Sunday, October 18, 2015

Aankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op Schiphol. - Holland 1961

(Arrival of Rabbi Uriel Zimmer to Schipol) I do not know what the conference in Schiphol, Holland in 1961 was for or about. Maybe UN work? RUZ was handicapped and used a wheelchair. Seen also, with the white tichel, is his Rebbetzin, zol gezunt zein, who is currently was later the wife of Reb Tovia Weisz, currently of the Eda HaCharedis. Also who is the other Hasidic looking Jew walking alongside him? If you do have any information to share, please do!

Aankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op SchipholAankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op SchipholAankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op SchipholAankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op SchipholAankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op SchipholAankomst Rabbi Uriel Zimmer op Schiphol. Tijdens persconferentie


  1. A nice tribute to the first editor of "Der Yid" the writer Uriel Zimmer, publisher of an anti-Zionist tract, and a lubavitcher who translated the Tanya from Hebrew into Yiddish.



  2. uriel zimmer:
    "The State of Israel is not one in which Zionism rules; the State of Israel is Zionism"

  3. "who is currently the wife of Reb Tovia Weisz of the Eda HaCharedis. "

    hirshel r u sure about this?

  4. The other 20 year old man in my father, R' Daniel Meijers who at the time was the only Lubavitcher Chosid in Holland. He was instructed by the Rebbe to greet and work on certain issues with R' Uriel.

  5. R' Uriel was sent to Holland by the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Farbreng. These images were taken by the local media.

  6. אשתו של הגאב"ד עדה"ח רבי יצחק טובי' ווייס שליט"א היתה בזוו"ר זוגתו של החסיד ר' וואלף בער לעבאוויטש מוומ"ס

  7. Schiphol is the actual city where Amsterdam airport is located...

    1. schiphol is also the city where anonymous is residing.

  8. I think that rav wiess of the eidah, is up to his 3rd wife....

  9. Rav t weiss gives גט or becomes אלמן.


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