Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Here's what constitutes "Purim Shtick" for the fine Bnei Towrah at the Ner Israel Rabbinical College High School

A word to my fellow Lubavitcher Chassidim and friends of Lubavitch: 

There are several pictures that "cross the line" so to speak. Yet, after deliberation and consultation with friends, I've decided to post all the pictures that have reached the desk of this blog. To show the world where misplaced differences can sometimes lead. As of now, several hours after these pictures surfaced, no word has been from the הנהלה of Ner Israel. Maybe they think it's OK because it's Chodesh Adar. Maybe they're naive as to what year we live in. I don't know. But I do know that nobody I showed it to, even the lighthearted ones, thought some of this was funny. 

If you'd like to voice your displeasure you can call the Yeshiva office and ask to speak to the Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Aron Feldman, who is also a sitting member of the Moetzes Gedolei haTorah of the Agudath Israel of America.  Phone: (410) 484-7200 . I'm not sure who the HS Principl is these days.


  1. Brilliant. Ridicule is the best policy towards you lunatics.

  2. Oh are you joining the grievance victimize culture now? Lighten up. You’re just all huffy because it’s Chabad. It’s actually pretty creative. Well done, boys!

    1. It's funny when people need a place for shabbos no one minds chabad

  3. I am a little lost. Was this supposed to be a Purim carnival? What was the intention?

    Anyways, this is quite disturbing.

  4. Thank G-D there is no actual Mikvah in ner Yisroel...

  5. Thank G-D there is no actual Mikvah there...

  6. What is the problem?

    אויפ'ן גנב ברענט דאס היטל

    If the shoe fits, wear it.

  7. This is beyond dumb. Supremely unimpressed.

  8. Those are all from Ner Yisroel, this year? They don't have anything else to joke about?

  9. "Feldman, who is also a sitting member of the Moetzes Gedolei haTorah of the Agudath Israel of America."

    And by association with the "cross curents" blog hypocrites. is true to the Hypocrisy core of Agudath Israel.

    "When Jews Target Jews"


    "How often do we hear that Orthodox Jews care only about themselves, and don’t even accept the Jewish status of other Jews? To stereotype a particular group, whether religious or ethnic, as being supremacist is part of the problem, not the solution."

    1. U should have some respect
      Even if u don’t like him he is a holy dude

    2. You have a right to be mad but to make your association that brings in two Rabbonim who have nothing to do with this and label them and the entire Agudas Yisroel based on some stupid highschool kids' prank seems a little misguided. I'm assuming you are an adult, don't make the same mistake that these kids made in judging a whole group for nothing.

  10. The fellows could use some tips in home decorating, spelling etc. This reminds me of two misnagdim who found a Tanya (in the early days of Chassidus);one threw it on the floor, and the other berated him and picked it up. The one who threw it on the floor became a Chossid...Stay tuned..

  11. I heard from a Chabad-raises BT that the Litvish zal his son attends in Monsey has this as their Purim theme this year as well.

  12. Let us make a campaign to censor Lubavitch Snag bashing.

    1. תמהתי כבר למה לא נראים כאן בהבלוג אנשי חב"ד? עכשיו הגלה הדבר,על כבודכם מחיתם ועל כבוד ד' לא מחיתם

  13. Meh. It's purim. That makes it all a joke.

    1. Actually Nicha’s yayin yotzo soid

      Thayr’e just saying what they really think

  14. All the comments will be supportive of your position, because those are the only ones you let through. Cowardice.

  15. it seems they dont know that Maran Shach is long dead, and the people who are clinging to his hate message are chased in town like frightened rabbits. Ner Yisroel is very eitist they dont read news (only sports) they are very much in to their secular and judaic studies they poshut dont know that hate mongering aint trendy anymore

  16. This post looks very much like isur d'oraisa Rechilus & lashon hara, if not also motzi shem rah

  17. It's Adar
    They are high-school boys
    Enough said

    1. א"ר אילעאי: בשלושה דברים אדם ניכר - בכוסו ובכיסו ובכעסו. ואמרי ליה: אף בשחקו. -עירובין לה

  18. The pictures from Ner Israel are from the High School.

    In my experience, and of my family and friends who were in NIRC and/or send their sons there, there has not been much public hisnagdus to Chabad there lately.

