Friday, July 15, 2016

Photos from the Streit's archives

maybe mashgichim in training?

Rabbi Moshe DovBer Rivkin of YTV

We had this on the blog years ago, when it was featured in a 5TJT ad for Streit's with a catchy caption belittling machine hand matzos. R' Aron Soloveitchk, sans beard, in white coat, third from left.

Maybe you can to identify some of these Rabbonim?

Happy Customers!

Here Reb Aron's beard has begun to sprout.

Photos courtesy of Streit's


  1. הרב לוויטאן מברונקס והרב אשרי מבית מדרש הגדול בנורפולק סט הם גדולי ישראל הידועים

  2. " was featured in a 5TJT ad for Streit's with a catchy caption belittling machine matzos."
    An ad for Streit's had a caption belittling machine matzos?

  3. Really nice pics that is Rav Joseph B. Soloveichik not his brother Rav Aharon.

  4. In the third picture (with Rav Ahron Solivatchik sans beard), the second from the left (with the hat and no beard peering through) is Rav Yisroel Snow, and Rebbi in Chaim Berlin Mesivta and Rav of Young Israel of Brownsville. He was a good friend of Rav Ahron Solivatchik, a fellow Magid Shiur in Chaim Berlin, and I assume that is who schlepped him along

  5. You can see R. Louis Bernstein with the Rabbonim Soloveichik.Also Rabbi Oshry and Rabbi Osher Nissan Levitan from the Bronx.

  6. I think picture no.4 with the white beard is Harav Shmuel Dovid Walkin ztl.from crown heights and Kew Gardens. He was the son of the pinsker rav HARAV AHARON WALKIN ZTL and related to the Sorotzkin family of Telshe.

  7. picture no.4 on the left is i think HARAV Bialik (Bilitzky) who had a shul on ft hamilton parkway corner 49th st where there is a dental office. He is related to Harav Rif from Ezras Torah who is descended from the Netziv. The Bilitzky's also come from the Bais Harav of Volozhin.I also sent a comment on a previous picture with Harav Shmuel Dovid Walkin ztl who had a shul on 646 Empire Boulevard before moving to Kew Gardens. I am retired so I have to use someone elses computer. I used to send you information. I lived in East New York

  8. יש באתר שם תמונות מהרב וולקין אבל פה לא הועלתה תמונתו

    הרב עם הזקן הארוך הוא ר' אשר ניסן לעוויטאן

  9. "Really nice pics that is Rav Joseph B. Soloveichik not his brother Rav Aharon."

    The third pic has both Rav YB Soloveichick (in Middle) and Rav Ahron Soloveichick (without a beard) two over to the left (on other side of middle old rav with white beard)

  10. hemay be right about Harav Levitan with the long white beard.I never saw him but I did see Harav Walkin

  11. 2nd picture, to the left of Rav Rivkin is Rav Yisroel Shurin, son-in-law of Rav yaakov kaminetzky

  12. Rabbi Horowitz MargaratenSunday, July 31, 2016 10:03:00 AM

    Just another staged photo-up circa Madison Avenue bluff!


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