Friday, June 12, 2015

למען טובו, למען כבודו, למען רצונו

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Tzig, Great job with the blog. A question that you may be able to help with - If you don't mind: Listen here to the story starting at 53:00. It's the story he wrote in Ish Hahalacha about if Hashem created the world lemaan tuvo or lema'an kvodo, and Rav Chaim said lema'an retzono. Except here he mentions that the Chabad sefer was a sefer of the Homiler, a point which is absent from Ish Hahalacha. You and your chevra obviously would know the Homiler's seforim better than me, any idea where this is referring to? I wouldn't mind if you make a post out of this, so more people can potentially provide the answer.


Says the Tzig: 

I seem to remember hearing this, or maybe even writing about it in the past. I'll allow more knowledgeable people than me answer the actual question posed here; אבער ס'האט מיר געבאדערט ווי דער רב זאגט איבער די מעשה, די זלזול אין ר' אייזל, אין תורת חב"ד - k'ilu Torah only exists by them. I assume he's saying it like the zeide said it, and maybe the audience at the shiur took it the wrong way ---- but the fact remains, it was a zilzul. ר' אייזל האט זיך נישט געדארפט שעמען פון קיינעם ניט, אי אין לימוד הנגלה און אי אין לימוד הנסתר.


  1. Focus on what you know, Tzig. R"YB knew R' Chaim , you know ... what you know

  2. משלי: כל פעל ה' למענהו. רש"י הכל עשה בשביל קילוסו

  3. Its known that reb chaim, although of rashab, ws not a fan of limud hachasidus, to put it mildly. I believe the rav mentions elsewhere on a tape that reb chaim wouldnt ever mention the alter rebbes name rather hed identify him as er zogt. The rav and hiszaida reb chaim as genius they were didnt sudy chabad in the mesorah way rather in theur own eccelectic way...

  4. I Samach Vov the Rebbe Rashab says the same thing as R Chaim.

  5. זאגט די הייליגע משנהFriday, June 12, 2015 6:53:00 PM

    מתני': אין דורשין בעריות בשלשה ולא במעשה בראשית בשנים ולא במרכבה ביחיד אלא אם כן היה חכם ומבין מדעתו

  6. מען פלעגט זאגען יעדע ליטוואק האט א צלם אויפגעקריצט אויף זיין הארץ. אז איר גלייבט נישט, נעמט א מעסער שניידט אים אויף. טרעפט איר נישט דעם צלם?! נו, איז איין ליטוואק ווייניגער...

  7. " k'ilu Torah only exists by them"

    very familiar kilu "chasidus" only exists by us!

  8. למען טובו, למען כבודו, למען רצונו

    !הושענא למען גדלו ותפארתו הושענא


  9. השי"ת רוצה להיטיב לבריותיו
    שנאמר טוב ד' לכל ורחמיו על כל מעשיו. אבל קודם כל מעשה צריך להיות הרצון ואח"כ המעשה. הבנ"י ז"ל כותב שמשום זה זמן תפלת מנחה נקרא עת רצון שאז לפני המעשה של בריאות העולם הי' הרצון. וז"ש ואני תפלתי לך ד' עת רצון במנחה זמן העת רצון, קודם המעשה של בריאת העולם

    1. כמדומה הזהר קרא זמן רעוא דרעוין רצון דרצון כמו רצון הרצוניות, עמוק עמוק מי ימצאנה, אם אין דורש ואין מבקש? שכינה הק' מקוננת קלני מראשי

  10. Totally off topic. I finished reading a few biographies of the Lubavitcher Rebbeh and couldn't help but be impressed with the RASHAG.

    The last bio I read, however, was by Teluskhin who indirectly bashes him and even claims (no evidence given) that the RAYAATZ wrote negative things about him in his dairy. What is the current mainstream Chabad view of him and where can I read more about him?

    1. The rashag was respected, but at the same time didn't get better treatment from the chassidim the the other elders.
      He is highly under rated for his hiskashrus to the rebbe.
      The rabbe rayatz did write negative about him in a letter/יומן from the boat coming to America iirc. And the rebbe was really not pleased when someone tried publishing it.

  11. there 3 letters of him printed before WWII in sefe "tikun olam"

  12. The only seder R' Chaim would have seen would have been חנה אריאל....

    און עס דארף אייך ניט
    באדערן וועגן דעם כבוד םון ר אייזיק
    ...ר חיים האט מחשב געוון ר אייזיק פיל מער פון וואס איהר מיינט איז כבוד...לאז די אלטע דורות זייער מהלכיןאון זייער טראכטין...

    1. וואס איהר מיינט איז כבוד -אנאן

      ? אין וואס מיינט איהר איז כבד, לעבאר

    2. מלפפנים חמיצותWednesday, June 17, 2015 11:11:00 AM

      ס'האט איינער גיטייטשט, למען יזמרך כבוד כ'דאיי כ'זאל איהם אריין שניידן אין די לעיבאר

  13. Tzig,
    Why are you always surprised when you hear that R'Yoshe Ber was not enamored with Chabad?
    He knew Chabad Torah better than almost all the other Litvishe rabbonim, took some of the good, even davened using a few minhogei Chabad, knew tanya, likkutei torah, tora ohr but was not in any shape or form close with Chabad.It's a Chabad myth.Read the book that his haus bochur/driver wrote from conversations he recorded or jotted down.He hada soft spot for Chabad since his father was rov in chabad shtetel and he had a chabadnik as a rebbe when he was a young child.i believe he says that this rebbe was not very scholarly.R'Chaim the eida was for sure not close with chabad,he was just a very loving man, so he may have had more [patience than others.
    Why make up facts

  14. Oh Chill people, and stop trying to put everyone into holes. The reality is that the Rayatz wrote a letter to the Rav where he repeated the Chassidus that the Rashab said to R' Chaim, and R' Chaim's supposed reaction and then R' Chaim's Torah response.

    They were just in different worlds.

    As to the Rav, don't think you will ever get to his Havono or Dargo let alone try and categorise him with a word here or there

  15. "As to the Rav,"

    !וסלחת לעונינו כי רב הוא

  16. where in ish hahalacha is this story?

    1. ישיבה של מעלהThursday, June 25, 2015 8:35:00 AM

      כי אמרתי עולם חסד יבנה, שמים תכין אמונתך בהם.

    2. עיין בקיצור ש"ע


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