    RSYW was known to be a misnageid to Dor Shvii. But he didn't care to make a public deal about it as they did in Bnei Brak, except for that speech back in 1980. He reserved his opinion on those matters for those close talmidim who were already in Klei Kodesh and would ask him practical shailos.

    RAF is of course a misnaged. But Chabad simply hasn't been on the radar lately. His political energies have been more focused on the HaPeles-Draft business and Israeli Litvish Charedi politics.

    So it's hard for me to figure out how this panorama was thought up. I have a theory, based merely on eliminating other possibilities: That this was the work of some Alpha bochur who has some of his own personal or family background of hisnagdus to Chabad that predates his arrival to NIRC.

    There's always that bochur, who is a foaming-at-the-mouth sonei chabad; always spouting off on the various misnageid theories that he hears at home from his father, who used to be that bochur. This boy just has some itch. And it's Adar after all...

    The irony here is that the Baltimore community has been much kinder and open to Chabad in the city in the past two decades. The main Litvishe Rabbonim have been at their dinners, mossad openings, YT Kislev events etc., in a manner far greater than before 2000.

    So while this is a story, I really think it's not at all indicative of the state of NIRC, or of the Baltimore olam'she community.

    1. Well! And actual adult commented

    2. An actual adult commented impressive! In my experience I've heard many nasty comments made about other groups and even a four letter word created just to describe misnagdim

  19. very funny. Thanks for posting. I actually laughed out load. Just do not get the Trump reference...

  20. About that picture with the Hat smashing, do you guys still patronize Bencraft?

  21. איך האב אמאל גיזעהן א מעשה שהיה ביים דבר"י ז"ל פון סאטמאר שושן פירום טיש אין ביהמ"ד, א חשובער יונגערמאן פין די הנהלת העדה החרידית א ת"ח ויר"ש גדול פין די נקיי הדעת, ער האט גיקענט אויך א פרק אין "בדחנות" אין בתוך דבריו הנאמרים בפרד"ס האט ער מעלים גיווען א ווערטיל ברמז אויף ליבאוויטש, דער רבי האט דאס תומ"י תופס גיווען אין גיזאגט בחשאי אפאר ווערטער פאר ר' יוסף, ר' יוסף האט עפעס פארשריבן על אתר אויף א פאפיר, אין ארויף געשיקט פארן בדחן אויפן טיש, והוא בלי שום שהיות הוריד מעל השלחן. ע"כ

  22. Nothing here made fun chalilah of the Rabbeh Zatzal. It makes fun of the projects done by the shlichim. Why does being made fun of bother you? I don't care when Chasidim make fun of Litvaks. Anyway, it's high school boys, that means boys between fourteen and eighteen. True, if it were truly offensive it would have been taken down, but if you can get away with a Purim rov, you can get away with this. I was the target of plenty of signs on Purim in Ner Israel, and that was when I was from the chashuvei beis hamedrash. Actually, I still resent one of them. But I tell myself that the guy that put up the sign was mentally ill, although he did know how to learn.

  23. And by the way, your "Towrah" is completely inapposite. If anything, it would be "Teireh."

  24. It's just Purim shtick that bochrim in high school did as a joke. What does that have to do with the Rosh Yeshiva of the Beis medresh ?

  25. As a former NIRC HS student, I can attest that Purim "shtick" is usually the work of a handful of 11th grade students, not very well thought out, not approved by the hanhala, and taken down a few hours after it is put up.

    It is definitely not the domain of the rosh yeshiva of the yeshiva gedolah, who in general has very little to do with the high school, and does not approve (or disapprove, or probably even hear about) the purim shtick in the high school.

    This shtick is in no way indicative of - anything really - other than what a few 16-17 yr olds think will amuse their classmates.

    In Ner Yisroel there is no anti-chabad attitude, or pro chabad, there is not really any mention of chabad at all. To suggest that this shows Ner Israel's true colors on this subject is preposterous.

    With that said, I agree that this was not appropriate and that sinas chinam should be condemned in any form it takes. And besides, it really just wasn't funny.

