Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Breaking News out New Square (at least as of six days ago)

Full Story Here

 You might say I got to know Chaim Aron Rottenberg after the attempt made on his life and his subsequent move out of New Square. It started with a chance encounter out of town and continued after that for some time. Most people that went through his ordeal, and you can see this probably is a lifetime of some pain and discomfort for him, not just a period of recovery after the incident, would have had smoke coming out of their ears when speaking of their attackers. This is not the case when it comes to CAR. He's very calm, cool and collected when speaking of his adversaries, you might even get a smile out of him. But he still carries the pain with him and wants what he sees as justice to be served. So I'm not here to judge anybody. The fact that Rottenberg wants Spitzer to serve out his term is his prerogative. Seven years isn't much for what he attempted to do, in Rottenberg's eyes, that is, and at least he should serve what he sees as a light sentence. We don't know what kind of emotional pain and scars he lives with. Even the physical pain is hard for us to imagine. And we surely don't know how we would react if it c"v happened to us. So when we attack CAR and tell him to let bygones be bygones we're being a bit hard on him, since we don't know what we would do if it was c"v our pain and suffering. You might say that he's trying to get back at the leadership of Skver. OK, I hear that point, but still.

As far as our Skverrer brothers are concerned; That's another story. You all heard what the pundits have to say, so there's no need for me to repeat it here. Unless you missed going to shul all week... It's no secret that they lack in the PR department. Yes, they're happy that their friend was released, but somebody should have realized that these days everything gets out immediately and that they'll seem like accessories to attempted murder all over again. So don't give out free coffee and keep the dancing and the Kiddush to a bare minimum. And even then stop and frisk any guy that joins any celebration; so that no video clips make their way to Lohud and the internets. Because they now have to deal with disgruntled MO and Charedi-light people who once again are upset at Skver, even if they were the recipients of good-ol'fashioned Skverrer hospitality, whether in NS or at a local hospital. This is old news by now, so time to move on.

And don't start with the Lubavitch didan notzach analogies, please.


  1. Hirshel I know the rottenbegs you described them as close to rality as possible, and I agree with your cautious memo to.

  2. What Skvere did was despicable and a chilul Hashem.
    I am personally happy that spitzer got out, he served for three and half years and I would believe has suffered for his actions.
    Skveres response was inappropriate, even though it was friends rejoicing for their chaver.

    1. "Skveres response was inappropriate"

      says who?


  3. Spitzer bucher you're in good company, maybe the NK from monsey can get you in touch with the elders of persia, for the final solution... on the NS problem. or vice versa. c"v. boychik if I can't make to kiddush salute! and hail to the far-fuhrer !!!

    "In a recent TV interview, host Dr. Muhammad Khaled and his guest, Islamic history professor Yusri Ahmad Zidan, agreed that burning was the “only solution” for the Jews.

    “The history of the Jews has been black since the dawn of time,” said Khaled. “Nebuchadnezzar burned them, the Crusaders burned them, and even Hitler and Nazism burned them. Is burning the only solution for the Jews?” he asked." ym"s.

    1. tam: "even Hitler and Nazism burned them."

      na, tam tam, a politician your not, jargon interpretation: think¿ both admitted that the holocaust did happen! and why because the truth has to be spoken if they wanna join the free world, second they are setting the stage to vindicate the Mufti perhaps?


  4. !!! ולדר חוזר בתשובה


  5. Valder is not choizer bitshuva. He is simply accepting at face value the attempts made by the leadership in skver to rectify the damage. Although I welcome their approach, it is hard for me to take them at face value, due to the fact that they are inconsistent with the letter that was issued by their beis din and their refusal to apologize to rotenberg and demonize him. Im sorry that I cant buy into this lame attempt at damage control.

    1. libel'la it's not about you, all you know is what you read in the news, like waldir, you ain't the victim, prosecutor, witness or judge, sorry top say it just libel the gossiper.. blah blah..

    2. zal lie, you shifted from accusing them the bes din, in a "murder cover-up" to not acting according to your taste, wow, talk about a mea culpa in bad taste!

    3. Z: "Valder is not choizer bitshuva"

      The "Big Lie"

      “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it" The lie.

      מילון עברי:
      חוזר = returns
      תשובה = answer

  6. gevalt all you energized with spit and vinegar, turn your focus on the real issue at hand, a murder in Long Beach! multiple murderings in israel daily! what's behind it? who's bet din is not condoning it ?

  7. Prospect park,
    Maybe you were sleeping on the benches in the park and missed what I said. I shifted nothing. My position remains the same. The beis din protected the aggressor and not the victim. This has nothing to do with acting according to my taste, this is about right and wrong. They never condemned the arson attacked, never apologized to the victim, but openly supported the aggressor.
    There is no other way to look at it.

