Thursday, January 26, 2017

Israel Zupnick's desperate effort to save his wife and children during WW2

Zupnick was a businessman from Czechoslovakia who was here in the US when the war broke out. He was thus stuck here. He had applied for visas for all of them to emigrate in November of '41 but Pearl Harbor (Dec. 7, '41) kept them from being delivered. The folder is full of cables and letters trying to get any help he could. Ultimately he learned that they all perished, hy"D. He remarried but died childless. In between he helped build many of the Satmar Institutions in the US, as well as Charedi Eda Chareidis mosdos in Eretz Yisroel.

  wrb0781 by Hirshel Tzig on Scribd link for non-Scribd users


  1. He was a very up-right gentleman in all his endeavors.

  2. :קורא נעים אם יש לך פנאי נא להפנות


  3. עס האט מיר פארציילט בימי חורפי א קאשויער יוד אז ר' ישראל זופניקס טאטע האט גיהאט א ספרים גישעפט אין קאשוי, אין ער גידענקט ער האט גיזעהן אמאל ר'ישראל שטיין הויעך אופן לייטער אין גישעפט, אפשר גידענק איך אבער נישט גיט

  4. he wrote a autobiography 40 years ago,
    is this info in their?

    1. This man himself lived in keasha, and he himself saw him in top of the latter, if I remember correctly.

    2. I don't know I never read his book.

    3. FC congratulations in expanding your fact checking services into "Inquisition" services to, whats next big Bro? Interogations?

  5. רבינו יואל זי"ע חנוכת ת"ת בנין ישראל זופניק ז"ל


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