  26. Big deal! I thought it was funny. get a grip!

  27. I noticed one mistake.

    There is a picture of your Rebbe in the sukkah (second photo)(so to speak).

    And you guys don't have Sukkah decorations. So that is off the mark.

    Right? Or do you allow Rebbe photos in your sukkah?

    But it is technically on the wall next to the Sukkah, not in/on Sukkah itself.

  28. Wow Hersh!! your alive!
    They should do this more often at more yeshivos. Maybe well get some action here again.
    Seems like that's the only thing that takes Tzig out of his coma...

  29. They're all dumb except for the whack a hat which is funny.

    Isn't the reason Lubavitchers don't wear the chassidish garb is because they're not into חיצוניות? At least R. Yoel wears his own style hat.

  30. Maybe Snags should publish Reb Yudel's number on their sites to call when Lubavitch does their Snag bashing.

  31. Why aren't you happy at the hafotzas hamaayonos? Pictures of your Rebbe hanging at a Snag yeshiva, along with a yechi banner.


  32. This is a real נהפך הוא . The chabad-niks turn into "snags." Be happy with no worries! That's what the תניא says. 😁 Happy Purim to all!

  33. What would the Rebbe respond to this type of 'humor'? Honestly, I am guessing he would either ignore it completely, not even giving it a tofes makom, OR, he might see it as a positive thing, seeing that the majority of the issues that they think that they are making fun of are actually campaigns that the Rebbe was proud of. When the anti-semite called Rothchild "A Jew", he gave the man a ruble, saying 'thank you for speaking the truth'.

  34. It's offensive to write that the Rebbe died?

  35. Its just shtick,stop victimizing yourselves and stop acting like four year old girls!!!

  36. This is not ok,how could people be so insensitive to the feelings of fellow Jews, they should know that words hurt.I am disgusted that these bocherem do not respect the culture and heritage of chabad.

  37. First of all I'm Lubavitch and I don't care, why get offended by a bunch of high school kids?! Second of all Get a life! This is what you do when you're bored disgrace the Rosh HaYeshiva and Ner Israel who do you think you are? you're going to burn!, this was probably supposed to be a shtick for the high school and high school only.

  38. nebach whoever posted this has absolutely no life! it's adar and even if it's not yeshiva purim shtick is for the yeshiva not for the public

  39. btw maybe you should put all the comments on and not just the good ones

  40. these boys are great dont
    go hard on them the stick was amazing

  41. I love chabad and all, but you guys have to admit its pretty funny.

  42. The fact that the yeshiva's hanhala allowed this to remain shows their tacit approval and what kind of "Ahavat Yisrael" these people are learning.

  43. Reminds of those people who call the garbage can and the bathroom by the names of great talmidei chachomim, because those talmidei chachomim didn't hold of their spiritual leader/yoiresh of the real estate.

    Pot calling the kettle black

  44. The truth is, this is a problem. Although Chabad is a lot worse than them, misnagdim were always held to a much higher standard. And this fails that standard. Bnei Berak did not keep the machlokes any longer than necessary. Ner Israel should know that too. Don't lower yourself to other people's standards

  45. About time chabad feels a taste of its own medicine.

  46. Rav Ruderman the first Rosh Yeshiva and founder of Ner Yisroel was known as a vehement opponent of current day Chabad. Despite the fact that he himself grew up in a Chabad family.

    It is alleged that he once asked can he oppose Chabad so strongly when his own father was a Lubavitcher. He answered along the lines of "Terach the father of Avraham Avinu was a Oved Avodah Zora. Should Avraham not have opposed Avodah Zorah because of that?"

    (If the story is true he was just making a theoretical point. His father died decades before Chabad got involved in the controversies he opposed them for)

  47. IF it is true that these pixs come from NI, I will call them to complain. My son went there, and I am appalled. The hanhala and the parents of these talmidim are to blame for their screwed up values.

  48. this blogmeister seems to be inflicted with a phenomenon of 'reverse psychology" hate those who love to visit here, and leaves comments too.

  49. i don't understand what is offensive. it is all basicly true, and stuff chabad is proud of (except the chamor bli daas). if there is anything here that makes a chabadske uncomfortable, then perhaps he needs to do some soul searching.