    1. "There is no other way to look at it."

      says who!!! coward not even your name you will disclose! and you accuse a whole town of lay people by name? I wish you'd sleep on a park bench to, the whole word would be better off by it.

    2. "My position remains the same."

      freeze don't move I'm sending over a swat from the asylum. not. nut.

  8. no didan natzach analogies? aw shucks!

  9. Editorial in "Le Parisian" the Le Monde agrees:

    "Since the mass killings of Jews in israel is rampant, with no end in site for 70 years. all Jewish expatriates living in israel are welcome back to relatively safe France!"

    "¡nous aimons les Juifs!"

  10. I was about to post a comment. But since I see the blog owner doesn't comment in the comment section here, I wont either. I have a made it my policy that I will not post on any blog where the blog owner himself finds it below his dignity to get involved in the conversation in the stowage section of the boat.
    Hatzlacha Hershel on your voyage! Seems like this ship is sinking...


    1. Ouch! hirshel got bitten by a moth.

    2. motti, Seems like this ship is sinking..

      who knows he might find some lost sea treasures.. bon voyage .

    3. "below his dignity" ?

      or above you learning curve? btw i haven't seen much motti comments here either, to wich H should of respond to.

    4. motti is right there is almost no comments from hieshel, in fact rarely someone here are engaged in any civilized conversation, it seems every one talks to himself.


    5. I read a lot of good stories how the behash"t and his deciples found value even by peasants and bt's. maybe you can to.

    6. run moti run, but you can't hide.

      ויתפלל יונה וגו' במעי הדגה
      אמר: ריבון העולמים אנה אלך מרוחך ואנה מפניך אברח אם אסק שמים וגו' - אתה מלך על כל הממלכות ואדון על כל רוזני תבל, כיסאך שמי שמים וארץ הדום רגליך, מלכותך במרום וממשלתך בעומק, מעשי כל האדם גלויים לפנים ותעלומות כל גבר פרושות לך, דרכי כל אדם אתה חוקר ומצעדי כל חי אתה בוחן, סתרי כליות אתה יודע, רזי לבבות אתה מבין, כל מסתרים גלויים לך, אין תעלומות לפני כסא כבודך ואין נסתר מנגד עיניך, כל רז ורז אתה סודר, וכל דבר ודבר אתה סח, בכל מקום אתה שם, עיניך צופות רעים וטובים, בבקשה ממך ענני מבטן שאול והושיעני במצולה ותבא באזניך שועתי ומלא בקשתי, שאתה יושב ברחוק ושומע בקרוב, נקראת מעלה ומוריד נא העלני, נקראת ממית ומחיה הגעתי למות החייני, ולא נענה עד שיצא דבר זה מפיו: אשר נדרתי להעלות את לויתן ולעשותו לפניהם אשלם ביום ישועות ישראל, ואני בקול תודה אזבחה לך

  11. حة المفاتيح العربيةFriday, November 06, 2015 9:54:00 AM

    he said: There is no other way to look at it.

    Jewish news today:
    "Hebron citizen and activist Baruch Marzel, a talmid of the late rav, explains in Hebrew why Rabbi Meir Kahana HY”D was correct and why the terror attacks against Jews in Israel today continue.

    He calls for "expelling Israel’s enemies from the land" He explains that employing enemies and buying products from Hamas and giving a livelihood encourages them to remain. " !

    shouldn't this instigator advocating the "expelling those he doesn't like" (¿square) be a much bigger issue, than a lone individual who refuses to leave a private community?! this goes to show were your priorities are. condemn this true גזירות גירוש advocate.

  12. Replies

    1. ? פושפוש ולא מצא

  13. why no analogies to didon notzach? to me there is a whole lot in common, including the big simacha of a win in a secular court?


  14. dear editor, there are daily multiple stabbings going on in israel because of their policies, you haven't devoted one column on that, why are you obsessed with a single hooliganism act in a remote corner of civilization.

    מי יימר דדמא דידך סומק טפי דילמא דמא דהוא גברא סומק טפי. - סנהדרין עד


  15. rabbi hirshel, you being an (perhaps self-appointed) emissary of chabad inc. why are you reporting time and again, on some looney act by a disturbed youngster in new square, when your own house is burning out of control, is this just a dversion tactic, or what?

    "shin Bet, Police: Almost All Price Tag Attacks Carried Out By Followers Of Racist Extremist Chabad Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg

    Israel internal security officials believe that almost "100 people" have carried out the wave of recent price tag hate crimes against Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, And officials say almost every one of them is a student or follower of the notoriously racist Chabad Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburg and his close disciples."


