Tuesday, August 18, 2015

א-ל-ו-ל אין סלאבאדקע

While the baalebatishe Yeshivishers like to think that they have a shaychus to the Eretz Yisroel'dikke Olam HaTorah; The Reb Dov Landads and Reb Moshe Hillel Hirshes are already saying shiurim. Let's see them pack up the bungalow colonies and head home before Rosh Chodesh Elul, even if it is mid-August and the Beis Yaakovs only start after Labor Day. Then again, if they wouldn't have their summers who knows how much less giving they'd do. Efsher iz besser azay?

More Photos Here

Reb Moshe Hillel Hirsh

Reb Dov Landa


  1. "Let's see them pack up the bungalow colonies and head home before Rosh Chodesh Elul,"

    100's of bungalow colonies with torah studies day and nite, people who work hard year round for real, in EY you report elul to kolel to receive your gov. stipends, what a comparison .

  2. If I remember correctly from Meller chelek 1, the Rov used to stay in Shveitz until close to Rosh Hashana, so perhaps yesh al mi lismoch. Of course his was a medical matzav, and I don't know that he would have approved for others stam to stay oif dacha, but still worth mentioning...

    1. "the Rov used to stay in Shveitz until close to Rosh Hashana,"

      it shows, that's why his talmudim do the same.

    2. chalimer, what is in a name? there are 100's of yeshivas today better than slowbutka today, wich didn't bow מלא קומתם to the golden calf of the ! משרד הדתות stop brainwashing the brainless .

  3. you should write a children's book of your slowbutke dreams.

  4. ארתחשסתא האחרוןWednesday, August 19, 2015 10:04:00 AM

    اردشير سوم ארתחשסתא האחרון

    history 101: "Arthur Balfour anti semite, vehamently opposed alien jewish immigration to England from czarist Russia, in 1917 to stop the influx of jews to England he signed the balfour declaration, to ship them off to palestine, The british cabinet at the time had one jewish member Edwin Montagu, he was passionately opposed to the declaration on grounds A) it was a capitulation to anti semitic bigotry suggesting that palestine is the natural destination of the jews, B) it would be a grave cause of alarm to the muslim world.!" (vf/ch) .

    In a Shakespearean stage crafted world we live in, we see balfour the "anti semite" as the savior of cheridi zionism! and Montagu the Jewish "visionary" is not even an afterthought.

    fast forward today's president Obama (like him or not) may well be the saviour! of the millions of middle east jews concerted under the evil eye of its neighbours. and sen. Schumer a political operator, just an afterthought a remnant of the embarasing bibi regime shenanigans .

    1. האחשתרנים, יצאו מבהלים ודחופים, בדבר המלך

    2. to, اردشير سوم ארתחשסתא האחרון
      thank you for your support!
      Pres. O the first.


  5. "before Rosh Chodesh Elul, even if it is mid-August and the Beis Yaakovs only start after Labor Day."

    All Schools in the USA should start Rosh Chodesh Elul. Too much vacATION for school principals and teachers. Camp ends and there is a gap anyway.

    That is what the Rebbe Said!

    1. "That is what the Rebbe Said!"

      So Won't You Listen To What The Man Said
      He Said . . . . .

  6. i think part of Adopt--Kollel was the American Torah community admitting their Israeli counterparts are on a higher level of learning than them, and we therefore need to send them money so we can have a share in their learning.

    1. "and we therefore need to send them money"

      why? the government coiffers are emptying? The UJA seniors are dying out?
      the "foreign aid for education" by the American gov. and others got stranded in the parties head quarters, and in the clergyman's offices?

  7. We chasidim dont need Reb Dov Landaus for role models we have boruch hashem our own
    Mileech Toshers and Mendel Viznitzer

    1. you couldn't find an am ha aretz of your own, are you lutwax really still propogate as being ralmudi chcumim? i thought that the joke is over. מתוך שהם חסידים תורתן משתמרת not so by your kind, to say the least !

      ! יחי רבינו כ"ק ר"ר אלימלך יחי

    2. "American Torah community admitting their Israeli counterparts are on a higher level "

      did some israeli schnorer doused you lately with his greatness ?

    3. "We chasidim dont need Reb Dov"

      we litwax prefer a CEO style leader "of our own" r' schnier from YU .

  8. doused? Huh?
    "Brisker ROv's talmudim"? Huh?
    "still propogate as being ralmudi chcumim" Huh?
    How come I can't even begin to understand what most of the commentors are trying to say?

    1. some of us are dummer than others .

    2. shmulik from squirrel hillThursday, August 20, 2015 12:30:00 PM

      "most of the commentors"

      don't worry dovy, if you understand 'some' of it you doing good.

  9. YU alumna,
    Please elaborate because I have no idea who or what you're talking about...

  10. "and I don't know that he would have approved for others stam to stay oif dacha"

    what's good for the goose is good for the gender, mama said.

  11. YU Alumna,
    You seem to be ignoring the part where I noted that his was a medical matzav...

    1. no i didn't, everyone says שלח רפו"ש לחולי עמך. so i figured we are all sick than.

  12. Rational Thinker says:

    "Much respect for RYGB and the rest of the signatories. Shame on the Agudah Moetzet and all the chassidic Rabbonim who refused to sign thus confirming their desires to remain enablers."

    Shtinker, preach your untreated garbology to the murderous of JDL JDO NR and their offsprings, yourself included .

    ה' הוא מלכנו ולו אנו עבדים 
    התורה היא חוקותינו ובה אנו מאמינים

  13. News: "A rabbinic group is calling on New York state's attorney general to investigate the tax-exempt status of Honenu, an Israeli organization that provides payouts to convicted Jewish terrorists."

    ! ראו מה בן בני לבן חמאס? כלום

  14. אלול און ישראל

    שמחת הנישואין בחצרות – בישטנא – מעליץ – זוטשקא

    קהל רב השתתפו אמש בשמחת הנישואין לבן כ”ק
    האדמו”ר מבישטינא שליט”א, ונכד כ”ק האדמו”ר ממעליץ שליט”א, עב”ג, בת הגה”צ רבי גדליה משה רוזנבוים שליט”א, בן כ”ק האדמו”ר מזוטשקא שליט”א, וחתן גאב”ד מאקווא ב”ב זצ”ל • בשמחה שנערכה עד השעות המוקדמות של הבוקר, השתתפו אדמו”רים ורבנים רבים, עסקנים ואישי ציבור

  15. שמחת החתונה לבן האדמו"ר מבישטנא מפתח תקווה בהשתתפות מאות חסידים, במהלך כל שעות השמחה נוגנו ניגוני חב"ד.

    finally chabad made peace with bishtuna.

    1. הבישטנא הזה נכנסו גמליו טעונים פשתן, הפחמי תמה אנה יכנס כל הפשתן הזה, היה פיקח אחד משיב לו ניצוץ אחד יוצא ממפוח שלך ששורף את כולו


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