  50. Since when is Adar a heter for litzonis (at the very least)??

  51. This could be done in good taste , they missed the point, This will not help chabad or Jews much

  52. Forgive my ignorance but I don't realy see anything that offensive, especially enough to warrant a phone call to the yeshiva office, perhaps aside for the one about the rebbe dead if you'r a meshichist (but since you've never written about the topic I presume you aren't) all it is a bunch of Bucherim having fun. Just wondering if the brunt of the joke would have been Belz or Satmar whether you would have felt there was anything wrong. For the sake of clarity, my filter didn't let the last pic through and that might have been what got you all worked up, but I doubt it was all cause of one small part of the joke. Perhaps if you can explain what's wrong I might agree. On second thought, the one about Reb Shulem Mordche was offensive, but not to Chabad only to the rest of world Jewry as it seems to imply that the simcha of Reb Shulem Mordche only includes Chabad, which is nothing further than the truth as all Yidden felt and celebrated the same.

  53. Hi Yehupitz

    In Chabad their were two camps and mind sets and everyone had to answer. Now the Rosh Yeshivas have to answer for all as well. If they remain silent hen it is proof that they sanctioned it or agree with it.


  54. rabbi tzig---

    where are these pictures procured from?
    is there a website ?

  55. if you don't know how to laugh at yourself, no matter who you are, yuo have problems

  56. To mock & joke about a tzaddik is going into dangerous territory I'm warning all of you to stop this you have no idea what your messing around with here stupid kids!!!!!!!!!!

  57. Well if Lubavitch would stop walking around with dusty beat up hats it would give people one less thing to make fun of. Why the need to walk around with dirty beat up hats.since when is that a Jewish thing. Once your at it tuck in the shirt to

    1. spread your hate
      join now!

  58. ליקערווער חסידTuesday, February 27, 2018 9:13:00 AM

    !?נוסח אויבערלאנד "cross the line" so to speak" or נוסח אינטערלאנד

    "At the event he showed them a אבן עזרא in מגילת אסתר .. whatever" ?

    זענדל'ס תגובה מאנטאג פאברואר 26, 2018 6:16 am

    סח רבינו מטשיבין זצ"ל בשם דודו הגאון רבי מאיר רפפורט ז"ל אב"ד ליקווע מתלמידי הדברי חיים מצאנז,

    פעם נסע האדמו"ר רבי אברהם מסוכטשוב זצ"ל בעל אבני נזר דרך העיירה ליקווע, ונתעכב במעונו.
    בהיותו עייף מן הדרך ביקש האבני נזר להתנמנם, משניתן לו מבוקשו פנה אל בעל הבית רבי מאיר הרב דמתא, וביקשו שיקריא לפניו דבר תורה מתוך ספר.

    רבי מאיר פתח בספר "תשובות דברי חיים" מרבו הגאון מצאנז זצ"ל, והחל מקריא באזניו, כאשר הגיע למקום פלוני בו מפרש הרב מצאנז את דברי הר"ן, ביטל האבני נזר את הדברים באומרו: נו, "בודאי לא לזאת התכוון הר"ן". הרב מליקווע, שנמנה על גדולי תלמידי הדברי חיים, נעצב אל לבו, אך שתק ולא אמר דבר. כעבור רגעים ספורים שב וביקשו הרבי מסוכטשוב לקרוא לו מתוך ספר אחר, הפעם הוציא רבי מאיר מן הארון את הספר דברי חיים על התורה. רבי מאיר - הדגיש הרב מטשעבין - היה בקיא נפלא בספרי הדברי חיים, ועתה בחר מתוכו קטע מיוחד.  כיון שהחל קורא מיד בערו פניו של האבני נזר כלהבת אש ונשתנה צורתו, כשסיים הרב מליקווע את קריאתו, אמר לו האבני נזר; עתה תן לי בבקשה שנית את הספר תשובות דברי חיים שהראית לי מקודם, והביט זמן מה באותו ענין ששמע מקודם בביאור דברי הר"ן. וסיים הרב מליקווע את סיפורו; אחרי שנתתי להרב מסוכטשוב את הדברי חיים על התורה, כבר נתישבו לו דברי הדברי חיים בבארו את הר"ן. ע"כ. -ס' היא שיחתי, חלק א' עמוד רס"ה

    "At the event he showed them a אבן עזרא in מגילת אסתר .. whatever" ?

