Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Harper's Magazine - Warsaw Ghetto Revolt, 1943

Talk of Jews who were loyal to Poland and who felt part of its history and culture. They were tired of being called aliens. Tired of being helpless and pitied. If they were going to die they would do it as heroes, after fighting to the last breath. That would revive the self-respect and dignity of a people humiliated throughout the millenia. Nice of the Poles in exile to finally come through with some arms. Link


  1. the warsaw ghetto diaries by hillel seidman relates that almost no arms came thru from the polish partisans in spite of the arrangements made for them to supply and join the fight against the germans. the poles were happy to let the jews die.

  2. העשל פארזינדיג דיך נישט מיטן רעדן דיינעם

  3. So the Warsaw ghetto uprising was an expression of anti-Zionism?! Who would have thunk? !

    1. stay tune more to come, you think the mufti discovery was a scandal, wait when the "other" shoe drops..

    2. It seems like Israel is loosing it's PR battle, with it goes it's build up persona.


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