Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Happy 12th Birthday!

The 13th of Iyar 5765 is when this blog was born. George W. Bush was President. No smartphones. We had never heard of Pashkan and we had no smartphones. Life was simple. But as much as things have changed much has stayed the same. At least this blog has. Can't say the same for everybody else.

Maybe this'll be the year?


  1. likhayim tayvim ulshalom

  2. And what about sefira? couldn't you hold it up anymore? so you here in your "bat mitzvah" age. I'll drink to that.

  3. much has stayed the same. At least this blog has...."
    yes the dead always stay the same as long as no one moves them. case in point: Circus Tent A"H.
    the real post here should be - what yurtziet is it for this blog....

  4. Typically you, Happy 12th on 13th. 🐐

  5. "But as much as things have changed much has stayed the same."

    It reminds me of the guy flying half way around the world, but when he lands his head is still on his shoulders, so nothing changed. really.

    Its okay to built castle's in the sky, but it's not okay to move into them the saying goes. Never give up - Never again!

  6. Happy Birthday Hershel!
    I guess the line "never give up, even after your dead" is very appropriate here

  7. דזבניה בי"ב אלפא דנרי, מספר זה הוא מספר של ברכה, כי ברוך הוא י"ב במספר קטן, ארור הוא י"א במספר קטן, וברוך י"ב במספר קטן, וביארנו זה במקום אחר, כי ראוי מספר י"ב לברכה.. -חידושי אגדות בבא מציעא קיד


    1. .ייש"כ חיילך לאורייתא

  8. אורך ימים אשביעהו ואראהו בישועתי 🐦🐥🐓🐐
    🎷🎻🎵 ימים על ימי מלך תוסיף שנותיו כמו דור ודור


  9. "Sheep / Goat is the eighth in the 12-year cycle of Chinese zodiac. Sheep (goat, or ram) is among the animals that people like most. It is gentle and calm."


  10. !ו"השעיר" אשר עלה עליו הגורל לעזאזל "יעמד חי" לפני ה' לכפר

    וגורל אחד לעזאזל - הר גבוה "צוק" קשה שנאמר (בפסוק כב) ארץ גזרה לשון רש"י


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