Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Democratizing Xenophobia in Outremont

From a Liberal Ivory Tower

Seems like we've arrived. We're now a part of the greater minority community. At least in Canada. In NY we're not. They need to be nice us because if not they're xenophobes. I'm not sure that's where we wanna be, our needs are simply different.


  1. Make Canada great again.

  2. "our needs are simply different"

    like why these two dudes coats are overlapping from left on right and not the other way around, didn't this gentile caricature sketcher know better?

  3. איזהו חכם הרואה את הנולד


  4. Velvel Perlmuter, Cote-St-LucSunday, December 04, 2016 6:23:00 AM

    Forget’s Agenda: Asserting Control and Repressing Hassidic Residents

    "Over the past decade, a half dozen or so by-laws specifically targeting the Hassidic Jews in Outremont Montreal have either been initiated or drafted by Mme Celine Forget: Purim buses, procession ban, holiday parking, Passover bread-burning, and so on. She also responsible for dragging the Borough of Outremont into 2 costly lawsuits against its Hassid"

    shame on you:

    "SHAME ON US"!!!

  5. Butler, Pennsylvania USA.

    Area Total 2.7 sq mi (7.0 km2) Land2.7 sq mi.(7.0km) Population
    (2010) Total 13,757

    The City is similar in size and population to Outremont Montreal, It has over 40 houses of worship most or all Christian denominated, with massive church buildings on every other corner! any new ordinances proposed there lately!?

  6. harrold mutzkin, chicagoSunday, December 04, 2016 7:54:00 AM

    The court ultimately concludes that Northwestern did not violate a federal ban on race discrimination by excluding the rabbi, claiming that even if the rabbi proved he was discriminated against, the relevant statute only forbids discrimination “on the ground of race, color, or national origin,” "not religious observance" !¿

    United States Court of Appeals,Seventh Circuit.

    LUBAVITCH–CHABAD OF ILLINOIS, INC., et al., Plaintiffs–Appellants, v. NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY, et al., Defendants–Appellees.

  7. Vichy Regime of MontrealSunday, December 04, 2016 3:06:00 PM

    Maybe the chasidim should petition the government that the huge 4500 foot cathedral should be cut to size,
    it should be limited to the percentage of Catholic residents

    1. "should be cut to size",

      maybe you should move to a Communist regime where the cut properties to size perhaps, but watch out they might cut you (us) to size too.

  8. ישפוט בינינו וביניכם כי אתם הבאשתם את ריחינו לעיני העמים

    "SHAME ON US"!!!


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