Tuesday, November 14, 2017

....נו, לסבא הי' מותר לפרש כך

בבריסק תמיד ידעו ש"משפחה שאני", נכון? כן


  1. hirshel
    its a gevaldige piece
    the bBrisker like to say on a vort of the sefas emes on Yosef that it is not in line with emunah hatehora
    but family is different

  2. typical lutvaks, based on 'their' logical conclusions only.

  3. Great story. Yet, nothing to do with the title....nu nu

  4. if you dont get it
    dont blame the Baal haBlog

  5. LOM, you talkin to me? I don't see how it is relevant the familial relationship, as long as it was said by a reputable source.

  6. No shachus to michpacha, it's special to a zeidah

  7. Brisker a pshat that sounded slightly maskilik. In that time and place, he got alarmed. When he heard it was from the Netziv, he understood. He did not say the saba was allowed to say it. He said "the (Netziv who happens to be the ) Saba" could say it. Nothing to do do with family being different.


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