Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday Links (sometimes it takes 12 days to put together links...)

Walmart's $10 Smartphone
Marrying a Soloveitchik (old)
Satmar Bus Achdus
Lakewood עיר התורה produces votes like no other district
JTS Book Sale (שטיקל שאלה)
Montreal has Monsey-like issues


  1. JP in its achdus mode, it's carnival time.

  2. " For less than a large pie of pizza, you can buy an Android smartphone instead."

    Think¿ trillion's of dollars consumer's pay the smartphone industries, when "they" the content providers, and the numerous purveyors should of pay us, to buy their services. no wonder the rich get richer, and the dumb get dumber.
    For less than a large pie of pizza, you can buy an Android smartphone instead.

  3. hey her, it took you 12 days to pair yoely with JPdates? like totally barf

  4. as a satmar chosid who spent all my student life in satmar, I am shocked at the brazen anti semitisim in Quebec, Rocklamd county and Orange county.I can"t see no Zionistic connection to blame.
    I always knew that the zionist are the blame for all..
    So far I dont see yet..
    can someone please volunteer with a reasonable connection

    1. soul, for starters try to understand why secular israelis 90% of them, have a much deeper hate to cheridim , than your perception of hate by domestic local disturbinces you call anti semitisim. but has nothing to do with it.

  5. toronto'er bobover cusid said...
    soul, for starters try to understand why secular israelis 90% of them, have a much deeper hate to cheridim , than your perception of hate by

    Its a lie..
    there is no such statistic
    stop acting like Bilam....


    1. מלתא דעבודי לגלוי' לא משקרא אינשי!


      "80% of Israeli Jews identify as secular, and of the 20% who identity as religious, 6% are Haredi.[3] A study in late 2006 claimed that just over a third of Israelis considered Haredim the "most hated group" in Israel.[4]!!!"

      Not so in the diaspora Haredim are revered by the secular jews!
      in business and otherwise, not withstanding all the "zionists supported" charidi hate blogs springing up like mushrooms.

    2. "stop acting like Bilam"

      actual toronto'er is acting like bilams ass by speaking up the truth, eppes acts more like bilam him self smooth talking full of praise for the Jews, but we know whom you really love and hate.

    3. "smooth talking"

      במדרש: מוכיח אדם אחרי, זה משה, חן ימצא ממחליק לשון, זה בלעם -משלי

  6. 12 days worth of links and even that didn't wake up the dead in the cemetery.
    Next time try 12 months...

  7. lost: "can someone please volunteer with a reasonable connection"

    Without a doubt the common denominator for all the domestic various hate episodes lately, is the jewish kind blogs and websites, all of them, frum or not.

    We met the enemy and it's us!

    ונתתי פני בכם ונגפתם לפני איביכם ורדו "בכם" שנאיכם ונסתם ואין רדף אתכם

    ורדו "בכם" שנאיכם - (ת"כ) שאיני מעמיד שונאים אלא מכם ובכם שבשעה שאומות העולם ע"א עומדים על ישראל אינם מבקשים אלא מה שבגלוי! שנאמר (שופטים ו) והיה אם זרע ישראל ועלה מדין ועמלק ובני קדם וגו' ויחנו עליהם וישחיתו את יבול הארץ אבל בשעה שאעמיד עליכם מכם ובכם! הם מחפשים אחר "המטמוניות" שלכם וכן הוא אומר (מיכה ג) ואשר אכלו שאר עמי ועורם מעליהם הפשיטו וגו

    1. NEWS:
      "Speaker Edelstein To Merkel: No Magic Solution to Stabbing Terror, Which Results from Incitement on Social Media"

      physical violence and the trauma from verbal violence, has the same source. incitements, on sites, blogs, and anti social media.

  8. Ben zipperl
    Bilan aher Bilam ahun
    its only a source away
    Where did he get his statistic?

    1. this link was posted here 3 times before, but bilam is blind and I forgot!

    2. once more:


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