Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Even "Jay Bee" annerkenned that Lakewood is the Real derech...

All you יפי נפש that are so excited about this letter and check and see this as proof of the Rav's great middos and support of Torah are getting this all wrong. This isn't him showing that he can support a mosad whose leaders so disrespect him. All this shows is that in his advanced age, seeing what had become of YU, he realized, much like Shlomo Carlebach, that the only true place is the Olam HaYeshivos. SO he made sure to support them in their time of need and made sure to tell the world that they are one of the most prominent Torah institutions in this country. Like the header says: he annerkenned that Lakewood was the emes'e mesorah of Brisk and of Torah bichlal.

(Overheard in the coffee room)


  1. 40 years after he was the keynote at the Lubavitch dinner.

  2. Tzig you don't have a clue. R'Shneur was a Friend t o R"Y"B S. and you just think that a fundrasing letter is "merapsin Igri". Get a life

  3. Tzig, i am telling you that you don't have a clue, but you discredit the facts.

  4. you seem to have a hard time discerning tongue in cheek from the straight forward

  5. check #15510. for $100. I would like to see posted all his deposits and disbursements.

    ! תורה הוא ןנלמד אני צריך

  6. JB should rest in peace, with the rest of the a(n)lphabets A-Z


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