Friday, March 11, 2016

the Mishna Berurah is for Ameratzim?!


 Reb Moshe Feinstein is quoted in the 2nd volume Mesoras Moshe as having told someone (maybe Vohlhandler) that wanted to do a MB on יורה דעה that the Chofetz Chaim worked with a team of people on his sefer, there are not too many decisions, he's usually machmir, unless he has a big group of achronim  that say lekulah, then he's meykil. Aaaand it was done for ameratzim. Or Am HaAratzos, as he calls them. Now I see why he went first to Poland. He went there to sell it to the chasidim, because there he saw a big concentration of am aratzim. In Lita every Baal Agola was a boki beShas, so he had no baalonim. As the guy in Yeshurun writes, that he put in the G'raz (Reb Schneur Zalman) 400 times, (as Rabbi Raitport calls him) to sell it in Poland by the chasidim. Everyone is up in arms with this quote. Everyone is mad at the Tendlers, not that they didn't have reason until now; they are killing the messenger... it's easier that way. No need to question Reb Moshe, it's the darn Tendlers. (Page 2 is a bit unclear, but the relevant parts are there to see...)


  1. we need reb chaim kanievsky to do a Machoe...

  2. birshel, to your generation it's news but it wasn't so even here in NY where I grew up, my father from Hungary and my rebbe from Romania, belonged to different kind if dynasties, yet had the same opinion on the MB z"l both emphasized the learning of the שולחן ערוך ונושאי כליו only as the source of learning, an not MB not at home or in school, I'm surprised of RMF clear daas on it, if it's legit.

  3. Volhendler wouldn't have went to reb moshe that it's gonna be mashpia on the oilam to learn the mesechtois. That had to be a litvak!
    P.S. See Mavoi to oiz vehudder m"b that the chofetz chayim davened halevai he should be zoiche that he- or someone else- should be able to write a m"b on Y.D.

  4. In poland there were more bo'ki'ei Bo'shas then in Lita. not so in hungary, but in poland a Ba'al ha'Bos knew how to learn.

    1. סאראפקאווער אייניקילTuesday, March 15, 2016 10:49:00 AM

      עיין בשו"ת דברי חיים ח"ב יו"ד סי' מ"ז, שמסביר שם החילוקים בדרך הלימוד של ליטא אונגארן ופולין, והעיקר הלימוד תהי' בש"ס ופוסקים, ובש"ע ונושאי כלים, בפשטי הלכות ולא מפלפלים בהבלים.. ולאו המנהג לחדש חידושים רק גדול הדור, או צורבא מרבנן הראוי להיות גדול ..עיי"ש

      עיין בספה"ק יושר דברי אמת, מתלמידי המגיד, שמתגנה דרך הלימוד "שלהם" ואינו לומדים רק מצות אנשים מלומדה למען יחכמו, ועיקר הוא התפלה בדביקות קודם הלימוד ו"הם" מזלזלין בתפלה.. עיי"ש אות ח

      עיין ויוא"מ מאמר ג' סי' ל"ו, ולא כאותן המבלים כל ימיהם בסברות כרסיות שא"א לבוא בזה לידי בירור הלכה, ומהפכין אח"כ דא"ח אבל צריך ללמוד הש"ע עם הנו"כ המאירים העיניים

  5. "עיין ויוא"מ מאמר ג' סי' ל"ו, ולא כאותן המבלים כל ימיהם בסברות כרסיות שא"א לבוא בזה לידי בירור הלכה, ומהפכין אח"כ דא"ח אבל צריך ללמוד הש"ע עם הנו"כ המאירים העיניים"
    whom did he have in mind? Brisk? Lakewood?
    the Lithuanians produced very good poskim, Reb Shloma Zalmen, Reb Moshe, Reb Nisen Karelitz....

    1. "Reb Shloma Zalmen, Reb Moshe, Reb Nisen Karelitz...."


    2. kc: whom did he have in mind? Lakewood? Reb moshe?

      yes both.

  6. SHas did not have a passport, so he had trouble crossing borders, so he stayed in Poland where every baaleboss knew Shas!

    Stop being לן בבית הקברותniks. Eastern Europe is gone. Torah is only in New Jersey, only in Morristown and only in one street in Morristown.

  7. The desperate need of some to discredit the Mishna Berura is chizuk for all of us. They believe that HoRav Shach is the same as the Chofetz Chaim. Us Litvaks can appreciate the sentiment, although we would not say such a thing ourselves. Rav Shach was a great man, just not the CC.

    1. "Rav Shach was a great man"

      A rude political operated entrusted by his party to create a cunduit designed to synergies the Litvishe with "halachic" zionisim.

      It's like calling Kastner the saver of SR when in fact he couldn't care less, when in fact the train was hostaged throughout the war! full of personalities, that no one wanted alive or dead, so they kept them in limbo as hostages. The nazis didn't want them between the masses and to instigate against them, and the free world and the zionist didn't want them out and to tell the whole world what goes on there, and disrupt the out come of the war. that was kastners eichman and ksstbers job a match made in heaven, to keep the train with "leaders" of all sorts in limbo and Quiet!

      witness Joel Brand who got out try to make noises! and was detained by the "British and Zionists".

  8. Litvak from Budapest
    "Stop being לן בבית הקברותniks. Eastern Europe is gone. Torah is only in New Jersey, only in Morristown and only in one street in Morristown."
    I heard the torah is moving more south to toms river, is there some truth to that?

  9. Litvak from Budapest
    "The desperate need of some to discredit the Mishna Berura is chizuk for all of us."
    Who is the SOME? who is the US?
    is Reb Moshe in the US? or in the THEM?

  10. Litvak of Budapest
    "They believe that HoRav Shach is the same as the Chofetz Chaim. Us Litvaks can appreciate the sentiment, although we would not say such a thing ourselves. Rav Shach was a great man, just not the CC."
    lets leave Rav shachs legacy in the good hands of Hapeles,Eitz, Nati Grossman and Reb Shmuel
    Lets talk Mishneh Berurah

  11. kolo: "whom did he have in mind?"

    for starters:
    Kamenetsky of Philadelphia
    Goldberg of Israel
    Greenblat of memphis

    1. ..Belsky of OU

    2. ..RMF of the lower east side.

  12. Shriegi
    "It's like calling Kastner the saver of SR when in fact he couldn't care less,"
    but you admit he saved him and he was a zionist, then why celebrate the 21 of Kislev,
    It does not matter his thoughts then and after
    he was sitra achra period.....

    1. geler soon you will be green too, and you will get rid of your stupidities to.

    2. "but you admit"

      Read Perfidy He was convicted and sentenced as a muderer ימש"ו

    3. gb, It does not matter his thoughts

      than why not praise eichman and Hitler they had the final saying, or maybe parhoh and acshveirosh too

  13. Reb Moshe like many prewar litvishe gedolim viewed the MB as a pretty weak sefer, it was only postwar war that the chazon ish and others found it to contain sodos hatorah, and answers to all reb akiva eigers questions


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