait, but how long is this "...." please send your privy info here ASAP

  7. So hirshel you're looking for friends with benefits, mazel u'brucu.

  8. Kapuster
    Mitzvas Ahacas yisroel is only for human beings, not for angels

    1. א"ר יוחנן מאי דכתיב (מלאכי ב) כי שפתי כהן ישמרו דעת ותורה יבקשו מפיהו כי מלאך ה' צבאות הוא אם דומה הרב למלאך ה' יבקשו תורה מפיו ואם לאו אל יבקשו תורה מפיו

  9. there is a long essay style foreword, to the pamphlet with a nice idea on Mazel, based on words of Munkacher Ruv ZYA that his advice that worked for people came from his mazel, very well done. But I think they are blowing out of proportion the number of chasidim that he had.
    Munkach did not have tens of thousands of chasidim before the histalkus.
    why kill a good article with nonsense.

    1. I wouldn't diminish a bit of his great influence in that hemisphere, in his later days he didn't feel well, צרת בעלז, צרת הבת, ונגע הציונת קצרו רוחו הגדול ויקיום בו הוזרח השמש-ובא השמש שמש של סאטמאר, שבאמת הוא ז"ל אהב אותו מכל! וגם שלח אנשים ליועץ בו, וגם כתב מכתב שהוא ז"ל יכול לטהר את כל א"י מדן עד באר שבע, אולם ויקנאו "בו" אחיו. . ואכמ"ל בזה

  10. Its ironic that Malochim as the writer Rapaport (a nice malochim family) quote the son of the Malach, was he holier then Reb Shraga Fievel?
    he is being quoted as torah min hashomaim, in their universe you dont befriend guys like him,....

  11. Kapuster
    the talmud chuchem is Doimeh to a a angel
    but the Hewes street people are the ZACH alien

  12. Superintendant ChalmersWednesday, May 27, 2015 6:10:00 PM

    I know it's been said that the Malach was a talmid of R Chaim Brisker - anyone know where/when/how long/what the context of this relationship was?

  13. Wow! This fellow really occupies your nightmares. What did he really do to chabad that they still quote him, deal with him, curse him etc.? Where does all this hate come from?
    I guess I cannot relate to the idea of people taking these things seriously. I mean, I get the idea, maybe, of a person holding a grudge. If you mess something up for someone, I could understand his holding a grudge for years. But this fellow, at worst, did something against chabad. So everyone who believes in chabad takes this personally?! Does the whole humanity get swallowed up by the party to which you belong? This is true about many parties and clubs that claim to be chassidus so they can somehow blame the baal shem tov for their business interests. But chabad has to be one of the worst in this.
    Get a life! literally. You are a carbon based life form, a children of parents, a parent of children. Chabad is only incidental to your existence.

    1. yankel your comment is already longer than hirshel's.

    2. yankel:Get a life! literally

      hirshe, l yankel said do as i say, not as i do, familiar ?

    3. הירשל, אל ירך לבך בתתן לך as they say you can't attack the message, attack the messenger! old dog new tricks.

  14. Superintendant ChalmersWednesday, May 27, 2015 8:07:00 PM

    One other question which I find puzzling - how is it possible for someone to be both a lawyer, and at the same time a kanai against secular education?

    1. אלא מאי? עשה תשובה ובלי המצוה טאנקן, וזה א"א! א"כ הדרי קושיא לדוכתי

  15. tzig "Minchas Elozor writes a nice letter to him... "

    he is looking for jacobs latter to get a malach!
    goat head will meet rosh hashanah .

    והוא באחד ומי ישובנו

  16. He wasn't a talmid of r' Chaim but of another litvishe gaon (I forgot the name that was a talmid or תלמיד תלמידו of r' Menashe iliar) but he used to talk in learning and sefer hamoireh with R' chaim. In
    מגד גבעות עולם he discusses him. This is all despite his negative opinion of misnagdim. It's just funny.because he was one of the chashuve chabad chassidim that his aveira was that he had his own opinion and he didn't buy in to everything hook line and sinker. אד"ל ר"ת ר' אברהם דוב לוין זי"ע.

  17. there's also a lot about the malach in chabad portraits by rabbi Chaim Dalfin

  18. munkatch uber allas!

  19. ר"ת said...
    אלא מאי? עשה תשובה ובלי המצוה טאנקן, וזה א"א! א"כ הדרי קושיא לדוכתי

    When did the holy Minchas Eluzer and his talmid the holy Shoproner repent for studying secular studies????
    did u ever hear the saying
    Kol Boehho Loi Yeshivim acronym for Bichel?
    Klotz Kasha!!!!!

  20. tzig: All it takes is buying the Satmar Newspapers over the years and you're sold on what they sell you.

    thanks for promoting us to your many shades of readers letting them know where to place their ad's .

    der yid
    der blatt
    the zeitung

  21. when did Minchos Elozor study secular?

    Shoprner was allowed to as he was a Hirschian, anyways he repented by becoming Satmar

  22. ישיבה של מעלה said...
    דער תירוץ איז זה עשה תשובה וזו לא
    who did teshuva?

    1. not the one who never acknowledged sinning.

  23. Superintendant ChalmersMonday, June 01, 2015 8:30:00 PM

    I think that was an answer to my question of how BZ Weberman was a lawyer, and also a kanai against secular studies.

    1. not so sup, he did not send his kids to college that proofs he did repent, and as תשובת המשקל he send them to study מפי מלאך בעצם


  24. עובדא ידענא ששמעתי מפי הבעל המעשה נ"י . כשהרב"י מסאטמאר ז"ל בא לכאן ערך שלחנו הטהור חוהמ"ס בביהמ"ד דחסידי סטאלין הוא ואחיו שהי' מתלמידי המלאך ז"ל והי' מלובשים בבגדי חסידות ובקצותיו תלתלים אורך אמה אחד, ומהבאים לשלחנו! ורביז"ל שאל עליהם מי הם? ויען האם זה מלאכים דפה, כלומר אמעריקאנער מלאכים ורבינו נהנה מזה כי הכרת פניהם ענתה עליהם שהם זרע ברך ד' ואמר: ואמר די וועלט פרעגט פארוואס האט מען גיגעבן די תורה אין א מדבר אין נישט ערגעצווי אין א מדינה, נאר וואזשע דען ווען מ'גיט איהר אין א מדינה וואלט מען גיזאגט דאס באלאנגט נאר צי די מדינה, אבער מ'האט עס גיגעבטן און מדבר ס'באלאנגט צי יעדן. והראה עליהם (מעשה ידי מלאך) ואמר כנראה ס'באלאנגט אין אמעריקא אויך. ע"כ

  25. why does this malach disturb people
    today the only one who remembers him is Rav Webberman who became a lubavitch chosid please can some answer me where I live in Europe the malachoim are the extreme of the extreme they will print and distribute pamphlets against everything they see as a heresy to yiddiskeit but to do a favour for a fellow jew they will go over the top to do it interesting people

    1. אבא מלאך free boiler serviceSunday, June 07, 2015 7:39:00 PM

      don't aggravate yourself stay away let them live in peace .

    2. m. buber from boyborikMonday, June 08, 2015 9:30:00 AM

      there is alot of malochem all over, some of them after they do their duty (shslicus) they stay on the ground and become like penguins, with great effort they still can fly.


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