    זענדל'ס תגובה מאנטאג פאברואר 26, 2018 6:16 am

    סח רבינו מטשיבין זצ"ל בשם דודו הגאון רבי מאיר רפפורט ז"ל אב"ד ליקווע מתלמידי הדברי חיים מצאנז,

    פעם נסע האדמו"ר רבי אברהם מסוכטשוב זצ"ל בעל אבני נזר דרך העיירה ליקווע, ונתעכב במעונו.
    בהיותו עייף מן הדרך ביקש האבני נזר להתנמנם, משניתן לו מבוקשו פנה אל בעל הבית רבי מאיר הרב דמתא, וביקשו שיקריא לפניו דבר תורה מתוך ספר.

    רבי מאיר פתח בספר "תשובות דברי חיים" מרבו הגאון מצאנז זצ"ל, והחל מקריא באזניו, כאשר הגיע למקום פלוני בו מפרש הרב מצאנז את דברי הר"ן, ביטל האבני נזר את הדברים באומרו: נו, "בודאי לא לזאת התכוון הר"ן". הרב מליקווע, שנמנה על גדולי תלמידי הדברי חיים, נעצב אל לבו, אך שתק ולא אמר דבר. כעבור רגעים ספורים שב וביקשו הרבי מסוכטשוב לקרוא לו מתוך ספר אחר, הפעם הוציא רבי מאיר מן הארון את הספר דברי חיים על התורה. רבי מאיר - הדגיש הרב מטשעבין - היה בקיא נפלא בספרי הדברי חיים, ועתה בחר מתוכו קטע מיוחד.  כיון שהחל קורא מיד בערו פניו של האבני נזר כלהבת אש ונשתנה צורתו, כשסיים הרב מליקווע את קריאתו, אמר לו האבני נזר; עתה תן לי בבקשה שנית את הספר תשובות דברי חיים שהראית לי מקודם, והביט זמן מה באותו ענין ששמע מקודם בביאור דברי הר"ן. וסיים הרב מליקווע את סיפורו; אחרי שנתתי להרב מסוכטשוב את הדברי חיים על התורה, כבר נתישבו לו דברי הדברי חיים בבארו את הר"ן. ע"כ. -ס' היא שיחתי, חלק א' עמוד רס"ה

  59. "The purpose of this blog was to provide a counter opinion to the Chabad bashing that is so prevalent in blogosphere." -Hirshel Tzig

  60. 2 נר ישמעאל בחורים came to my house in Baltimore collecting for their amazing (rosh) yeshiva. They told me they made it as a bizayon for chabad. They asked me if crown heights cared about it I told them that we have better things to do with ourselves! I told them we need to make an issue if they make fun of the Rebbe. But we could care less about what they say about lubavitchers. I also told them that they should take down the rebbes picture from the Mikva situation. Btw he told me that they filled up the Mikva with btw they should have spellמארינו asמורינו.

  61. Can we be intellectually honest for a moment? If there was no deprecation it would not be funny in anyone's mind. In other words deprecation is the intent. Importantly, the condescending and derogatory attitude was without a doubt cultivated by: people that the perpetrators and and creators of this depiction consider their seniors, and worthy of respect. Therefore, this so-called joke speaks very clearly about the mindset infecting and festering in that community.

    Hoilelus is a direct opposite of Simcha. The former being evil (Tanya chap 1) and the latter being an imperative clearly stated in the Chumash (Ki Savo). Simchas Purim is good and leads to good things. Whereas it's opposite in the world emptiness and therefore Darkness, leads to negative things such as the entire project depicted.

    But then again, Kol haomer ain lee ela GOMORRRAH, afilu Gemarra ain loi. (i.e. They think Torah is only Gemarra) so we can not really blame them for being absolutely clueless as to the true meaning of the word Simcha, despite the fact that it is foundational to who we are and what we believe should be our life attitude.

