Saturday, November 3, 2018

The "irrational" Chabad come across as the must emphatic group

Received via email: (my comments in parentheses) 


What a strange legacy the Rebbe has instilled in our דור. Being right wing on the Mideast and at the same time loving every Jew. What a kiddush Hashem! The Lubavitcher school in Pittsburgh may have upset some charedim that they consider these Jews to be "legitimate" Jews and attended funerals etc., and at the same time they generally suffer the wrath of the Jewish left for their "hardline" stances; [maybe even from some of the kedoshim that were murdered here] (may G-d have mercy on the Jwish left's misguided souls) -   How do we know those pictured here are Chabad? Look at the fat Chitas the girls are holding. (Also the emblem on the sweater, but he wasn't looking that closely,  מטעמים המובנים)

I don’t buy the NYT for more than 10 years; I just saw it in a supermarket...


  1. I knew the Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill and shady side "Jewish community there" quite well, and is indeed a "community" Wich all chapters of Jews there are interwoven and support each other.. Chabad is the domineering 'charidi' Kuhila in Squirrel Hill, [not to diminish c"v rav kagen's kollel-kehila] As far I witnessed they did a phenomenal job there than, I wouldn't be surprised that many many Frum families today in Chabad there, come from the "aged" tree of life 'synagogue' where rabbi Poupko reined..

  2. מי כעמך ישראלMonday, November 05, 2018 4:44:00 PM

    I'm not saying this from an 'halach' point of view, and certainly not from a 'political' point of view in which the Israelis found a new "political" wedge how to divide the American Jewish community. (but they are fine with the evangelicals, to invite them to the Jerusalem Embassy inauguration, or whatever..).

    me personally think that this particular "act" of solidarity in mourning, in this "particular case" was a true and true

    קידוש השם שאין כמוהו! חזק ואמץ

  3. The irrational: "may G-d have mercy on the Jewish left's misguided souls"

    The "shrieking" Rabbi Mordechai Aderet from New Jersey, has a different opinion:

  4. The new Yosef Shpiel, what a crock.

  5. Vote Trump (not)! He may come next after these sefardi alien's invading the airwaves with there demagoguery speech imitating the imams. let them ride camels in the dessert, and eat falafel in there bizarre Bazaars.

    זכרנו את הדגה אשר נאכל במצרים חנם, את הקשאים ואת האבטחים ואת החציר ואת הבצלים ואת השומים, ואת החמס ואת הטחינות.. שלכם

    1. There Shwarma is madae with turkey meat not Goat meat ha.. ha..


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