Friday, November 25, 2016

About the Chassidim of Outremont and the Goyim who want "their neighbourhood back"

Apparently they don't like shuls in their Outremont (Quebec) neighborhood and they've been working hard to stop the opening of new ones. The old ones they can't shut down. At first they made some local ordinance, but then they were convinced to make a community-wide referendum. That didn't work out. The referendum passed. So no more shuls there. I'm not really בקי in Montreal or Canadian politics, but I was of the opinion that many of those who were for the ban on new shuls were also very Liberal and loved their French Canadian PM Trudeau. I asked: who is for this referendum, is it the Liberals or Conservatives And is all about keeping Jews out? Also, did any national politicians speak out?

Here's what I received via email: "It's not a Liberal Conservative issue, no one spoke up. (no national politicians.) No it's definitely to block Jews.  It's an upper class French white neighbourhood - business titans - government ministers, they wouldn't be happy with any ethnic group. The tensions are not as explosive as Monsey or Lakewood. It's as if Hasidim moved to White Plains - you would have the same situation. Outremont doesn't want any Mosques or Buddhist temples either."

  See Here
  And Here
  Here Too

Montreal Hasids threaten lawsuit over ban on new houses of worship
Old article about tensions in Outremont
CBC Article
More Reading
Globe and Mail: Just call them anti-Semites

So I guess there are two ways to approach this. 1) You can accept the fact that you're not wanted and either move on  - we're not talking a 100 miles away, just a few blocks) or make due with the shuls that you have. If you're a Vizhnitzer and the main shul is כלל חסידי just hum the Vizhnitzer shtiklach to yourself when you need to. That's what you would do if you lived in any other town and you couldn't make your own style minyan. If you're a Mendelist and the Vizhnitzer shul is either Monsey or the other Bnei Berakker then just stay home. Just kidding. Basically all of the shtreimlach can daven together. Maybe they'll rotate; one week Vizhnitzer guy is baal tefillah and the next week a Vizhnitzer and the next week a Belzer. The Satmarer are pretty easy going when it comes to such issues. מ'איז אין גלות און מ'טאר נישט אנרייצען די גוים. If they don't want us here or want us to sit quietly we do as they say. We're the minority and we're guests here. That's the old-time approach, before we became very comfortable here in North America. The previous generation would've done that. Maybe for the wrong reasons, but that's how it would be done.

2) You can לערן זיך פון די גוים and demand you rights. Make referendums. If that doesn't work out go to court. If the first level court won't side with you take it to the next level. Eventually you'll win. Maybe. And along the way you'll make lots of enemies - who may hate you anyway! Because you're different and make their neighborhood look bad. But now they have good reason to. But in the end you'll be able to daven with the other Vizhnizers and Sanzers who have the same Rebbe as you. SO that when your Rebbe comes to Outremont he'll have his shtiebel to daven at and won't have to go the other guys. Until what? Until he passes away (c"v) and then his sons fight? I'm not chas vesholom wishing death on any Rebbes. I guess the Lubavitchers avoided the issue by staying in the old neighborhood?

But hey. I live in Rockland County. I have no right to talk about others.


  1. "But hey. I live in Rockland County. I have no right to talk about others."

    What if your last sentence would of been your first sentence, would of I be spared of reading your full rambling of your "revised" story in the חד גדיא who knows?

  2. * would have or would've

    you seem to have plenty of time...


    1. "should've would've could've"

      and didn't, I got married.

      ps: time travels (when u have fun), no need to push it.

  3. I guess the Lubavitchers avoided the issue by staying in the old neighborhood?

    What to do about being unwanted and lack of space is indeed a difficult issue to deal with. And I don't think going to court and forcing yourself into a neighborhood is a good idea. But it sure beats the Crown Heights pogrom.

  4. Berel

    did I miss something? was there a pogrom in Montreal while I slept?

    1. maybe yes and you was focused to much on the anti-Israel demonstration which was held over the other weekend in Toronto,Canada by Moshe ber'el you missed out on Montreal for to long.

  5. I'm referring to Lubavitchers staying in the old neighborhood of Crown Heights.

    1. which helped to isolate and insulate them from all other chasidim and others, for good or for bad, whatever.


