Friday, August 19, 2016

!!ראו זה דבר חדש

NEW! לשמע אוזן available again!

 Available after being out of print for over 20 years. Over 500 authentic Chassidishe stories as recorded by Reb Zalman Duchman a”h. Translated into a clear Hebrew from Yiddish. Footnotes and references and background information. Over a hundred pages of new material with colored photocopies of the Rebbe’s letters and a new updated biography.
 6”X9” 388 Pages 

For orders, click here   (S&H in the US included!)


  1. ראו זה חדש!!

    צ"ל, ראו זה "דבר" חדש

  2. חסידים וולעגען דאס רופען "שיינע היוזען"

    1. it sounds more polish to me, than russian.

  3. yankel heil broom, MorristownFriday, August 19, 2016 12:38:00 PM

    for the record you "deleted" my already printed comment and why?

    shame on you!

  4. Replies
    1. yankel heil broom, MorristownFriday, August 19, 2016 12:59:00 PM

      creating gossips and innuendos on other dynasties, but shunning other people's opinions on its own, is what makes us BT's shun sometimes the Derech, the truth hurts.

    2. What does being a BT have to do with anything? Some FFB's also shun the derech for the same reason's. The Ibn Ezra's son had Yichus and he still converted to Islam. Apparently the derech is too tough for some?
      P.s. Some truths need to be kept internal.

  5. Replies
    1. yankel heil broom, MorristownFriday, August 19, 2016 1:07:00 PM

      very painful indeed, and Shame on you twice.

  6. so you're a disgruntled BT? and you're taking it out on me

  7. seems like the old hirshel blog is back, mazal tov

  8. ליטוואק פון דער איסטסייטFriday, August 19, 2016 4:06:00 PM

    א יוד קרעכצט ניט בחינם, אבער דאגות - אבער כינים

  9. No Hebrew translation of Losheyma Oyzen can fully capture the unique reiche Rusishe Yiddish of Reb Zalmen Duchmen himself. On the other hand, many of the Russian words are unknown to the younger generations, so there is a benefit to have both the original & the translation.


    1. ZIY'a stop sweating, we at "living torah museum" captured the richness of it so it won't c"v get lost forever!, credit us for the revival of "buck-a-vina" rich language expressions which was revived in all viznitz schhols, so it won't be forgotten in Monsey and Gibers.

  10. ! יעב"ץ אכן נודע הדבר

    "Mosaic United". in addition to Hillel, the roster includes two outfits that specialize in promoting Orthodox Jewish observance: the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement, and a less familiar organization called Olami (aish) Worldwide.

    headed by: the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, Naftali Bennett of the Jewish Home party, the main political voice of Religious Zionism and the settler movement."

    שלשה המה בעצה "עליה" מסעות 'יעב"ץ'! ואלו הם: (עולמי) א"ש, חב"ד, והלל

    ומשפחות סופרים יושבי "יעבץ" תרעתים שמעתים סוכתים. -דברי הימים א ב

    *תרעתים, תוקעים
    *שמעתים, מצייתים
    *סוכתים, בבית חבד'ס

    הנני מקים עליך "עליה" רעה מביתך? הש"י

    1. is this the reason that supposedly the Diaspora will pay 2/3 of this program so, Chabad wouldn't have to register as "foreign agents"? (according israeli law), which they actual are.


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