  16. Listen up guys multiple musings here about a bogus murder attempt in new square, but NO comments on a dispicable real murder case! where is the outrage?!

    highlights: of the murder of hakodesh! chaim Weiss, 15. he was killed by a hatchet-like weapon as he slept in his Long Beach "yeshiva dormitory" bed,

    detectives, interviewed nearly 140 students at the school. But they all lawyered up!!! and no one claimed to have a clue what happened.

    his body was found by a Yeshiva of Long Beach administrator after he was late to Sabbath prayers! the morning of Nov. 1, 1986. Police said Weiss was hit in the head so hard, his skull was crushed. The murder weapon was never found.

    weiss’ body was moved to the floor and a window in the room was opened, as per Jewish tradition. And detectives found a memorial candle placed in the room. (on shabbos).

    Police said their initial investigation was hampered because yesterday was the Jewish Sabbath. Officials of the yeshiva would not agree to discuss the case extensively until sundown, when the Sabbath ended.

    How could this happen and nobody hear or say anything? Somebody’s got a secret,! said Nassau County Police Capt. John Azzata.

    Weiss was last seen alive at 1 a.m., studying with a fellow student in his room.

    The victim, Chaim Weiss of Staten Island, was an 11th-grade rabbinical student at the Torah High School of Long Beach on West Beech St. Police said he lived with 35 to 40 other yeshiva students in the dormitory building at 63 E. Beech St., three blocks from the school.

    קול דמי אחינו צעקו מן האדמה לאמר: ארץ ארץ אל תכסי דמי ואל יהי מקום לזעקתי ?!

  17. אויפן פריפעטשיקל ברענט אַ פייערל און אין שטוב איז הייס, און דער רבי לערנט קליינע קינדערלעך קמץ אלף אה-או-עי

    : בחדשות
    מחלה שלכם מגיע עד למעלה, מה שמזכיר את לי הסיפור הידוע כשהרבי שלכם עוד היה צוציק והגבאי הרים טלפון לגבאי של ר' יואליש מסאטמר (עזריאל גליק ז"ל) וביקש שהסקווירא'ר רוצה לבקר אצלו כרבי זקן שמגיע לבקר את עמיתו רבי זקן שכמותו, אז עזריאל אמר לו בטלפון 'באזוכן זאלט איהר ביים דוקטור' (=לעשות ביקור הוא יכול לעשות אצל הרופא) וטרק לו בפנים, אז היו אנשים שידעו להעמיד אתכם במקומכם


    1. . יודל, נו האב איך דאך דיר גיזאגט, נו שוין

  18. Hirshel I think Motti was saying you rarely get below deck with the 3rd class. And the point is they are the 1st to notice that the ship is going down.


    1. . עמוק עמוק מי ימצאנו

    2. " the ship is going down."

      I heard that from pessimist year's ago, still afloat.

    3. so if hirshel is not below deck, than he must be on the deck, and he wouldn't notice than that the ship sinks, Waldo than where are u? duh!

  19. it will only be able to be compared to didan netzach if they make an annual holiday out of it.

    1. bostoner hasid from bostonMonday, November 09, 2015 5:27:00 PM

      there is absolutely no comparison between the spirzer case and the righteous rubashkin case, if hakodesh elokim Reb moshe lieb mesasov z"l would of been in our times, he would bring shock and awe bashmayim ivuretz, and to the Jewish community! non stop, to do all possible to free rubashkin.

  20. " if they make an annual holiday out of it."

    אל תפתח פה לשטן

  21. Once upon a time there was a shul on Bedford corner Clymer across the street from RYT residences in Williamsburg, it was a MO kind of shul they had an Israeli flag by the holy ark, and a hyperactive fine young Bucher of 17 years old, burned it down ' 'maseh spirzer' (with the flag) I had a close friend of mine z"l a real pious bucher who knew who did it, the rebe asked him who it was? out of fear for the 'hakpuda' that the culprit shouldn't suffer c"v he didn't answer! the rebbe dismissed him, and never wanted to see him again. the board members of the Shul came over to the rebbe to complain and the rebbe was visible hurt and embarrassed to face them.

  22. Oh and once a bucher kenoi, destroyed an Israeli flag in the big falatbush shul on ocean parkway, they caught him red handed and locked him up, the story was all over the press, now they had to bail him out! in an emergency (he didn't speak english no tefilin no food, no tzinous, no minyan!) they had to raise the money for bail immediately, so they went to the rebbe for help, he was angry and said: it won't be the end of the world if he sits in jail overnight! perhaps it will be a lesson to him.


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