Friday, May 27, 2016

.....עבודה מיט עקסטאז

I can't wait for all the MO/OO Rabbis who understand nothing without the subtitles trying to imitate this droshoh next year, in between the UJA Appeals (do they still do that) and the call to be more inclusive/allow more Women's participation/follow the ilks of the day. They'll claim this as their inspiration. Don't ask me how this translates to that.


  1. Classical Yiddish, Emunah, Nostalgia, Ecstasy, Longing with Enthusiasm ...


  2. The Rav loved his shabosim in modzitzer shtibel in Warsaw, he used it in multiple shiurim.
    He has a certain pure pintele in his soul for Chasidim..

  3. Hirshel, the superciliousness doesn't become you.

  4. The Bostoner Rav Harav Joseph Dov Soloveitchik was also an admirer of The Lubavitcher Rebbe Reb Menachem Mendel Schneerson. They met several times at Rabbi Chaim Heller their mutual mentor in Berlin.

  5. "עבודה מיט עקסטאז- Ecstasy"

    ! במחילת כבודו הרב
    Ecstasy is illegal. The DEA classifies it as a Schedule I drug, a description reserved for dangerous substances with no recognized medical use

    Ecstasy is a powerful stimulant and mood changer that speeds up your body system and "alters your perception of the world."

    ובשמחתו לא יתערב "זר" -משלי יד י

  6. "Dr Burstein"

    צריך לשאול מהרב מחילה גמורה

    דברים מפי חז"ל הקדושים ישראל אין אומה ולשון שולטת עליהם

    מה שאתה אומר בפחות כפירה כזה

    1. sorry your comment sounds like all Greek to me, I specialize in Euthanasia not in foreign lingo, please tell me if I can be of further help.



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