    Paul Breines Sunday, November 13, 2016 6:27:00 AM

    Tough Jews: Political Fantasies and the Moral Dilemma of American Jewry by Paul Breines, and see all why and when the jews got Tough!

    Appendix, Sunday, November 13, 2016 6:45:00 AM

    From Publishers Weekly:

    In place of the image of the Jew as morally sensitive outsider, a Woody Allen schlemiel or meek victim, according to Breines, a diametrically opposite self-image has emerged: the "tough Jew," assertive, brashly confident, condoning political violence. A history professor at Boston College, Breines examines various tough-Jew personas: leftist, gangster, soldier, militant Zionist, cowboy of the American West. The legacy of this aggressive new self-image, he contends, is brutality, militarism, racism towards blacks and Arabs. The tough-Jew syndrome emerges in Philip Roth's pugilist fantasies and in Freud's identification with the "Semitic general" Hannibal. Rambo, a personification of the U.S. cult of violent masculinity, finds an echo in what Breines calls "Rambowitz novels," some 40 works, mostly American, analyzed in this provocative, sure-to-be-controversial study, a startling rereading of Jewish history, past and present.

  7. ר' מאיר פעקעטעMonday, November 28, 2016 6:45:00 PM

    ויאמר יעקב לבניו "למה תתראו" פרש"י: למה תראו עצמכם בפני בני ישמעאל ובני עשו כאלו אתם שבעים, כי באותה שעה עדיין הי' להם תבואה

    בכלי יקר מבאר שנקט בני ישמעאל ובני עשו "כי שניהם סוברים שיצחק גזל הצלחת ישמעאל, ויעקב גזל הצלחת עשו ע"י השתדלות" (כי יעקב לקח ברכותיו של עשו במרמה), ולכן הם מקנאים לישראל יותר מכל האומות, ומשום זה חשש יעקב לקנאת בני ישמעאל ובני עשו דוקא. ע"כ

  8. "Goyim who want their neighbourhood back" ??

    Outremont Montreal, has a population of 24,846 and its area of 3.86 km (1.49 sq mi) makes it the smallest of Montreal's boroughs.

    The neighbourhood is inhabited largely by Francophones, and is home to a sizable Hassidic Jewish community, representing about 20% of Outremont's population (in 2001), which resides mainly in the eastern and northern portions of the borough Many Jewish synagogues, schools and businesses can be found on avenues Van Horne, Bernard and St-Viateur.

    Dwellings (2006) 10,358
    Change (2006-11) 2.9%.

  9. To Berel I am sure u wished I owned a house in Crown Heights now!!!!

    Every Lubab is now a multi millionaire!!!! row homes for 1.5

    My neighbor just sold for 3.1 million.


    1. so he paid of his mortgages and how much was left after taxes?

  10. מאנטריאלער, יענע-מעשה גאסTuesday, November 29, 2016 2:30:00 PM

    As French writer Anatole France famously said: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread."

    את דעתי הקלושה אביע, כמדומה יש תשובה בהד"ח לבנו הדברי יחזקאל ז"ל, בענין פסק ד"ת כנגד אלמנה ל"ע, והד"ח כותב, שאף רוב תקנות הציבור הם "שוין לעניים ועשירים" מ"מ צריך לעיין בהם וליזהר מאוד בהם, כי כמעט רוב תקנות הקהלה יוצא מהם טובה להעשירים ולא להעניים

  11. So Francophones and the Englishman having a ruckus in Quebec what else is news, who's right or wrong? there aren't any, the common denominator on these issues in a free society is money, does "their" actions (whoever "they" are) increase the value of my property or not? if it does they will wait for the right time to sell it and bingo he will love the 'outsider' who bought it, if "their" actions decreases the value of their property! than they will cut their loses and run. The reality is that in all areas with flare-ups and complaints against the Jewish attitude issues, the area increased in value and the old timers eventually sold out and got rich over it (while complaining) the bottom line The complainer$ they got "over" it big time$

    ps: this whole stunt maybe the works of some shrewd real estate promoter to get the attention of "prospector buyers" while sowing fear to the locals there by branding them, so they will sell sooner they they would of. think¿


  12. "today's case study"

    Outremont Montreal, has a population of 24,846 and its area is 3.86 km (1.49 sq mi)

    "today's case study"

    385,000 jews live in Canada, out of 35,300,000 Canadians, that equals to = "136010900000". percent.