  62. This is נר ישמאל at it's best. A anti semitic institution parading as a center of Judaic studies while indoctrinating their students with hate and שנאת ישראל.

  63. Before making fun, it is best to learn about the subject. That takes time and one link is not going to make a big difference in attitude. But one link is a start in realizing that there is much, much more to the Rebbe than the bochurim realize:

  64. Honestly i think some of it is pretty funny, and yes, there are some corny unoriginal jokes in there too. People definitely need to learn how to laugh at themselves sometimes. However, although i do find some of it funny, it's pretty clear that this was more than just a joke. When you start mocking a Rebbe, you're crossing the line, and as soon as you cross the line, well... it becomes quite obvious that the rest of the jokes weren't really jokes, and you can sense the hate in there. It's like when someone is making fun of Jews and he's actually funny, but then you find out that he's actually an Anti-Semite. Yeah, he's funny, but now you see his true colors, and it becomes clear that all of his jokes are out of hate. This is just embarrassing. Besides for the fact that they are mocking their own religion, it's sad to see Jews hating each other to such an extent. Hopefully these kids will mature a bit and understand why this was unacceptable, and start seeing the good in people instead of looking for the bad.

    Not gonna lie though, had a good laugh looking at some these.

  65. What goes around - comes around

    "And when Lubavitchers use disparaging terms like “snag” (the pejorative slang term for ‘Misnagid’, which was used to refer to those who oppose Hasidism), or "Ner Yishmael" (referring to the Yeshiva Ner Yisrael, with ‘Yishmael’)"

  66. The final image is a video? It doesn't play. Do you have the video?

  67. הרבי מלובביץ מעולם לא הזכיר את המילה מדינת ישראל
    Anonymous: "there is much, much more to the Rebbe than the bochurim realize"

    כשהרבי מלובביץ כתב מכתב לנשיא המדינה מר זלמן שזר, הוא כתב לכבוד מר זלמן שזר ללא התואר נשיא המדינה, וכן כשחיילים עברו בחלוקת הדולרים הוא אמר להם אודות שהם מגינים על ארץ ישראל ועל עם ישראל, והקפיד לא לומר ולהכיר במדינת ישראל

    אלו שיודעים יודעים, ואילו שלא שיבררו. -מאת חב"דניק

    ה' הוא מלכנו ולו אנו עבדים התורה הקדושה היא חיינו ולה אנו משועבדים. ובשלטון הכופרים אין אנו מאמינים - אין אנו מאמינים

  68. ! שייגעץ ארויסFriday, March 09, 2018 5:46:00 AM

    שלום רובשקין ועורך דינו נפגשו אמש בארה"ב עם סגן יו"ר הכנסת הר' ישראל אייכלר והודו לו על נאום התודה שנשא על שחרורו במליאת הכנסת המינים

    1. ביטאון 'בית משיח' מתפרסמת מתקפה חריפה במיוחד נגד מינויו של ליצמן לתפקיד שר הבריאות בכתבה מצוטטים דבריו של הרבי מחב"ד: דעתי ברורה, שההשתתפות בקואוליציא ועל אחת כמה וכמה, במשרת מיניסטר אסורה בהחלט על פי שולחן ערוך

  69. Rabbi Mordechai Hager, Leader of Large Hasidic Sect, Dies at 95

    Excerpts of the NYT obituarie:

    "Like most Hasidim, he believed Israel should have never been created as a state until the arrival of the Messiah.

    Nevertheless!, he recognized that the state was a practical reality and "honored" those ultra-Orthodox legislators who took part in the Israeli government. That stance often put him at odds with the Satmar Hasidim.

    And he opposed the public school district that was created for disabled students in the upstate Satmar village of Kiryas Joel.

    Rabbi Hager did not let himself be bullied by Satmar’s power. When a Satmar grand rabbi wanted to stretch the length of the Sabbath day as a mark of extra piety, Rabbi Hager refused to go along.

    At an early age, Rabbi Hager displayed maverick traits. --
    ran away to the Hungarian village Satu Mare to study in a yeshiva operated by the Satmar (Satu Mare in Yiddish) dynasty."


