Friday, August 7, 2015

תואר פני כ"ק אדמו"ר ר' משה'לע מסטולין זצ"ל הי"ד

With my sincererest apologies to my Karlin-Stoliner friends who don't like to share... This is a visa/passport application in July of 1926. Moshe son of Yisroel Perlow. There are a few pictures of the Stoliner Rebbe, but this is special, in my humble opinion. The others are from a distance and not clear. Reb Moshe'le was a great lover of Israel and the Jewish People and visited the Holy Land on several occasions. He and his family were murdered in Stolin in 1942. Today's Stoliner Rebbe is his younger brother Reb Yochonon's grandchild.

With thanks to Yuri Dorn


  1. This seems to say it was issued in 1926 and was for travel to Czechoslovakia for medical purposes.
    I believe he only traveled to Palestine a few years later.
    Either way, an amazing find. Yasher koach for sharing.

  2. ליטוואק פון ליטאFriday, August 07, 2015 2:55:00 PM

    מתכונתה כזה, לא תעשו לכם קודש תהיה לך! ובכלל של ולא יראה כבלע את הקודש

  3. רבי משה כיהן כאדמו"ר בעיירה סטולין בניגוד לאביולאגודת ישראל. הקים תנועת נוער בשם תפארת בחורים וכןישיבה בסטולין

    1. correction :
      רבי משה כיהן כאדמו"ר בעיירה סטולין. בניגוד לאביו, חבר לאגודת ישראל. הקים תנועת נוער בשם "תפארת בחורים" וכן ישיבה בסטולין.

  4. לכל הפחות רביFriday, August 07, 2015 4:17:00 PM

    r' moshe son of r' yisroel ...

    1. ר' ישראל הי' בניגוד להתנשאו בקארלין ובוודאי בניגוד להשתתפותו להאגודה, חשבתי בקהלו אל תחר כבודו, אבל לא לפחתותו של הק' ר' משה

  5. amazing find! any way to blow up the picture for a little more detail?

  6. רוב אגדיסטישע רביס מיט רבנים זענען גיווען פון די מתרשלין, אבער האבן זיי גיוואלט גיפעלן פאר די מתרשלים אויך, זאג איך

  7. the boston and pittsburgh rebbes always inspired me.

  8. מברכיח אלול ושעיר עיזים אחד לחטאת הם זוחלים ורועדים מיום בואך

  9. speaking of the aguda, next time when they are worried of iran's hizbollah, and hamas glorifying terrorism, i would suggest reading your own history of glorious terrorism .

    טול קורה מבין עיניכם

  10. was rav shach employed by him?

    1. grossman who's him?

    2. after 40 years you can ask for the records at the IRS i guess you're lucky.

  11. hirshel, with your choice of posts i think you're pulling abisul to the left?

  12. גמ"ח ירושלימער קוגעלMonday, August 10, 2015 2:00:00 PM

    אנטשולדיגט ר' הערש ס'איז נישט אונזער וועג צו מאכן רעקלאמן, ס'איז שוין באלד מברכים, אין ממש יעצט האבן מיר אריין געקרוגן אויפן פארלאנג פון אייערע מיט ליינערס, צום סעזן פון די גרויסע טעג, די גישמאקע פשעווארסקער קיגל'ן, יאכלו וישבעו כי כל העם כולם קדושים ובתוכם ד

  13. not a Harry

    this is the best we could do. Any bigger would be too fuzzy.

  14. Hey riminover... Tell the boston rebbe to change the water in the mikva more than once a year... Just because he has a filter doesn't mean he is patur from changing it

    1. הושענא יפה נוף משוש כל הארץ הושענא

    2. hey nofer, 70% of irrigation water in israel comes from recycled sewage water! that's the plain truth about שבח פירות מדינת ישראל i guess the bostoner recycled mikvah water shouldn't be your concern nofer.


    4. correction: 86% (not 70%)

      "Israel's water authority says Israel uses a much higher percent of its treated sewage for irrigation than any other country — 86 percent! with Spain next at 19 percent.

      Cohen likes the price of recycled sewage — it's cheaper than piped-in potable water. But soil chemist Benny Chefetz says even the highest quality recycled sewage has trace pollutant elements that are not regulated."

      shreklech! you can't have a kosher glass of water in israel, feh! tuma tuma yikrah!

    5. "Just because he has a filter"

      r' nofer how about getting a 'filter' to your phone, as all vaads recommend, to prevent future har nofers .

    6. mikvah rabbi of washington DCThursday, August 13, 2015 12:58:00 PM

      " to change the water in the mikva"

      to all concerned about recycled mikvah water in israeli agriculture please direct your question to the mikve israel agriculture center.

  15. דעם רבינס גישוועסטער א קינדMonday, August 10, 2015 8:13:00 PM

    ! לא עת לחשות

    רבותי דער פעטער דער רימנאווער רבי שליט"א האט פאראויס גיזאגט שווארצינס ח"ו אויף אמעריקא, לאמיר תשובה טאן און ווייזען פארן פעטער ווער סאיז בעה"ב און אמעריקא.

  16. מושב בנ"י said...
    "hey nofer, 70% of irrigation water in israel comes from recycled sewage water! that's the plain truth about שבח פירות מדינת ישראל i guess the bostoner "
    on whom is the Joke??????

  17. Holy land... Amazing... I read the nrg article... But don't speak נגד drinkiing ( and mikva) water... Only farming water

    1. potable water as mentioned in article below is drinking water.

      "Drinking water, also known as potable water or improved drinking water, is water safe enough for drinking and food preparation. Globally." by Wikipedia.

  18. Having a filter in a mikva is also very contraversial ... The בד״ץ is אסור. A very big תלמוד חכם who lives next to boston comes to my mikva... I asked him why... He doesn't like stale water...

  19. Boston hasid... Who is your rebbe... I am told every one goes to ביתר for ראש השנה...

  20. "He doesn't like stale water"

    I'll choose stale water over "STATE" water anytime.
    most chasidish mikvah taharas have no filters. im not going to the הרוגי ביתר let them rest in peace .

  21. "Boston hasid... Who is your rebbe."

    if one is a boston hasid than who is his rebbe, the novimunsker? duh!


  22. "The good news – for farmers at least – is that the irrigation water from sewers comes with free fertiliser in the form of the nitrates and phosphates bound up in human faeces. The bad news is that this coprological cornucopia is filling vegetables sold in city markets with heavy metals, pathogenic bacteria and worms."

  23. A watermelon contains about 6% sugar and 91% water!

  24. Rivki... There are 3 boston rebbis... 2 have hasidim and the har nof one has a gabbie and silver cane

  25. thank ha, the spinka rebbes they also have a few, i like their havdalah for sure .


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