Monday, January 2, 2017

Reb Aron's Chanukah Licht inspiration

We all need it. Inspiration. For some of us it comes in the form of a sefer. Connection to words. For others it's ראיית פני הצדיק that puts either יר"ש or אהוי"ר in our hearts, depending on what's called for. It seems like Reb Aron likes to have the Rosh Yeshiva's ציור next to him by the חנוכה ליכט. The Shabbosdike ציור - that does it for him.


  1. I like belze hanaku photo-op.

  2. How does this blog work? You post today and place it between 3 to 4 months ago's date?
    of the 3 people that come here, who do you think you fooling most?

  3. Dunno about you, but the Jewish Chanukah ended less than 3 weeks ago. There was also a 2.5 hiatus from writing on the blog.
    I guess it's you and your two friends that read the blog, ah?

  4. So here it is, "There is a method to the madness" of this hiatus blogmeister.


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