Saturday, November 4, 2017

מאמר ד"ה וירא והנה איל - מאחד מבניו הקדושים של כ"ק אדמו"ר הצמח צדק זצוקללה"ה נבג"מ זי"ע

Shalom Uvracha, 

 please find attached a remarkable Maamar Chassidus on Parshas Vayera. This amazing Maamar is being published for the first time from Manuscript! A tremendous amount of time and effort has gone into preparing the text for publication, your financial support would be greatly appreciated. 

All contributions can be made out to: Akiva Shavrick, 6414 Park Heights Ave, Apt A3, Baltimore Md. 21215. May we see the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days. 

Wishing you Kol Tuv, 

Akiva. link for non-Scribd users


  1. הסבר נאה על סוד בין השמשות כידוע ליודעים דלא יודעים סודה. זייער שיין

  2. Thank you.

    1) How is it that it's not known which one of the Tzemach Tzedek's sons wrote the Maamor?

    2) How is Akiva related to Noah?

  3. 1) How is it that it's not known which one...

    Because the author is not named in the manuscript.

    1. ר' עקיבא היה בן גרים שהם נקראים בני נח

  4. How are these Kisvei Yad accessed?

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