    1. אין שנת תש"ב איז ער אריין לערנען אין דער ישיבה פון מרן רביה"ק בעל "ויואל משה" מסאטמאר זי"ע, וואו ער האט ארויסגעשיינט אלס זעלטענער מתמיד נפלא און עובד ה'. פון דעמאלט אן האט זיך אויך איינגעפעדימט א שטארקער קשר פונעם רבי'ן זצ"ל מיט'ן סאטמארער רבי'ן זי"ע, וואס האט אים אויסטערליש מכבד געווען מיט אן אהבה וחביבות באופן יוצא מן הכלל. דער רבי זצ"ל פלעגט שפעטער אויך קומען צו פארן ביי עטליכע געלעגנהייטן זיך מסתופף צו זיין בצל רביה"ק זי"ע אין סאטמאר, וואו ער האט ארויסגעשיינט מיט זיין אצילות'דיג געשטאלט און זוכה געווען צו געניסן מיותרת הכבוד.

      אין יענע יארן האט ער געוואוינט קעגנאיבער דאס הויז פון רביה"ק מסאטמאר זי"ע, פון וועם ער איז געווען א תלמיד וחסיד מובהק, און דעריבער איז ער געווען אן אפטער גאסט ביים רבי'ן אין שטוב, און צומאל אפילו פארברענגט גאנצע נעכט בעניני השקפה, וכמים הפנים אל פנים האט ער אויך גענאסן פון אן אויסטערלישע הערצה און חביבות פון רבי'ן זי"ע. דער וויזשניצער רבי זצ"ל האט אנגעהאלטן זיין התקשרות צו רביה"ק מסאטמאר זי"ע אלע יארן, מחזק געווען זיינע אלע פעולות און הדרכות, ועדי זיבולא בתרייתא איז ער געשטאנען מיט חיזוק און עידוד לימין להבחל"ח כ"ק מרן אדמו"ר מסאטמאר שליט"א און זיין עדה הק'. ע"כ -דער איד

      אחד העם: אין וויזשניץ איז דער מנהג בכלל נישט צו מאכן קיין הספדים. וויאזוי ווייס איך? ווייל דאס האט דער וויזשניצער רבי געזאגט ווען ער האט "יא-נישט" מספיד געווען זיין רבי בעל ויואל משה מסאטמאר, ער האט דעמאלס געזאגט אז עס איז נפטר געווארן "אדונינו מורינו ורבינו" סאטמאר רב, דאס איז געווען זיין לשון, און האט דארט צוגעלייגט אז הגם אין וויזשניץ זאגט מען נישט קיין הספדים, וועט ער פארציילן עפעס אן עובדא (דאכט זיך מיר אז דאס איז געווען די תירוץ פאר די הספד)י

  70. כבר נתבאר להלכה שכל הנכנס להיות חבר הכנסת עובר על הרבה איסורים נוראים שכל אחד ואחד הוא ביהרג ועל יעבור, על הכניסה ועל השבועה ועל ההשתתפות ועל הע"ז ועל המינות וכל המסתעף וכו'. -- וכל זה ברור להלכה לאמיתה של תורה למבקשי האמת. ע"כ - ויואל משה קמד

    כמו כן השיטת ר"ת, היה ברור "להלכה" ולמעשה להדבר"י ז"ל

    ובודאי התבנית המקואות שהראית לעם.. להלכה ולמעשה, היה בעט ברבו בו.. וד"ב

    נ.ב. הרבי מגער ז"ל הבית ישראל אמר בהתפעלות מהדבר"ל ז"ל: ער איז דאך אזוי גרויס עא וואלט גיקענט מטהר זיין גאנץ ארץ ישראל, ווען נישט ער וואלט זיך אריין גילייגט אין ציונות!.. ע"כ וד"ל

  71. Ner Yishmael May have to be reevaluated for performing arts.
    this arts and crafts project is so bad. my 3 year old niece can do a better job. and spell SOMETHING right.
    oh, and it's also very wrong.

  72. I know the truth hurts....excellent shtick.

  73. Why do these chabadskers get butt hurt every time there's comedy about them? It's all part of their terribly low self confidence. They know people have good reason to look at them as weird so they desperately crave acceptance.


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