    Outremont Montreal, has a population of 24,846 and its area of 3.86 km (1.49 sq mi) The Jewish population living in Outremont is more than 25%.

    Now someone do the math on this problem, winner will be announced.

    ps: In a special Canadian Parliamentary Coalition setup to Combat Anti-Semitism, released a report that found that anti-Semitism is a growing threat in Canada, especially on campuses. Canada has about 2.7% of world jewry.

    1. ציונים עמלקים ימש"ו זיי זענען אלעס שולדיג פאלגט נאך אויף, על-שייזר

  13. מאנטריאלער, יענע-מעשה גאס said...

    As French writer Anatole France famously said: "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread."

    את דעתי הקלושה אביע, כמדומה יש תשובה בהד"ח לבנו הדברי יחזקאל ז"ל, בענין פסק ד"ת כנגד אלמנה ל"ע, והד"ח כותב, שאף רוב תקנות הציבור הם "שוין לעניים ועשירים" מ"מ צריך לעיין בהם וליזהר מאוד בהם, כי כמעט רוב תקנות הקהלה יוצא מהם טובה להעשירים ולא להעניים

    Years ago I read a story of the sanzer ruv, forgot the source
    but the story got in to my head
    His rebetzin had a issue with her Jewish cleaning lady,
    don"t remember the details of the argument.
    so the rebetzin and the helper were leaving to the bies din shtieb,
    as they both were leaving, the rebetzin reliazed the holy ruv is also preparing to leave the house,
    she asked him, where are you going?
    the holy ruv answered
    Vos Hiest, I am going to the bies din to argue for the helper, she is nebech a Orphan/ Widow, who will fight for her.....
    what a sholy story....

    1. זו צאנז בתפארתה. זיעואכי"א

  14. "I guess the Lubavitchers avoided the issue by staying in the old neighborhood?" !?

    צחקו על משבריה! צחקו על ר' מיילך צוויבל ע"ה

    למערכת, מה שקורה בצפת זה רק תוצאה ומסובב מהמלחמה שלהם כל השנים במשפיעים שדיברו על עבודה ועל השכלה. תמיד במשך כל השנים הם פשוט נלחמו באנשים שהם עובדים ולא משנה מי. וצחקו וביזו בעלי השכלה כמו ר' יואל כמו המשפיע ר' מיילך צוויבל ע"ה. אפילו את הרב גרינגאלס שכ"ק אדמו"ר התבטא עליו "ער איז מיין מקובל" הם לעגו ובזו לו כאילו הוא כלום

    הם חינכו בחורים בכלל לא על דרך הרביים. אלא דרך חדשה של ברסלב של צחוקים של ריקודים והדבקות. באחד השנים כאשר ר' זלמן גופין ישב עם כמה משפיעים והם ישבו ואמרו למה רוב הבחורים בצפת, הוא ענה יגיע יום שתראו כי זה הכל שקר. אני מכיר את המשפיע שלהם הוא למד אצלי הוא לא חונך נכון ער איז א בלופר בעצם

    מדובר בחינוך מתמשך של בזיון כל המוסדות שרבינו נשיאנו הקים, חינוך במשך שנים של צחוק מבית דין רבני אנ"ש, חינוך של הרבה שנים של בזיון שלוחים ראשיים שמסרו נפשם בשנים ההם לצאת לשליחות, חינוך במשך עשרים שנה ללעוג מכל מי שיודע ללמד המשכים כמו תרס"ו וע"ב. לשבת ב770 ולשיר שירי ריקנות על קדושת בית חיינו ובו בזמן להרביץ מכות אכזריות לאחד המזכירים לחוזר ר' יואל, להלחם מי שנכנס לשיעורים שלו והעיקר זה לצחוק וללעוג

  15. "That's the old-time approach, before we became very comfortable here in North America"

    And that's how beautiful Jewish neighborhoods became in existence fabulously and under the radar!!! like: Williamsburg, Borough park, Flatbush, Queens, Monsey, Montreal,Toronto, to name a few. All build humbly and under the radar without any though jew fights!


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